Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Musings July 7, 2009

I'm feeling pensive.
Kinda still on the inside, like a serene and bottomless pool.
Actually, having written it that way, I feel it even more. Deep, endless and full of mysteries to plumb.

We are truly amazing creatures, are we not? Finite in our physicality, yet so expansive and incredibly equipped to travel immeasurable distances, in every direction. Limitless. Wonderful.

At times like these, I feel like the water droplet, who, having evaporated, condensed into cloud, formed rain/sleet/snow/dew, and found my way back into the great Ocean of Knowing, via a river or underground water stream, only to start over and choose a different path this time. Maybe i'd like to be ice this time, or mist, be drunk by a horse to find an entirely different journey. But in the mean time, in this vast Sea of Impossibilities, I am all. One with all that is. At peace.

May you be peaceful too:-)

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