Tuesday, December 6, 2011

No Luxury of A Second Opinion

Desperately Real

Many years ago, maybe  as many as 25, a preacher "spoke a word" of prophecy over me. He said  "Get desperately real with God, for you have phenomenal potential".
I already felt "desperately real" with God, making every effort with all my heart to stay consciously connected, deep in His presence and full of his truth.

What I've come to understand about a "prophetic word", when accurately delivered, is that is stays true and keeps on being true and applicable no matter the circumstances or passing of time on the human scale. 
(Me living one of my dreams)

And so today, I find myself, yet again, being reminded of this moment in my history and of my own heart's deep, deep desire to be so ONE with God that the hunger is almost painful. (and yet I wish this state upon all! lol) This "hunger" compels from a place of passion and purity within. "Deep calls to deep" the psalmist cries. ( Ps 42:7)

The key attribute of this state is a quality common to pretty much everyone, but rarely developed intentionally and where it has randomly excelled , is actually viewed as a 'disorder'. Not in my house. We're intentional with it...our Obsessive Compulsive Practises.
Yes, we've seen the down side to it, but we've also harnessed its power and applied it to be an "up" side.

Any addiction or obsession for anything or anyone is evidence of this ability. All it requires is a 100% focus on healthy content-then it will work miracles for anyone who uses it. The labour is in redirecting unruly thinking but this is entirely do-able. 

Entirely doable that is, once the commitment to "get desperate" with it is there.
W.H. Murray
Until one commits there is hesitancy, a chance to turn back, always ineffectiveness...
If you've "tried and failed", I can almost certainly guarantee it's because of lack of commitment. Somewhere along the way, you accepted a different outcome to the one you began with. You let your heart be swayed away from your goal. You were not fully persuaded which I why you were not fully committed.

Understanding The Plan
When a person commits to their dream ( Theirs alone. You cannot commit on behalf of another), there is NO plan B. The difficulty most face is determining their dream. Actually, that's not entirely true. At least, not by my experience. It is not the dream that is vague but the inability to believe it done that clouds the view.

Napoleon Hill said "Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve."
This wasn't a concept of his invention. This has been the law governing creation since God! He tapped into the knowledge of how this worked and gave his heart completely over to the process of believing it, so he could enjoy life on his own terms. He lived its truth, so he could deliver the truth with power.

With this belief as the underpinning of all he undertook he knew he could achieve anything he directed his mind toward, and proceeded to teach others likewise. Abraham in the book of Romans Chapter 4 ( from the Bible) is recorded as having done the same. The bible describes this faith as being equal to "righteousness". It is choosing to align oneself completely with universal truth.
This is Plan A and from what I can see, was the only part of the plan that was never negotiable-if you want to create the life of your desires. You will create your life regardless, but it will be chaotic and burdened with all manner of undesirable elements.

No Luxury of A Second Opinion

The most difficult aspect of living this lifestyle, for most people, seems to be the selling out of all other options. They reason with a logic akin to having a spare tyre...blow outs happen, we need a spare, a back up, insurance. There may be a relevant truth to this regarding a tyre that is material and wears out but this is not a characteristic of faith. 

And we are not left without the means to have faith. The bible says it is the gift of God and that "he has given to all ...the measure of faith". Jesus said with "faith as a mustard seed, we could move mountains" and that "anything is possible for him who believes". I want to live HERE. :-) 

What we have are counter beliefs and these throw our confidence around like a rag doll in a tempest. Once again though, we are not left without means to "fix" this. And we do it by "fixing" our hearts and minds on that which we desire. And you don't need to worry about whether God wants you to have it or not.  Romans 8 says he graciously gives us all things, all things are ours, all things pertaining to life (2Pet 1:3), every good and perfect gift from the Father of heavenly lights who does not change (Jam 1:17) And just to top it off, we are informed that God's gifts and his call are irrevocable ( Rom ) He NEVER takes them back. They are OURS to keep and do with whatever we will. So, that's settled.

As long as what we want brings no infringement on another's well being or freedom of choice, it is perfectly acceptable.
The real question here is, "Is what you want so important to you that you are willing to put everything into bringing it to fruition with regard to fully persuading your heart?" I'm not talking about doing the practical things like making a plan for your goal and following it. By all means do this too, if you wish...but FIRST become fully committed to the outcome.
Let your plan be built from this place of "Blessed Assurance" and let each step of the way be inspired action from that very same assurance. You will need it-this assurance.

If you are unsure about the way to establish your heart, I can help, but basically it is focussing your attention on the outcome and allowing yourself to believe it. When a contrary belief arises, immediately take the thought captive and bring it down by grasping the truth again. The truth that ministers to your heart and gives faith the ascendency. I have tons  of techniques that help here. The "double minded" receive nothing. You must discipline yourself to give energy and focus on that which you want. Sell out to the truth.

And finally, I'd like to leave you with the full quote of W.H. Murray and let this encourage you to commit.

Until one commits there is hesitancy, a chance to turn back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. That the moment one definitely commits oneself then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way, I have learned a deep respect for Goerthe’s couplets; “ whatever you can do, or dream you can do , begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
WH Murray. Himalayan Expedition 1951

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