Saturday, June 5, 2010

Studies in Conscious Creation Vol III

Studies In Conscious Creation Vol 3-Keeping Your Focus

This week I thought it might be good to look at the kinds of things that enter our lives in any ordinary day and how to maintain an energy focus that will continue to work to move us toward our desires, and the fruition of the same toward us.

This IS a two way street. A host of paradoxical perspectives are active here, and yet all in perfect harmony with each other-no contradictions.

What To Do With An Ordinary Day.

Now, when I say an ‘ordinary’ day, I am referring specifically to a day that has no specific extremes or intense emotions. Trust me, these are as needed as the others. A lot of the time these days don’t have any intense need for anything either. They just are. They are like the calm in the midst of the storm (not necessarily a bad storm). They are a lull, for breathing more deeply and slowly and not really much else. They are a balancing of energy, so that you don’t go “over the top” with extremes.

They are good days.

As I said, in my video, they are good days for me to be more inclined to “change gears” go left brain, and get some other kinds of work done, that I am usually way too excited to bother with. Site maintenance, or book keeping are good examples. They are “ordering” days for me. Some would say “practical”, but I think all my days are productive and practical! J

When you’ve been flying with intensity, this can feel like a “come down”, and therein lies the danger. In the same way, that some people view rainy days as “bad” weather, these days can be unappreciated for the value they bring.

The important thing to remember, is that feeling good is ALL that matters. If that isn’t exactly “over the moon/on fire”, that’s fine. As long as it isn’t “down in the dumps/nothing is happening”. Do some of the other things you normally put off. Be productive in “practical” ways. Watch cool movies. Relax with a friend. Pamper yourself. Enjoy the NOW.

In this way, all that has already been set in motion by your desires will continue to work toward their fruition. If you shift your mood into a lower vibration, you will send out different information, and begin attracting different outcomes.

Remember your desires whilst attending the day’s requirements. Depending on where you are with your Intentional Creativity, you may feel you have more of these days than the exciting kind, but momentum will grow. AND...what you are wanting to see may be closer than you think! ;-)

When Opportunities Come.

This is another important time to keep your focus-REALLY important.

As I put my focus on my desired end result, opportunities that can bring it to fruition begin to emerge upon my path. Each one will somehow reflect something of what I’ve been wanting. All of them will include elements from every facet of my being in a mixed array of arrangements. As the Universe responds to my vibration, I will be presented with offers I can choose to accept or decline, explore or ignore. Just because they come doesn’t mean I HAVE to follow them, OR that they are exactly what I want. What they will do however, is reveal to me how completely I am sustaining the desired “state of being”. That is, how thoroughly I believe I HAVE what I desire.

In this scenario, as with all, align yourself afresh with what you want. From that place, does this path feel firm and good...or more a “maybe this could work” type deal? TAKE ONLY THE WAYS THAT ARE FIRM. Being firm doesn’t mean you can clearly see the road straight out before you. It simply means you feel certain of the next step. Living this way, that’s the only step you need to be sure off.

Should you face a fork in the road, feel uncertain, yet know you must make a choice now, then whatever choice you make , don’t second guess it! Be committed. It is your whole heartedness that will make either choice RIGHT for you, and work around to the desired outcome anyway. Universal reality is fluid and always changing. You can’t ‘miss out’. You can be sure you will get whatever the lesson is contained in it, and the lesson is there, to steer you into your dreams.

Opportunities to become the person who can create AND sustain that dream will come. They will lead you into it. They are not barriers to it, but gateways!

Opportunities in a Different Direction

This can be tricky. For example, I feel I must get to Nice, France. That is the desired outcome for me. To be honest, I don’t even think it’s necessarily because something amazing is going to happen there. I think it’s because in becoming the person who gets there, I will have accomplished what I need within myself to live the life I desire from that point on. I believe it will mark some kind of milestone in this way.

I have become totally focussed on that as being the gateway into another world for me. However, the path way to Nice may not look as direct, because the way Universal Energy orchestrates events is supremely unexpected, unforeseeable and exquisitely “random”.

Going With the Flow

As happenings unfold, and circumstances evolve, stay intuitively aligned to your predominant personal desire. If you are already in a relationship, this will have a bearing. However, personally, even though a life partnership is a strong desire, I believe it’s better to hone in on that which is uniquely you-YOUR specific part along the time line. You will miss NOTHING of all you desire in following this, but in relinquishing this for ANYthing else, even on an motivational level, will distort the outcome as well. As those other things enter the stage of your reality, they will be aligned to all that is you, enhancing and enriching, rather than supplanting.

When an opportunity presents, surrendering it to the “state of being” for your desires, will give you a sense of effortless flow, and a kind of inner ‘glitch’. Follow the flow. J Along this path are whatever lessons and experiences required to lead you to what you are wanting, whether you immediately understand how, or not. Embrace what comes with an attitude of readiness to grow and a hunger to learn and become the person who can sustain your dream. Be thankful.

Even when occurrences arise that stir emotions and responses that don’t feel incredibly good, peace is still discernible on this path and it is that firmness that allows one to undergo the discomfort of outgrowing old paradigms and fears. It is the patience that will draw you into the wisdom and insight to equip you further. Surrender, and trust the process.

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