Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hmmm...Forward Momentum?

To Bliss or Not To Bliss
I have found this week a bit awkward. I probably should simply have declared it a week of BLISS, and not given any thought to trying to make anything happen. Not that I really STROVE to make anything happen, but I thought about wanting something to happen-A LOT!

When I do this, I start creating a sense of NOT HAVING, and this in NO WAY serves me. And that's why I think, at such times, it's better to simply take a 'holiday'. Just relax and know the Universe is taking care of everything.One of the best i can do this, is to simply go and enjoy myself doing things I love...because that brings a great sense of abundance.

I had a recording session, a rehearsal for Noosa Jazz Festival media Launch, bought a Lotto ticket ( coz it came to me), taught a piano lesson, did some contracting/telephone work and wrote a little, but online activity, and all the pots I have simmering, all seemed to cool instead of come to the boil.

To See or Not To See
I don't know that they have-I'm just not seeing what's happening. The process is at a place where it isn't emerging into my NOW, and so, I'm just not sure where to put my energy, or where to place my action.

I have been EFTing every day, and I can feel a few things that have come up at this timely point, that have been good to tap on. I have taken advantage of this 'lull' whether it exists solely for this purpose or not.

I guess I just want to know what's happening and when, instead of simply BEING in a place of knowing everything is happening in the way it needs to and at the proper time to be for the highest good of all. I want something to COMPLETE.

What am I saying!!?? Plenty of things have!
Workshops are booked.
Noosa is confirmed.
launch is tuesday
i got a job when i asked
got a gig when I asked ( so what am I NOT asking for this week?)

To Be and Only To Be
I want all the opportunities that presented LAST week to come to fruition, whether by those same avenues, or the next step built by another. It doesn't matter.

I think I'll go chat with Source and let him remind me of who I am. :-)


Saturday, July 25, 2009

On Being Beautiful and Powerfully Attractive


beauty is an attitude that comes from being in love
Being positively attractive is the result.

We're always attracting, but are we intentionally attracting what we want?

From as far back as I recall, God has been my best friend. A conscious dialogue existed. As with all relationships, there's been times when I've 'tuned out', or tried to, only to find I had a natural state of being at home in this Presence, so I would always just 'wake up ' there-and laugh at myself.

This blog isn't about me. It's about what I have with found with God and knowing the creator within. It's about what you have available to you in, and with, God. The answer to all things is found in the Conscious Connected Awareness of you and God/Source Energy/the Universe. In the Secret Place.

Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him/her Herein lies the Source of true and eternal beauty.
I"ve always told my girls (and boys) they were beautiful from the inside out.
Men can be beautiful too...


The Secret Place is a state of BEING.
A place of intimate connection and conception.
It is a state of perpetual alignment.
It's a place where "shekina" glory radiates and permeates all-like being inside the sun.
It is living in the point of paradox where all dichotomies are harmonised. You die, but live. You love, but let go.
In this place of Being there is fullness-ALL THINGS ARE YOURS. There is no fear, therefore, you can easily begin to manifest all the being,doing, having, and giving you desire.

Some may consider the things in their realities and not see this state as possible. not only is it is your natural and most authentic state. ANd it is the solution to everything you see as a problem. At least, this is the Truth as I have found it.

When I lose yourself in the present reality that is NOW/God, and find myself-as god-in him , I realize I have and am all I need right NOW. No ifs, buts or maybes. What follows, is that all that aligns to generating this as a pyhsical reality begins to be brought forth, delivered from the Womb of Creation where it was conceived-the Secret Place

My whole existence here NOW becomes about preserving this state of Being, and living in Conscious Awareness of this love that is ALL. Every opportunity/obstacle/relationship is a chance to grow more deeply into my own fulness, and expand in my expression as love.


The only work I need to rest. There's that point of paradox again!
Whatever it takes to get my focus back to the place of FEELING aligned and Being.
I am a human...BEING. Being is my life work.

This is why i have so many little mantras, and 'triggers'. They become a storehouse of energy for me.
Becasue I invest faith in them each time I say them...they are never diluted or emptied of power, but rather, further infused and compounded with greater energy and vitality. They become me...I become them.

Here are some of mine:
For direction: 'take only the ways that are firm'
'follow after peace'

For intimacy with God:
'like father, like daughter'
'all that i am is the dwelling place of God'
'i live in the Secret Place'

For dealing with circumstances:
'Its ALL good...all of it'...........and it really is
'All things are mine"

These little phrases encapsulate vast oceans of meaning for me now, so when i speak them to myself, or 'tap ' on them (EFT) I am 'pumped' the way a body builder is. And one of the great beauties is that there is no ego here, coz to find this place you must let it go.

(I refer to EGO here, as that part of me that is caught up in the externals of judgment and the thoughts of others. It's a 'self consciousness' that lives more in this 'time zone' and not in the ETERNAL NOW.
EGO, for me, always provides the resistence to my Authentic nature, and is FEAR/LACK driven, not LOVE compelled. It also,through its expression, reveals where I have yet to align myself to Love, and so, is a positive tool, when I utilize it this way. The Bible calls it the 'sin nature' or 'old man but I have no derogatory application in my reference-it's all good)

I have multitudes of such mantras, and have spoken them over my children all their days...and have taught them.



Monday, July 20, 2009

Making Moments (thru focussing on the feeling)

A Light to my Path

Many years ago, I found a few Proverbs that becam a great source of inspiration to me.

They spoke of how we can create our lives, and how we do it exactly the same that Source created ALL, and continues to create.

"Through wisdom a house is built,
Through understanding it is established
by knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures" Pr 24:3-4
When I found this verse so long ago, I knew I wanted to build my house this way, and I wanted those treasures. All of them. Every kind of them.

And I did it. I spent my life as a mum, creating and documenting all the rare treasures. Every room had memories and memorabilia that spoke of 'moments'. Beads of NOW all strung together that make a decor that no paint could match. Altho, I did eventually get to paint too!

Still, I don't think I realised how 'aligned' I was.

Like Father Like daughter
I also found this proverb:
"By wisdom the Lord laid the earyh's foundations
by understanding he put the heavens in place
by his knowledge the deep was divided
and the clouds let drop their dew " Proverbs 3 -19-20

When I realised that I had access to the very same 'power' that created all, and that that was what I needed to build my house/hold (home), I was awestruck.

This is why I have the mantra "like Father, like Daughter" I want to create like the ultimate creator does. The way I believe I am designed to create. This is why I'm so in love with Love/God. This Being that tells me secrets and reveals mysteries, adn has always promised to do so.

My children grew up knowing how to make the most of a moment.

NOW this is ETERNAL life

How I interpret that today, is in multiple concepts, but basically, the bottom line : THERE IS ONLY NOW
There is only EVER NOW. We live in EVER NOW. to truly understand and choose to live in the NOW is to be free.
But there are other 'benefits' that come with this understanding.
When you understand that you have only now, you begin to get a better idea of 'how to ask' for those things you desire.

It is not THINGS,or people, that we want. It is the feeling that we believe HAVING those things or relationships will give us, that we actually desire.

That being the case, we can ask MUCH more wisely for what we want. And we're also able to begin to receive the experience of it IMMEDIATELY, which leads to emerging physicalities, which in turn perpetuate the feeling of NOW HAVING and create more again...until we've had our fill of that experience.

I call that initial experience cultivating 'the state of being'. Abraham has referred to it as 'the feeling place'. I used to simply think of it as effective meditation. But basically it is about thinking about it, to the point of engaging your senses and your emotions so that they respond to the thought. Like a lucid dream

I can see, this is what I was doing way back all those years ago, to create rare and beautiful treasures.I still do it. But now I do it with an entirely new level of understanding and deliberate intention like never before. Now, I can ask for anything...and immediately HAVE IT.

It happens different ways all the time. SOmetimes my eyes are simply 'opened' to see that "all things are mine', and from then on I can see what I was missing before, and it generates that state of having form that moment. I have received all from that moment. It's only a matter of stringed together NOWS before it is fully emerged.This is one of the SINGLE MOST STARTLING THINGS! o my goodness, what we can be blind too!! Conversely, glorious revelation is to be had as well!

Other times, I have actual encounters or physical experiences that provide the stimulus for the state. Little 'signs' along the way, of being aligned, and to nourish the dream into being.

And still other times, it just goes BOOM! and it's ALL THERE IN ALL ITS SPLENDOUR, just as was asked!

All delivery modes are equally divine and perfect. Intricate in their detail and path to us, and all deserving of copious amounts of wonder and gratitude. They come via pathways, and connections that seem so random and marvellously disconnected, yet so bizarrely timed and magically synchronized. As it says in "The Alchemist" "all things are written by the one hand".
When you know we are One energy field, and that there is ONE fantastic mind, of which our consciousness is a tiny individuated fragment, then you begin to grasp how it all works together so well.


Not sure i've captured it so well-in this blog anyway, but it sure is captured well in my living!
All about me, I am surrounded by the NOWS I've given birth to, that are delivering moments of experience that fill my heart with measureless beauty and boundless joys, and all very traceable to my NOW connections, where I become consciously ONE with the desired state of BEING.

May you know this LIFE! :-)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Emergence of Love's Full Bloom

The Proof is in the Pudding
This week I have had the enormous pleasure of
grasping truths that I have long sought to master.

Many years ago, when I was 16 ( 3 decades!), I had to walk home to my mother's house in the dark. I was always terribly afraid, when I was young, of being abducted, raped...hurt etc. There were reasons why I had this fear, but I wanted to be free of it.

I didn't have to walk a long way, but it was late, and over a creek bridge, and past parkland. I wanted to run all the way, but as I went, I remembered a song I'd learnt as a 10 yr old. It went like this:
"If you know the Lord,
you need nobody else,
to see you through the darkest night.
You can walk alone.
You only need the Lord.
he'll keep you on the Road marked Right
Take time to pray, every day,
and when you're heading home, He'll show you the way.
if you know the Lord,
you need nobody else
to see the light, his wonderful light."

I guess you could say this became the theme of my life.

I always loved God. ALways talked to him, and heard him speak to me, from when I was really young. As I sang this song, I MADE myself walk. "If I believe really believe this. " i told myself, "then I don't have to run".

I still felt scared, but I SOOO wanted to believe.


The reason I bring this up here, is because I spent all those years, a little at a time, a layer at a time, working that faith through my entire psyche. My whole life has been about proving to myself that I really believe what I believe. I tested myself, over and over, pushed myself to prove to myself that I trusted the goodness of God. That I would give ALL believing, rather than accept fear and doubt.

I want to learn. I want to grow. I want to expand and be more than I am NOW...always.
I'm addicted to stretching and challenging myself to believe MORE, BIGGER, FURTHER.
I know it's all about LOVE. About Agape. "There is no fear in love, for perfect Love drives out fear".

I remember a moment, when I said "God, I just wanna be in love!" I wanted to feel alive and happy and exhilerated and passionate. Now, if you know me, you'd know that's how I live, but I needed a new level. I always need a new level. Always so hungry.
Not for anyone, or anything...from within, for God. For LOVE.
"Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in him"
Being ONE with Source has been my conscious lifelong endeavour. God/Love is always the answer to every question for me.
I am a worshipper.
I am not 'religious', or 'pious' as most would think it, but I am devoted to being in total harmony with Source/the Universe/God, and I have known the sweetest place in his heart, in that state. I have felt so known and adored by God. Even so, it has taken me all this time, to come to a place, where I feel like I am working together with God, without resistence. I am empty of it. I see it now, and let it go.

It was a process of layers, recognising fear, and yeilding, and I didn't do as well as I wanted, coz I still felt the fear. Then , I discovered that I could cease resisting fear, and that has been the freedom I sought.

Understanding how resistence has played a part in perpetuating the things I so feared, or worried about,and then, learning to really 'read' the signs that revealed resistence for what it was, these have been golden lanterns on my path.

This whole exercise has been about being fully love.

For so long I have looked for this moment. For so long, I have wanted to BE where I am NOW.
And I'm not suggesting that my growth in any way is done, but this state of "righteousness", this state of KNowing I am ONE with God, and that all He is, is me, and all I am is him...this fullness that I now LIVE in (most of the time), it is my DREAM COME TRUE.

Everything that it makes available is well and good, and empowers me to minister these Truths much more effectively, but nothing compares, for me, to where I find myself with God and the worshipper's heart that I've known has exploded in a whole new way.
I'm in love...again...and even more deeply.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Creative Alchemy


I've just started re-reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo. What a beautiful piece of literature.
So simple, so authentic and so explicitly accurate.

I pulled it from the shelf because I have a friend who is travelling away soon, and I really feel to give him my copy to read, should he find time, whilst he is away.

It wasn't because he's one whose been afraid to follow his Personal Legend, but I believe he is one who has lived his life in pursuit of it, and like Santiago, lost everything twice, but has risen again, and to greater places.

I admire his tenacity and long lasting perseverence. He's spent the last 27 years on this path. I thought he would enjoy the 'understanding' of The Alchemist. That he would see himself, and be all the more happy to know that he's lived his life so well and so fully. And that he would also see, in being faithful to pursue that, he would be led along a path that brought all else he could desire as well.

He has inspired me somehow, adn helped me to see certain like qualities in myself. I too, have spent 27 years on a certain path...being a mother. And I took the same approach to it as he did to his endeavours. I have given it everything, and have felt wonderfully rewarded through it.

I know for me, the season of child raising is ebbing and a new wave of something exhileratingly fresh is washing over my world. Maybe some kind of parallel phenomenon could be happening in his world too.

It's the principle of alchemy completed

I feel amazing.
Like I'm standing on the last cliff of the planet towering way above an endless expanse of ocean that is access to a whole new universe harbouring secrets and wonders that ceaselessly tugg at my heart. The wind along the surface of the waves gushes straight up the cliff face and swirls all about me, and beckons me, "Dance!"

Oh! How I want to dance!
Everything in me wants to engage and express the depths of this incredible state, and yet, I feel limbless, tongueless. Unable to give it usual utterance of any kind. I need another language. It is energy. Powerful Creative Energy.

I feel I exude it. And that, somehow, is all I need to do. This alone will lift me, transport me and take me places of fulfilment that leave me breathless as well.
I care about the healthiest possible way. It matters not if a plan does not eventuate. I'm not sure I even have a plan any more. I don't need one.

I just have my desires and my dreams, and I live by my favourite mantras:
NOW is all there is
Like Father, Like Daughter
Take Only the ways that are firm (and lit by fire!)
All things are mine
It's all good.
Love completely, hold loosely.

These, and others like them, are the guiders of my life, moment by moment.
I feel like a conquering hero-of none other than my own EGO.

All is so very well with my soul.
I am a champion.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Musings July 7, 2009

I'm feeling pensive.
Kinda still on the inside, like a serene and bottomless pool.
Actually, having written it that way, I feel it even more. Deep, endless and full of mysteries to plumb.

We are truly amazing creatures, are we not? Finite in our physicality, yet so expansive and incredibly equipped to travel immeasurable distances, in every direction. Limitless. Wonderful.

At times like these, I feel like the water droplet, who, having evaporated, condensed into cloud, formed rain/sleet/snow/dew, and found my way back into the great Ocean of Knowing, via a river or underground water stream, only to start over and choose a different path this time. Maybe i'd like to be ice this time, or mist, be drunk by a horse to find an entirely different journey. But in the mean time, in this vast Sea of Impossibilities, I am all. One with all that is. At peace.

May you be peaceful too:-)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Path of Zero Resistence

I have a fascination for certain views. The fascintaion itself is a source of deep curiousity and worthy of much exploration, but so are the visual compostions that stir it.

I love pathways, doors, windows and bridges. I am drawn to thresholds and boundaries between one 'world' and another . I am a shapesifter. I live LIMINALLY, in the spaces between. I am one who loves to enter and cross different places, spaces, concepts and times and take whatever form is required to function and interact there.

I can see now, as I near the physical age of 47, that my entire life has been an exercise in adaptation and metamorphosis. As change has presented, on the most part, I simply yielded to it and found a way to flow

The River Finds Its Way to the Sea
A river begins as a mountain spring, quite often. Spurting forth form a rocky bed, or gathering from surface run off. It trickles down the countryside, simply going whether gravity takes it, between trees, over and around boulders. Over time the spontaneous path is carved into the terrain. If something was too hard to go around, it pools until, another way is accessed, or if water levels and flow changed, boundaries are extended, perhaps creating ox bow lakes that linger after the flood lines ebb, another new pond.

Basically, the river does not strive to make its way to the see. It simply flows. If it encounters resistence, it goes another without hesitation. If it is blocked, it gathers momentum and force steadily and easily and simply overflows and the weight of it's growing volume removes the barrier. The river adjust completely and immediately to its surrounding, never forgetting its objective to reach the sea. It takes what we call the Path of Least Resistence.

Going With Ebbs and Tides

I see my life like this. From the time I was very young, I needed to adjust to shocking changes, and traumatic turns. And I can see that I did it much like the river. Exposure to various kinds of abuses, geographical shifts, parent splits, sibling separations...all created opportunity for adjustment to much social, emotional and physical change. This was the beginning of learning to take the Path of Zero Resistence.

This difficult beginning brought me a great gift, which has become a deep understanding of a certain Path into Peace. The principle of yielding.It was a compliancy disorder until I understood its potency when approapriately applied.

It also brought me the knowledge that I can be the agent of change in my life, rather than the victim of it.

This is crucial to the mastering of Zero Resistence.

If you think change is something thrust upon you, you will resist it vehemently, but if you see that you are the agent of change, the instigator and orchestrator of events in your life, it is futility to resist yourself.

The Mirror that is My Life

Nothing in my life is there, but by my invitation.
It could be a direct or indirect invitation, but it canot be here, unless I drew into being. God gives me everything I want. i.e. The universe perceives my focus as me calling something into being,and faithfully manifests-to perfection. To realize this is to discover a hidden treasure trove that is SO enormous, as to be almost inconceivable.

Once understood, the fascination I referred to earlier takes over, and I am drawn down countless paths of excavation and discovery, into aspects of myself that bring awe and wonder.if I'm not sure what I've been 'asking for', I need only take a look at my life. A general belief could colour my life, or a specific fear, or desire. A general belief could be that 'money is hard to come by, let alone keep', so it will always be difficult to get it. Should it come, circumstances will also come to take it away. I may not consciously design the specifics, but the belief ruling my heart is ensuring I get exactly what I believe. Even when it isn't so, I will see it this way, because that belief will dictate my perception.

There is no judgment of 'good' or 'bad', or 'right' or 'wrong'. Source energy doesn't argue over the health or benefits of what we focus on, but faithfully brings into physical fruition-assuming, from our focus, it is what we want.

Zero Resistence

The reason Zero Resistence is so important, is because reisistence is a major force of focused energy. In aiming it at something, we make it much more, drawing ever more of it into our created reality. "What we resists, persists" Where there is no resistence, the condition will simply pass through our existence, like a boulder in the path of the river. In the meantime, we clarify further, what we do and don't want to create for ourselves, and where best to place our energy accordingly.

Not only does Zero Resistence plug up energy leaks, but it makes a big, broad all encompassing net by which all I am wanting can come abounding toward me. It removes any hindrances. Completely.

Always Thinking

ince I am a conscious thinking and emotional centre, I am always emitting some energy vibration that is drawing to me whatever is aligned to creating that state in my physical experience. It makes sense then, for me to cultivate an undercurrent of thought and feeling that fosters what I want, not what I don't want. The universe will faithfully materialize it , and I cannot deny what comes forth as being my own creation.

I determined I would eradicate any trace of fear, or lack, or doubt, by CHOOSING to believe in who I am as connected with and indivisible from God/Source energy/the Universe. ONE energy field means I am connected to all, and to some degree permeate all.

If I am one with God and all, then what would be denied me? All things are mine. So what could I possibly lack?i have no need to compete. I create. And if I am orchestrating all things by my focus, then who else is there to create by design for me? And all that arises is good, because it reveals where my focus is. So, I can be genuinely grateful, rather than resist it too. In this, I learn my lesson quickly, and graduate top of the class in no time, catapulting me to the state of BEING actually desire to be, and then its made manifest.

North to my Heart Compass
"It's ALL good". And "ALL things are mine" have become my answer to almost everything. Having practiced them for some time and seen their power (and humour!) to apparently alter everything, I rely on them for setting my focus. They are 'north' to my heart, and my heart is inarguably the compass of all that is my life.

They make it MUCH easier to stay on the Path of Zero Resistence and fully aligned to my dreams and there is nowhere else, and no ONE else that I would rather be! :-)