Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Creative Alchemy


I've just started re-reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo. What a beautiful piece of literature.
So simple, so authentic and so explicitly accurate.

I pulled it from the shelf because I have a friend who is travelling away soon, and I really feel to give him my copy to read, should he find time, whilst he is away.

It wasn't because he's one whose been afraid to follow his Personal Legend, but I believe he is one who has lived his life in pursuit of it, and like Santiago, lost everything twice, but has risen again, and to greater places.

I admire his tenacity and long lasting perseverence. He's spent the last 27 years on this path. I thought he would enjoy the 'understanding' of The Alchemist. That he would see himself, and be all the more happy to know that he's lived his life so well and so fully. And that he would also see, in being faithful to pursue that, he would be led along a path that brought all else he could desire as well.

He has inspired me somehow, adn helped me to see certain like qualities in myself. I too, have spent 27 years on a certain path...being a mother. And I took the same approach to it as he did to his endeavours. I have given it everything, and have felt wonderfully rewarded through it.

I know for me, the season of child raising is ebbing and a new wave of something exhileratingly fresh is washing over my world. Maybe some kind of parallel phenomenon could be happening in his world too.

It's the principle of alchemy completed

I feel amazing.
Like I'm standing on the last cliff of the planet towering way above an endless expanse of ocean that is access to a whole new universe harbouring secrets and wonders that ceaselessly tugg at my heart. The wind along the surface of the waves gushes straight up the cliff face and swirls all about me, and beckons me, "Dance!"

Oh! How I want to dance!
Everything in me wants to engage and express the depths of this incredible state, and yet, I feel limbless, tongueless. Unable to give it usual utterance of any kind. I need another language. It is energy. Powerful Creative Energy.

I feel I exude it. And that, somehow, is all I need to do. This alone will lift me, transport me and take me places of fulfilment that leave me breathless as well.
I care about nothing...in the healthiest possible way. It matters not if a plan does not eventuate. I'm not sure I even have a plan any more. I don't need one.

I just have my desires and my dreams, and I live by my favourite mantras:
NOW is all there is
Like Father, Like Daughter
Take Only the ways that are firm (and lit by fire!)
All things are mine
It's all good.
Love completely, hold loosely.

These, and others like them, are the guiders of my life, moment by moment.
I feel like a conquering hero-of none other than my own EGO.

All is so very well with my soul.
I am a champion.

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