Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Essential Elements for Effective Masterminding with CTT

Essential Elements for Effective Masterminding with Creative Thinking Technology

In a previous article (http://lisashahescape.blogspot.com/2010/02/th-art-of-controlled-chaos.html) I wrote that one of the ways creativity can be applied to businesses in this ever changing economic climate is through a regular masterminding session. Masterminding as a creative tool may well have existed long before Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, however, it has since become a term well recognised and used in business circles.

In fact, could it be that it has become so commonplace both as a term and an idea that it’s possibly in danger of becoming clichéd. When something becomes clichéd, even though it holds great value, much of its impact can be lost. Let’s consider, in light of Hill’s definition, what constitutes a productive masterminding connection.

“Two or more people who work in perfect harmony for a definite purpose...

...Borrow and use the education, the experience, influence, and perhaps the capital of other people in carrying out your own plan...

...You can accomplish in one year, more than you could accomplish in a lifetime, if you depended entirely upon your own efforts for success...

...When you form a true mastermind alliance with others, and work with them in a true spirit of harmony, you can draw freely upon the spiritual forces within you in carrying out your plans and desires...

...Also, this alliance can give you absolute protection against failure provided that your purpose is beneficial for all that you influence...”

Napoleon Hill

The first of these statements describes what it takes to create a mastermind alliance, and the other points listed could refer to the benefits able to be gained through that alliance.

“Two or more people who work in perfect harmony for a definite purpose...”

To create this allegiance takes more than one person with varying abilities between them whilst being committed to the same outcome. To be in harmony as compared to unison implies a different role whilst the definiteness of purpose speaks of specific agreed outcome from the joint efforts. Win:win.

It’s not often, or even likely, that a large group would be in harmony from the outset even if there is a shared beneficial goal. Each has their ideas and methods as well as their own particular talents, skills and egos. The gain for each member needs to be such that it motivates a strong commitment to the group as a whole and should include helping the others receive their gain.

The first agenda of any potentially effective mastermind alliance must be that of attaining “perfect harmony”. To develop this among members requires building trust and developing a “safe” environment.

When a mastermind is built upon specifically selected individuals this can be easier, but when a group is brought together via other means (e.g. a family, or a micro business) developing relationships and like-mindedness are paramount.

Having Fun and Feeling Good.

Social networking between businesses and within businesses has been on the rise for some years, the reason being it has been widely accepted that people who “play together” tend to get along better in general and feel better about working together. It’s also because it brings balance to the work/life ratio and relieves stress which leads to healthier people and better personal performance.

Something amazing happens when people laugh together. A bonding around the moment takes place. Humans are creatures who are shaped through information and strong emotion. Enjoyment of another’s company usually draws a desire to have the experience again. The more pleasant time together is the more trusted the environment becomes. To the extent people reveal themselves in various scenarios and meet with acceptance they will willingly share ideas and subjective opinions more openly.

When the result of playing or working together feels good people are free to be themselves and ultimately demonstrate more creative as the group culture allows for the putting forth of ideas without ridicule, judgment or criticism. Not only is this so but a genuine regard for each other’s well being rises out of the bond that feeling good together brings.

For an effective masterminding synergy these elements are absolutely essential and they rest solidly on the level of connectedness between the all parties no matter the number.

Creating a Safe Environment Swiftly

It could be considered a difficult task to bring synchronistic energy to a “motley crew” and it is certainly something that cannot be forced upon people. This kind of harmony must be offered willingly from within by each individual. The best way to have people align to a vision as told by many a success advocate is for it to be their idea. All that is being presented here is the notion that incentives can play a rather influential part.

Feeling good, having fun, playing and laughing are powerful incentives. Too long have these influential factors been outlawed as contrary to good working models and cast aside in favour of a penal ( reward versus penalty) system. Whilst working with pain as the motivator may require less creativity and seem effective it squashes initiative through the fear of what making a mistake could bring basically short circuiting potential innovation.

The other side of this system is pleasure and it will perhaps generate a better response. Pleasure can work where the safe environment is in place otherwise fear will yet hold many back. Using pleasure as the way to establish a non judgmental space is a superior path to fostering within people a desire to contribute to the well being of the group and a confidence to suggest ways in can be done.

Further along in this series another concept for motivation will be presented that surpasses both pleasure and pain.

To begin to set up the conditions for a fertile masterminding session make use of games, interactive activities and artistic tools such as drawing implements, drama techniques and music. Organise individual, partnered, team and group oriented activities. At this stage these games/activities need to help people feel comfortable and relaxed through being enjoyable. The key component is engaging people though focussing attention on the fun of the activity and interaction rather than on the people themselves, thus minimising self consciousness. When working with others the focus is on being attentive to the whole. This can be achieved in very simple ways through games that involve counting together, singing a well known song chorus or synchronised actions.

This is the magic of CTT.

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