Monday, May 3, 2010

DIY Designer Change

DIY Designer Positioning

This week, I’m presenting something a little different.
Generally, my slant on everything about life takes an holistic bias. I like working on everything from the inside out. I do get practical in my application too, but not necessarily in the typical linear way. I’m not primarily a left brain thinker. I desire very much for balance in my overall thinking processes, and for some of them, I get the assistance of friends and advisors I know have an excellent grip on those things that I’m not so adept in, so I can glean from their viewpoint.

So, this week, I’m taking more of a business tack on some of my DIY designer ideas and looking at ways we can shape our ‘package’ to position ourselves authentically and desirably in the market place. And to help me do that, I have a great friend and business colleague, Jason Spurlock joining me for my Blog Talk Radio Show May 11.

What we’re going to be looking at is how we can take some of the ‘designer’ ideas and bring them into a place of action. Everyone’s action can be different and motivation unique, but ultimately there are aspects of the process that remain consistent throughout, and via which most, if not all, goals are achieved.

AS Jason mentioned to me, Tony (Anthony) Robbins, the well known personal development guru, talks about a three prong process. These spearheads are :
1. Focus
2. Physiology
3. Language


Under this heading, I want to look at my usual starting place...”designer alignment”. This seems be irrevocably and always the starting place for any venture.
Set your sights on what and where you want to be.

Consider where you find yourself today and what the mirrors in your life are presenting to you. How are they revealing what needs to be adjusted for you to reach the desired outcome? How is this showing up in circumstances and what struggles or conflicts is it presenting?

Now, focus yourself again on the person you feel you will become in the process of achieving your goal. How do you look as the person who is successful in this venture? What is your dominant attitude and vibe? How do you handle crisis? Why do people turn to you? What are you giving to them?

How do you look? Where do you present yourself...what circles? Corporate, Retail, Community, etc. How do you speak? What manner of things do you say to yourself of yourself? How do you think of other people? How is your day laid out?

Set these things in your mind as your magnetic NORTH, like the compass you will work to, and attract to you. Regularly, refer to your compass, and do what you can to strengthen its drawing power, by feeding your focus well. Learn to think and focus like someone who is where you wish to be.


One of the ways you can apply this, is studying the ways these people are walking their focus out. Even if they differ in what they do, the elements of their success will be relevant. What is their posture and stance, their demeanour and dominant presence? How is this reflected in the way they literally walk, talk, dress and relate.

Our physical bodies are a direct reflection of our self opinion. What do you feel yours says about you? What about those of whom you think is the physiology adding to that? With those that don’t summon that respect from does THEIR posture give away their opinion of themselves.

In the same way that donning a mask and wearing a costume make it easier for us to assume a different role or character, so, physicalizing the elements that a successful person walks in will actually begin to send those signals through your physical muscle memory. Every cell of your being is intelligent. You are disrupting old habits of being, and SUPPORTED by the mental shift in focus will begin to create new sets of habits to go with that mind set change, helping to establish the two as a powerful set of triggers.

Assuming a physical state has attached emotional conditions and can reveal conflicting belief issues, too. EG If a person of self worth stands erect and healthfully proud, he could feel arrogant. This could become a hindrance to the process, and with techniques like good old EFT, this resistance can be worked through.


Finally, the third of the three prongs is language. As with the physiology, language reveals an enormous amount about where a person really stands in relation to a healthy self image, and it shows not only in their self talk, but also in their talk and attitudes toward others.
It’s an inescapable fact, that as we are toward others, is actually how we are to ourselves, if not overtly, then most definitely covertly. In other words, if we are judgmental and critical of others, we will always feel the associated affects of being judged (unacceptability) and being found deficient (unworthiness). Likewise, as the adage, “love thy neighbour as thyself” implies, the two are relative.

So...what does your language reveal about your thinking? Consider when you hear yourself use words like ‘should’, ‘never’ and ‘always’. How much of your conversation with others, or playing in your head is about circumstances? How is what you hear coming out of your mouth different to that which you hear come from those who are where you want to be?
Build awareness, of yourself and the company you keep. What is their language like and what does it reveal? “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. Just like your physiology, your language will work for or against you. As you reset your focus and your stature, re-educate your tongue as well. Implementing change by choice, SUPPORTED by the other areas, will work wonders.

Develop an integrity with your words. Spend your words on what counts. Your focus will shift if your tongue strays. Your language will help to align you, and as you speak those things you mean and want and believe in passionately, will draw your emotions up to a higher level too.
It will get easier for all these things to work together.

The Balance of Power

So...bring some balance. The bizarre thing is that consciously we determine to control through our will, but it is our subconscious that rules the outcome. When we work with the two in harmony, identifying and removing the resistance, there can be an harmonious free flow between the two and productivity is vastly improved.

Be sure to listen into the show next week, when Jason and I look at how using these principles can help to design a distinct and strong position, both within ourselves as creative individuals, and in the market place as effective contributors to lives of others.

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