Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Alignment and Separation

The following are my own ideas and beliefs and I live by them. I write about my own life experiences and findings and as they are my own, I have the right and final authority to do so. Comments are welcome and disagreement is accepted, but arguments will never be entered into.

What do I mean by "alignment"?
Put simply, I mean to know yourself well enough, and to be brave enough, to be able to choose how you will design your life and follow through on fulfilling that blueprint-whatever it is, or isn't. It's your choice.Alignment is therefore to live in one's authentic state. To do this, a person must first know this state.

We can be living at varying degrees of alignment with our personalities  and this can be constantly changing. But what doesn't change is the sense of peace and equilibrium , joy and contentment that we experience when we are in that place of alignment.

Admiring the majesty of a massive waterfall, looking into the face of a loved one or engaging in a practise about which we are passionate are all doorways into our own personal authenticity and conscious connection with not only ourselves, but also the Source/God from which we come.

The more time and energy we give to those things that enhance this connectivity, the more aligned we become with who we really are, the happier we feel and the more opportunity is created for such endeavours. AS simplistic as this sounds, if we would just stay on this path, we would find all our desires awaiting the fulfilling. This is my absolute conviction.

"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you" Mt 6:33. In my previous blog , I referred to righteousness and alignment as being interchangeable. A person may align to many aspects of their beings without understanding the gift of righteousness. We are wired with talents and preferences and desires that make us who we are. In simply aligning with them, we will immediately experience a greater state of harmony.

So many people live so far away from their natural rhythms, rhymes and routines that this can be a huge difference. Still, the state of alignment that comes from relinquishing judgement is as far superior to this as gold is to copper.

What do I mean by 'separation'?
I consider separation to be a way of seeing oneself that is not congruent with the authentic state and to live out of synchrony with self, which leads to countless anomolies and raging pathologies that are so prolific as to now be considered normal. This life of "misalignment" has reached epidemic proportions.

All  supposed "enlightened" ones say much the same. It isn't just a Christian idea. But I feel Christianity, in its TRUE form addresses the problem like no other. This has been my experience.

If we go back to garden of Eden for a second, the story reveals that as soon as Adam and Eve ate of the tree of "the knowledge of good and evil", they felt guilty and wanted to hide. Separation and judgement came simultaneously.  When we are separate from our authentic selves, we are in a state of self judgement as well. It's inevitable.

No one living in their place of separation can restore the state of alignment completely. It must be done by one who is aligned. God, or Source's, authentic condition is unaffected by humanity's exploits. God alone has the capacity to re-callibrate us and has made a way for us to partake of that.
But it cannot be done via the Ego ( human effort) other than a simple willingness to allow it.

Ego and Authentic natures.
A person who wants to grow in Love and overcome their fears can get quite a long way if they are truly committed, but I feel that without this re-callibration, there will always come a point of undoing. For this is what the Law ( of sin and death) does. This is what was bought into when the fruit of that tree was bit into: the knowledge of good and evil is the awareness of JUDGEMENT.

It leads us to the knowledge that we are still suffering under judgement, experiencing separation and rejection. Not God's...for he made a way out of it, but under our own  if we do not partake of it. Our sense of Self never truly overcomes feeling unworthy, or feels fully valued or loved unconditionally.

Still we can achieve some wonderful elements of alignment as I said, in simply beginning to take time for those things that bring us deep and profound pleasure...even in simple things. Appreciation of and focus on these things will greatly improve the quality of our lives.

Ultimate Alignment
But the sense of "Resonant Recognition" that I experience in knowing myself as righteous in God, as a result of his gift ( of re-callibration) goes far beyond all this. The states I've experienced in being in oneness with Him and feeling God think my thoughts with me as his own and vice versa....this can only come from such an ultimate alignment. At least, I have known no other way. And whilst I do not claim to be in that consciousness all the time, I have known it as my own experience and more than a single freak occurrence.

In this place "resonant recognition", I feel my life path before me light up and vibrate back to me, the same way an  "A string" will respond to a 440hz tuning fork. As it leaps in recognition, so too does my path before me and I see with a certainty like never before.

The only thing I do is to stay focussed on what it means to be "the righteousness of God"-from the inside out...and as Mt 6:33 says...the rest is taken care of.

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