Monday, June 29, 2009

Liminal Musings-adding Body to the Mix

LIMINAL DEFINED which is kind of not possible, given it's 'blurry' nature lol

for those who don't know and haven't read previously, 'liminal', refers to the 'space between'. it is the blurred boundary between perceived objects, where what they are, actually merges, creating something new and unique that is both, yet neither, BECAUSE it is the stretch of sand that is beach at low tide, but fully ocean when the water level rises.

i love to know myself as one with Source Energy in all the spaces between what we recognise thru our physcal senses.

In this case, I refer, to the space between life's twist and turns, and all that continues to grow and expand, having had the seasons of intense conception through energy based connection that such challenges can give rise to.

What I mean is, at certain times, we are blessed with opportunities for stillness and reflection, in preparation for the changes that are needing to take place, for our development. These are times to align ourselves more completely with what we want in our lives, but often people misread them, and actually use them as time to fret over what is ending, instead of focussing their energy on what is desiring conception.

God!! If I could do justice to what pondering such ideas does to me!!!!

this is a GREAT line!! and would be so cool to build a song around.

I'm refering here to the principle of material taking form around the energy constructs in place. In other words, throughout May, my month of Networking, I discovered wonderful truths and powerful forces available for our deliberate and focussed use, on an energy level. I believe all the necessary initial connections I desire for all I currently long to bring into my physical world were forged through this time.

And I believe the physical working out of those things is what's happening now. That emerging into the physical is what I call "adding Body to the mix". If creating our lives is made up various elements or ingredients, and the method of blending is the energy connection, then the baking adds firmness to the recipe, to give us our finished human experience.


there is no time, other than NOW.

As I've said before, I believe the physical form of something is the 'end' of the process, not the beginning. When something emerges physically into my NOW experience, it has already been in existence in my ENERGY NOW state of BEING. When it bursts forth into form, it has completed the former state, and it brings with it NEW desires for MORE experience and a more expansive state, which then leads to new NOWs to come- ha! FUTURE NOWS lol gotta love this 'bending' of concepts!!


And yet, we have static energy in our hair, and feel a little shock from it...hmm...this could be a new line of thought to travel down-I just detoured to look up the meanings of static and it's frought with all manner of 'contradictions' and contrasts. A REAL tin of worms that could be AWESOME fun to open..but not right :-)
but for now, I'm referring to the fact that we are NEVER not moving. Energy is always moving.

"Life must beget life" If it isn't moving and expanding, it isn't 'alive'. ANd since energy is always moving, everything is always 'alive', even if we think of it as solid and inanimate. All things as are equally dispersible. All things are pourous, having spaces between their moving particles. Always room to grow.

But my intention determines what will 'grow'. One way or another I am growing and changing, giving physicality to my energy focus.
Bearing this in mind, I want to harness all that I desire in my focal heart. When something alien to my authentic nature wants access, I don't resist it. I refocus.


Now, I use EFT in the good times too, but I find it has the most incredible liberating power for those times, when my focus has been suddenly plunged into a pit, unexpectedly and bottomlessly.

At these moments, when I feel utterly 'taken over' by a belief or feeling, I use EFT to completely YIELD to the feeling and thought and fear, and just BLURT IT ALL OUT!!


This is the height of "wise madness"! Herein lies the total disempowering of RESISTENCE.
It's like saying "Go ahead! Make my day!"
It's like chucking down the glove with joyful abandon to 'duel to the end'.
It's like 'running the gauntlet' with absolutely no thought given to the outcome. No attachment to it, because my entire focus has become totally about the challenge that every fibre of my being embraces as necessary for growth.
It's all a game.

"The champion rejoices to run his course"

Ah! This is living! And who'd have thought I could find it in the pit of blackness!?

But the essence that is life is EVERYWHERE... and it awaits my definition, in order that it may come into being.

What will I call it, NOW?

have an awefilled, magnificent day! :-)

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