Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On Being In Love

God is Love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him.-I Jn 4: 16b

When a person  is in love, they are engaging with God on a different level.

Love has to be both one of the singularly most misunderstood states on the planet , yet the most universally and profoundly grasped concept of humankind.

This Love is agape (Gk- a-ga-pay)
Relationships are the ultimate place to give and receive love. But broken people cannot give or receive love easily. When God\'s love is shed abroad in the human heart, bringing healing,love can flourish freely and fearlessly."
Agape is the daddy of all loves and at different times is given expression in all the other delightful forms we have come to think of as 'love' (and many we have not!).  But the premium, set apart quality of Agape is that it "seeks nothing in return". This kind of love , in whichever form it is expressed longs only to be expressed. It lives only to be surrendered and even so, loses nothing of itself in the doing so. It preserves all parties intact whilst simultaneously having the ability to make whole those that are broken. Where it is received, rocks sing-believe it!

This kind of Love is too good to be true!

But it is true!

The Love of God is the creative force of the universe. It sustains all things and is the energy that IS all things, including the space between all things.

The wisest thing I ever did was believe that God was in love with me. It turned my world upside down and inside out and connected me with a Presence that I could literally feel delighting in my company.

"Listen, o daughter, consider and give ear.

Forget your people and your father's house.

The king is enthralled with your beauty

Honour him, for he is your Lord" Ps 45:10-11

The king is enthralled by my!

The first verses that came alive to me from my Bible, were all like this, telling me of how intoxicatingly in love with me God is. Not with a love like anything I'd known (Ez 16:1-14). Not to use me or abuse me or exploit me or jealously possess me but to adore me, uplift me, adorn me, honour me. As I gazed upon His beauty, drawn in by his love, he showed me a truer reflection of myself and I fell in love again( 2 Cor 3:18. I love the "love version of Lisa". I choose to live there! That's what I call "Agapeism" now. It takes a bit of practise, but the more I see how God loves me and believe it, the more  those same beautiful qualities flow from deep within me, where God and I play together in the garden (SS 4:15-5:1).

About 25 years ago, as I rode a train through Sydney's inner west, I was quietly conversing with God. At one point I asked for reassurance saying "If I could just know that you love me..." ( As in feel it as real) At that moment, I looked up and out the window. We were passing flat concrete blank walls of old terraces backing up to the railway line. Blank , that is, but for the graffiti. And there before me, sliding by on a wall, these words:

"I Love you, Lisa"

I was flooded with the experience of KNOWING God's love for me again, just as I was the first time I read Ps 45:10-11 and felt the inner witness of it being spoken right then to me. I can choose to relive the reality of this love in my emotions as often as I please.  And I do. And so, more 'love notes' come in a variety of expressions. God loves me! I'm a being in the state of love and a love-being, a god-being and have my being in God. And I'm enveloped in love, one with God in this love state of being.

I believe God has given me the gift of being able to help others experience this truth in a deep, life changing, soul healing and undeniable way and I intend to do just that. So, to "whosoever will" out there who wants to know God's love for them this way...hang around. I guarantee, if this is your desire and if you hunger for it, you will be filled.

Lisa IN Oz

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