Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Launching My Escape into Eternity

Hmmm...as far as the calendar is concerned, it is July 1st, 2009.
As far as I'm concerned, it is simply NOW.

For many, many years of my life I thought "Time" was my absolute greatest resource.

I never had a lot of money, and valued my time far more than any money. I thought the best way to capitalise on my time was to learn how to manage it, invest it, leverage it, even save it.

I loved the concept of Time Management, the principle of setting goals, and of having long terms plans, because all of these things gave me a sense of being in control over my life.

Of course, unless I built in a plan for generating income, many of my monetary based goals (if I bothered to set them at all), could never come to fruition. Plus, I had a lot of baggage that made it pretty near impossible for Money to get near me, let alone hang around! I resented Money. Resented having to have it and didn't like what I felt it brought out in people. I blamed Money for an awful lot of stuff.

That meant too, that I was ALWAYS looking for alternative ways to accomplish my desires. Creativity and innovation, and time to create became much more valued in my estimations. Thinking and creating became almost one and the same over time...ha!..time

A Quantum Shift

But something shifted in me a couple of years ago.

I'd boarded a plane for a four day trip away and forgotten my watch. I couldn't put my phone on as it wasn't in Flight mode.
I took this as a 'cue' from the Universe to 'forget time' until it was time to fly back.

And I did.
Not once did I ask what time it was. So many around were time oriented, I didn't even need to, in order to catch my plane back! Of course,there's a practicality to time, but I dare to venture, that most live in a feeling a 'lack of time'.
And I've started to hear the term 'time poor', more and more.

NOW or Never
Can I ever really be time poor, if I have NOW. Who has any more or less?

I started to see Time and my attitude toward it, could bear all the same marks as money. Time had gone further than being a commodity...it had become a form of currency-adjusting in value depending upon the economics of people outside of myself.

People could, and did, change where an hour was placed in a day. I never warmed to Daylight savings. I love LONG mornings. That's why I like Queensland. But it wasn't until I realised these things about time, that I realised I could live a life separate from the 'timing' of others.

I began to conceive the idea of living in NOW, and 'outside' of time-in ETERNITY.
"NOW, this is ETERNAL life"
All over the world, people are in various degrees of today, tomorrow and yesterday, but yet, it is undeniably ALL NOW. The only way to truly leverage and maximize time is to live FULLY, NOW.

Another Shift
A couple of years ago i heard a man by the name of Stephn Covey Sr say:
"You don't need money to make money, you need Creativity"
When he said that, my entire universe opened up! I had spent my life fostering and nurturing all manner of creativity and re-conceptualizing, since I was REALLY young.

My circumstances required being able to rearrange the way I saw things,so that I could find the good in life, and alternatives became my specialty. And I practiced the art perpetually.

This brought about a massice shift in my mindset toward generating Money, and the culminating piece of that puzzle was changing the way I saw Money. And that has revolutionalized everything.

With Creativity/Thinking as my recognized most valuable resource, I became the richest person that I knew, because these practices had become central to all that I see myself as.

A Thinker and a Creator

I Don't Age...I Evolve

Now, I have a totally 'smashed' view of Time and everything is in perfect timing.
All that is my life is about synchronicity and knowing that "All things are mine", because I have the resources to create anything I can conceive. The 'whens' and 'hows' don't matter any more, since as soon as I see myself as BEING/HAVING/DOING/GIVING in the NOW, then I have received it.

The process has been conceived and is in gestation, and will inevitably be birthed into the physical line of 'time'.

Now, my goals are simply desired outcomes. Thay are a collage, a patchwork, a multiplicity of layers of experience. And by the time a desired outcome has materialized, I'm already in the incubating state of another, and another, and another...ad infinitum. NOW, I am living in eternity.

Now I Am
...and it's ALL good! :-)

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