Monday, July 20, 2009

Making Moments (thru focussing on the feeling)

A Light to my Path

Many years ago, I found a few Proverbs that becam a great source of inspiration to me.

They spoke of how we can create our lives, and how we do it exactly the same that Source created ALL, and continues to create.

"Through wisdom a house is built,
Through understanding it is established
by knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures" Pr 24:3-4
When I found this verse so long ago, I knew I wanted to build my house this way, and I wanted those treasures. All of them. Every kind of them.

And I did it. I spent my life as a mum, creating and documenting all the rare treasures. Every room had memories and memorabilia that spoke of 'moments'. Beads of NOW all strung together that make a decor that no paint could match. Altho, I did eventually get to paint too!

Still, I don't think I realised how 'aligned' I was.

Like Father Like daughter
I also found this proverb:
"By wisdom the Lord laid the earyh's foundations
by understanding he put the heavens in place
by his knowledge the deep was divided
and the clouds let drop their dew " Proverbs 3 -19-20

When I realised that I had access to the very same 'power' that created all, and that that was what I needed to build my house/hold (home), I was awestruck.

This is why I have the mantra "like Father, like Daughter" I want to create like the ultimate creator does. The way I believe I am designed to create. This is why I'm so in love with Love/God. This Being that tells me secrets and reveals mysteries, adn has always promised to do so.

My children grew up knowing how to make the most of a moment.

NOW this is ETERNAL life

How I interpret that today, is in multiple concepts, but basically, the bottom line : THERE IS ONLY NOW
There is only EVER NOW. We live in EVER NOW. to truly understand and choose to live in the NOW is to be free.
But there are other 'benefits' that come with this understanding.
When you understand that you have only now, you begin to get a better idea of 'how to ask' for those things you desire.

It is not THINGS,or people, that we want. It is the feeling that we believe HAVING those things or relationships will give us, that we actually desire.

That being the case, we can ask MUCH more wisely for what we want. And we're also able to begin to receive the experience of it IMMEDIATELY, which leads to emerging physicalities, which in turn perpetuate the feeling of NOW HAVING and create more again...until we've had our fill of that experience.

I call that initial experience cultivating 'the state of being'. Abraham has referred to it as 'the feeling place'. I used to simply think of it as effective meditation. But basically it is about thinking about it, to the point of engaging your senses and your emotions so that they respond to the thought. Like a lucid dream

I can see, this is what I was doing way back all those years ago, to create rare and beautiful treasures.I still do it. But now I do it with an entirely new level of understanding and deliberate intention like never before. Now, I can ask for anything...and immediately HAVE IT.

It happens different ways all the time. SOmetimes my eyes are simply 'opened' to see that "all things are mine', and from then on I can see what I was missing before, and it generates that state of having form that moment. I have received all from that moment. It's only a matter of stringed together NOWS before it is fully emerged.This is one of the SINGLE MOST STARTLING THINGS! o my goodness, what we can be blind too!! Conversely, glorious revelation is to be had as well!

Other times, I have actual encounters or physical experiences that provide the stimulus for the state. Little 'signs' along the way, of being aligned, and to nourish the dream into being.

And still other times, it just goes BOOM! and it's ALL THERE IN ALL ITS SPLENDOUR, just as was asked!

All delivery modes are equally divine and perfect. Intricate in their detail and path to us, and all deserving of copious amounts of wonder and gratitude. They come via pathways, and connections that seem so random and marvellously disconnected, yet so bizarrely timed and magically synchronized. As it says in "The Alchemist" "all things are written by the one hand".
When you know we are One energy field, and that there is ONE fantastic mind, of which our consciousness is a tiny individuated fragment, then you begin to grasp how it all works together so well.


Not sure i've captured it so well-in this blog anyway, but it sure is captured well in my living!
All about me, I am surrounded by the NOWS I've given birth to, that are delivering moments of experience that fill my heart with measureless beauty and boundless joys, and all very traceable to my NOW connections, where I become consciously ONE with the desired state of BEING.

May you know this LIFE! :-)

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