Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DIY Designer Living-Studies in Conscious Creation

Studies In Conscious Creation

Before anything can take a physical form, it needs to have existed as a concept in the imagination of someone. Our universe is created through thought waves converting energy from one form to another. Energy is the life force, and it has intelligence. I call it God, Source , Source Energy, Daddy God, the Universe. I like the term “lord”...because it feels Personal for me, and it really mean “I Am”.

My favourite is probably Source though, coz it makes it easy for people to understand their relationship with energy and Source-ONE. ALL ONE. Whilst I never felt alienated from God, I didn’t always feel the power of the connection. I always believed in it, but didn’t know how to clear the cobwebs that seemed to develop through my troubled teen years.

I use to sit at my window at night, look up at the stars, and say “I know you are talking to me, but I don’t know how to hear you.” (Sure got over that!)

It’s been my desire for as long as I can remember, to live my life the way that I believe I was designed to. Of course, over the years, I’ve gotten better and better at articulating that, but the desire has ALWAYS been a conscious preoccupation.

Years ago, I discovered some proverbs that read

“Through wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,

By understanding, he set the heavens in place.

By his knowledge the mountains were created

And the clouds let drop their dew.” Pr 3:19-20

Then, I found this too...

“Through wisdom a house is built

Through understanding it is established.

By knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” Pr 24:3-4

Truly ,from that day I knew like I’d never know before that I could INDEED create my life the very same way God had created ALL that is, because I knew I had free access to all the wisdom, understanding and knowledge that I could ever want. This was well over 20 years ago.

I lay this foundation to show that my understanding and experience of everything that I share has been born from this connection I have with Source. I have been almost desperate to know myself as ONE with Source. I know what it is to be caught up in glory and know mysteries. Sometimes, I am so hungry for more, and so thirsty for filling, that I feel I will collapse from within.

But, my lover always comes. He comes when I am so faint with love and weak with desire. And he possesses me. We fuse as one and for a moment I am satiated. From that extreme conscious oneness, life comes forth with dizzying colour and sensory awakening. I am deeper, broader, longer, higher. It is this KNOWING that fuels all that I am, all that I do, and taught me how to create my life on purpose.

It is also because of the reality of this Connection that I am able to ‘release’ my vice like grip on the things I so wish to experience in my life. As with all things, it’s been a process, and the climate for mastery was nowhere near the supportive community it is now.

Today, people have a much ‘lighter’ and ‘brighter’ energy to ride. It’s easier to believe than it used to be, not only for the role models who went through decades of preparation for this time, but because the energy atmosphere is far more conducive through the Collective Consciousness toward illumination.

However, it is a time of contrasts. The dividing line between those who live in fear and those who choose to learn to trust love, will broaden, and with it, the contrasting lifestyles of lack and abundance, sickness and well being.

Now really is the time to learn how to fly with this.

Time to come out of the cocoon and into the light, stretch those wings and bring all your colour into the world.

So...do you know what you want?

Do you know what lights your fire?

I really would like to help, but I need feed back to offer the best advice to develop awareness...not only of what You want, but also of how you’ve already created your current life experience.

How would you like me to help you?

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