Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wisdom-Spiritual Riches I

Wisdom  for the day

As a young mum of 5, I had a deep hunger to know the best way to mould and care for my babies.
Materialistically, I had grown up with little and still had about that, but I started to explore God’s wisdom to find the answers and guidance I sought. I studied what I found in the Bible but also relied a lot on the wonderful connection I felt between me and God and His love for me.
The following passages became mantra-like for me. To know that I’d been granted access to the same forces that framed the universe gave me incredible inspiration.
“BY wisdom the Lord laid the Earth’s foundations, and by understanding He set the heavens in place.
By knowledge the mountains were formed and the clouds let drop their dew.”
Pr 24:3-4
“By wisdom a house is built & by understanding it is established
                By knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”
I concluded from these verses that God had given me the exact same abilities to raise my family (build my house) as he used to create perfection in the universe. And in James we read that we can simply ask God if we find ourselves in need of wisdom and he’ll freely give it to us (Jam 1:5)
Obviously wisdom is more than a lofty ideal. It has potent practical application.

Wisdom at the beginning of all things

Just as Pr 3 states, wisdom was from the beginning. The book of Proverbs espouses the countless benefits of walking in wisdom’s counsel. Silver, gold, honour, long life, health, safety, practical knowledge and rewarding relationships are ALL listed as blessings offered through Wisdom. Who of us doesn’t want these things and yet how often we ignore what’s available to us in the form of Wisdom, in order to acquire them? Or try to find other places that share some of these truths without encountering God because Ego doesn’t want to face Judgment. But Truth is God. Eternal. Unchanging.
Of course, it isn’t about knowing the theory of wisdom, it is about reshaping one’s beliefs to harmonise with this Logic of God. And when a person starts out on that path, that’s when he finds just how much he has been alienating himself from the Truths of God’s wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Prov 2 and Prov 8 are particularly good for a description of and the benefits surrounding Wisdom. And also the level of dedication it takes to attain her company and blessing. Nothing short of your complete commitment will yield these returns. Total alignment-and once aligned...the rest follows.

No Punishment Today

Proverbs 1:7 opens with the concept that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom” but ‘fear’ here is referred to “a reverential respect” for God and his ways...not a terror of being punished by him. God isn’t punishing anyone at this point and if anyone tells you differently, you can say that Jesus bore the punishment of ALL of, not only your past , present and future “sin”, but everyone’s past, present and future shortcomings! Anyone willing to accept this can be free of judgment, come boldly to God’s throne of Grace and experience God’s peace.
And then, on the other hand, if you encounter someone who tells you there’s no need to receive forgiveness then evaluate the fruit of their self worth.
Perhaps some can find a way to get free of judgment another way, but I’ve not really encountered it. Somewhere along the line, I find people come to a place where they can’t forgive themselves and so suffer self inflicted guilt. This is the guilt that destroys us.  Telling oneself it’s ok is not the same as freedom-trust me!
The antidote to a poor self worth is being LOVED as you are. God does this but if he hadn’t provided a gateway for man to approach him, we would still be running and hiding like Adam, when God wanted to come and commune with us. Because we feel GUILTY!
 We can’t even reason WHY we feel bad, or why we feel the need to justify. The mind and heart become an endless labyrinth-an abyss of rationalisms. Personally, I gave up trying to understand and just accepted that I can enjoy freedom from judgment without having to analyse it, by surrendering to Wisdom.
To accept this “wisdom of God” opened my heart and keeps it open to receive whatever other insights I need to live well.

To Live As I Was Designed

So I believe I was created and fashioned to live as a mini version of God, co-creating together with God using the laws he established through wisdom , understanding and knowledge ( AKA law of Attraction/ Love). In French, “knowledge” is translated “la science”. I love this as it signifies the affinity rather than enmity of God and Science. Religion and Science have had issues, but the truth about God is SCIENCE. Science just takes a little while to catch up and make instruments that measure what was previously “invisible”.
I want the wealth God intended for me...all of it! And every kind of it promised to those who walk with Wisdom.

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