Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's Love Got to Do With It?

God is LOVE. The terms are synonymous, the names interchangeable.
When a human being stands and surveys their life, wondering what part love plays, let me say this:
Love is ALL.
This Love is not restricted to some whimsical emotion that shifts with mood or circumstances. This Love is a commitment to rid oneself of the Fear that brings any and every kind of suffering. It takes the greatest kind of courage.

When what enters your life is not that which you desire, it is still Love? Yes. How so?
It is the work of Love revealing where you have Fear.

Fear and Love are the only forces at work in this world. The first of these resides in the brokenness of humanity, the latter in the wholeness of the Authentic nature deep within.

You are born of Love, but where Fear has been allowed to live and fester in your thinking, it has the ability to become the overriding motivator of your actions. It leads you to take paths that will not bring life and peace. It leads some into a pit of despair from which they feel they can never escape. I know.
All is not lost, though. It never is -in spite of how it looks or feels.

By choosing to face the circumstances, the people and yourself and realise that a deeper part of you is wanting to persevere through into Love's power and fullness, you can become a "shock absorber" and turn what was of Fear into Love, leading to the joy and fulfilment you desire.
"All things work together for good for those who love the Lord [Love] " Romans 8:28

Suffering is a cruel teacher and not the only way to learn, but when we fail to heed the voice of our own inner guidance, this breach brings pain -WITH torment. This then can become a greater force for Fear and perpetuate the cycle repeatedly...until one stops, decides to learn the lesson, feel the grief of having made our lives harder than they needed to be, forgive ourselves for being less than we wanted to be and receive the restoring work of Grace that Love alone can wrought within a soul.

Making things "right" ( that is, WHOLE), changing the fruit of our harvest, involves bringing to birth a new part of one's Authentic nature. This is no different in principle to giving birth in the natural. There are cycles of tightness and tension and discomfort but there is a part of us within that knows how to do this when left unhindered to do so. Simply surrender and breathe-just the same way a woman's body knows how to conceive, incubate and deliver a baby.

The deeper we grow into Love, the more intense this process becomes because we are uprooting major tumours and the more radiant we will be for the journey. The evidence of what manifests in a person's life is proof that they are ready to address these things, whether they feel ready or not. Their desire for what they love is drawing them.
Light up Your World With LOVE
Light up your world with Love

In the same way a mother bird knows when it's time to push the fledgling bird from the nest, so our psyche knows when it is the time to learn to fly.

All of this is the work of Love. Love doesn't come cheap. Not this kind of Love. Because Love drives out Fear. It reveals it and when allowed to do its work, drives it out,leaving the heart FREE and CLEAN.
It requires your WHOLE HEART.
But when it comes down to it, the human soul will be content with nothing less. And distraction from this purpose only gets harder to find and more anguishing to maintain.

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you"
"Draw near to Love and Love will draw near to you"

But, Love is not for the faint hearted. Be prepared to covenant yourself to Love. This is the higher way of Agapeism.

"Why spend money on what is not bread
and your labour on what does not satisfy?" Is 55:2
This is why a reverent heart that adores God stands us in such good stead and fills a being with a deep sense of purpose and nobleness.
Nothing feels as good as living TRUE TO ONESELF through and through.
Let Love and Truth abide in your inmost parts. They will protect you

Find your life in LOVE.

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