Saturday, May 29, 2010

Light in the darkness-oct 08 blog reviewed

This is another significant blod to show my transition...

Hi again!
It's morning, and I have made some interesting progress through the dark stillness. (I call this "charlotte's portal" )

Just after midnight, and I woke up. I must have dozed off for a bit but awoke again shortly after and was unable to sleep, my head intensely bombarded with all the fiery darts of fear and financial anxiety. I could feel myself sinking deeper into the old, and all too familiar spiral, that literally drives the hair right out of my head! Like a floating orb that had crossd the 'event horizon' of a black hole,I was slipping away and I just didn't seem to be able to help myself.


I sat up in bed, donned my iPod ear phones and listened to Napoleon Hill and a reading of Orison Swet Marden( both from Success magazine). Then I perfromed EFT on myself, but was so scattered in my thinking I could;t even coin a phrase! Focussing on the feeling is the issue anyway, and that' was NO trouble. I lay back down, feeling no different, but still couldn't sleep.

By this time it's 2 a.m., and I fall back on my faithful writing tool, which aids in the process of focussing my thoughts and intentions. I really AM a compulsive writer. I 'preach ' myelf happy.

Of course, I started out exploring the terrible way I was feeling-hopeless and so tired of being in this place again. I was infuriated with myself, coz I've known and expereinced so much, adn should be passed falling into this place. I could see the 'lack' i had let creep in and it was destroying all my joy.


I looked up and saw a shooting star. Of course, I was immediately transported to thinking about how much I love seeing shooting stars, and how good God is for giving me one right then.
From there, without any thought, I just started to list some of the many things i love: to ponder, to share, to do, be, have and give.

I wrote pages and I let them fill me afresh with the joy of living.
I love EFT and how it goes to work like an anonymous fairy godmother when you've forgotten you've asked for help.
I see EFT as the most humble of God's healing tools. The way it works, you could 'miss it' and never give credit where credit is due, unless you're truly paying attention.


That's where things started to change. By the light of a tea light lantern, out on the balcony in the deep purple breeze, I found a better place to view things, and a major burden of the past few weeks lifted.

I wrote for half an hour, and went back to bed...but still not to sleep.
Only now, I was receiving GOOD things. Answers, insights and plans.
I wanted to get up and get started on them!

I finally dozed off at about 4:30 a.m., but you can bet, I did it as one awakened, no longer in the dark of a dimmed consciousness. i had gotten past it, throught it, over it, round was gone and I knew what to do.

For the same time that I felt this weight, I felt God inside saying "follow Your Bliss...All things are yours". Any time I asked a question, this was my answer.

In each situation, where I felt blocked or challenged or frustrated, I simply chose NOT to focus on those , or complain, but turned my attention to what I DO want. I recognised these as merely distractions and potential excuses, and I'm done with those.


Also, I'd read recently to be thankful for ALL money that comes in , whether 5c pieces, or whether you think it's enough. I kept finding 5c pieces after that!! I thought about how when somebody bugs you to call them, then, when you do, they do nothing but complain, and so, you don;t really wanna call them again in a hurry. That's how I saw 'money'. When it came, I would inwardly despair that it wasn't enough, and would list all the reasons why not...and money just got tired of my lack of expressed appreciation in respect ot that whining!! ( works for me!)

I thanked God for the gifts in all the situations that were there for me, and for the faithfulness and consistency of the laws of the Universe, such as LOA, and how perfectly my expectations were carried out and became my reality. I praised the reliability of these wonderful Truths, and rejoiced in them.

And I gave thanks for the truth of 'multiple realities', and that at any moment in time, I could switch from experiencing one reality to another reality of my choosing. I chose to see a different possibility in the Sea of Possibilities, and BE my desires fulfilled...and then, I started to SEE the things that were mine.

I realised that I DO have what i need right now. I DON'T have lack, but had let the belief I did blind me to what was already mine.


"follow your bliss". Not sure how, but somehow, the notion of giving myself a birthday present sprung up. As I do have a little immediate cash, and no need to pay an immediate bill, (and I get paid after that) I decided to FREE myself of even thinking about how to get money ( coz that sends the message of not having it...and then, that's what you get) One of the ways, I can easily forget about money, is to lose myself in my art, writing, music an dloved ones....and Follow my Bliss.

So, as it's my birthday, next Friday...a week away, I gave myself the gift of this SEVEN DAYS UP TO MY BIRTHDAY to let go of money concerns and feel the pleasure of true wealth by doing what I love. I felt immediately liberated! KNowing that I've set a boundary like this totally frees me from giving thought to anxious thought weeds, and gives the Universe soemthing better to manifest.

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