Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Path of Zero Resistence

I have a fascination for certain views. The fascintaion itself is a source of deep curiousity and worthy of much exploration, but so are the visual compostions that stir it.

I love pathways, doors, windows and bridges. I am drawn to thresholds and boundaries between one 'world' and another . I am a shapesifter. I live LIMINALLY, in the spaces between. I am one who loves to enter and cross different places, spaces, concepts and times and take whatever form is required to function and interact there.

I can see now, as I near the physical age of 47, that my entire life has been an exercise in adaptation and metamorphosis. As change has presented, on the most part, I simply yielded to it and found a way to flow

The River Finds Its Way to the Sea
A river begins as a mountain spring, quite often. Spurting forth form a rocky bed, or gathering from surface run off. It trickles down the countryside, simply going whether gravity takes it, between trees, over and around boulders. Over time the spontaneous path is carved into the terrain. If something was too hard to go around, it pools until, another way is accessed, or if water levels and flow changed, boundaries are extended, perhaps creating ox bow lakes that linger after the flood lines ebb, another new pond.

Basically, the river does not strive to make its way to the see. It simply flows. If it encounters resistence, it goes another without hesitation. If it is blocked, it gathers momentum and force steadily and easily and simply overflows and the weight of it's growing volume removes the barrier. The river adjust completely and immediately to its surrounding, never forgetting its objective to reach the sea. It takes what we call the Path of Least Resistence.

Going With Ebbs and Tides

I see my life like this. From the time I was very young, I needed to adjust to shocking changes, and traumatic turns. And I can see that I did it much like the river. Exposure to various kinds of abuses, geographical shifts, parent splits, sibling separations...all created opportunity for adjustment to much social, emotional and physical change. This was the beginning of learning to take the Path of Zero Resistence.

This difficult beginning brought me a great gift, which has become a deep understanding of a certain Path into Peace. The principle of yielding.It was a compliancy disorder until I understood its potency when approapriately applied.

It also brought me the knowledge that I can be the agent of change in my life, rather than the victim of it.

This is crucial to the mastering of Zero Resistence.

If you think change is something thrust upon you, you will resist it vehemently, but if you see that you are the agent of change, the instigator and orchestrator of events in your life, it is futility to resist yourself.

The Mirror that is My Life

Nothing in my life is there, but by my invitation.
It could be a direct or indirect invitation, but it canot be here, unless I drew into being. God gives me everything I want. i.e. The universe perceives my focus as me calling something into being,and faithfully manifests-to perfection. To realize this is to discover a hidden treasure trove that is SO enormous, as to be almost inconceivable.

Once understood, the fascination I referred to earlier takes over, and I am drawn down countless paths of excavation and discovery, into aspects of myself that bring awe and wonder.if I'm not sure what I've been 'asking for', I need only take a look at my life. A general belief could colour my life, or a specific fear, or desire. A general belief could be that 'money is hard to come by, let alone keep', so it will always be difficult to get it. Should it come, circumstances will also come to take it away. I may not consciously design the specifics, but the belief ruling my heart is ensuring I get exactly what I believe. Even when it isn't so, I will see it this way, because that belief will dictate my perception.

There is no judgment of 'good' or 'bad', or 'right' or 'wrong'. Source energy doesn't argue over the health or benefits of what we focus on, but faithfully brings into physical fruition-assuming, from our focus, it is what we want.

Zero Resistence

The reason Zero Resistence is so important, is because reisistence is a major force of focused energy. In aiming it at something, we make it much more, drawing ever more of it into our created reality. "What we resists, persists" Where there is no resistence, the condition will simply pass through our existence, like a boulder in the path of the river. In the meantime, we clarify further, what we do and don't want to create for ourselves, and where best to place our energy accordingly.

Not only does Zero Resistence plug up energy leaks, but it makes a big, broad all encompassing net by which all I am wanting can come abounding toward me. It removes any hindrances. Completely.

Always Thinking

ince I am a conscious thinking and emotional centre, I am always emitting some energy vibration that is drawing to me whatever is aligned to creating that state in my physical experience. It makes sense then, for me to cultivate an undercurrent of thought and feeling that fosters what I want, not what I don't want. The universe will faithfully materialize it , and I cannot deny what comes forth as being my own creation.

I determined I would eradicate any trace of fear, or lack, or doubt, by CHOOSING to believe in who I am as connected with and indivisible from God/Source energy/the Universe. ONE energy field means I am connected to all, and to some degree permeate all.

If I am one with God and all, then what would be denied me? All things are mine. So what could I possibly lack?i have no need to compete. I create. And if I am orchestrating all things by my focus, then who else is there to create by design for me? And all that arises is good, because it reveals where my focus is. So, I can be genuinely grateful, rather than resist it too. In this, I learn my lesson quickly, and graduate top of the class in no time, catapulting me to the state of BEING actually desire to be, and then its made manifest.

North to my Heart Compass
"It's ALL good". And "ALL things are mine" have become my answer to almost everything. Having practiced them for some time and seen their power (and humour!) to apparently alter everything, I rely on them for setting my focus. They are 'north' to my heart, and my heart is inarguably the compass of all that is my life.

They make it MUCH easier to stay on the Path of Zero Resistence and fully aligned to my dreams and there is nowhere else, and no ONE else that I would rather be! :-)

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