Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DIY Designer Beauty

DIY Designer Beauty

All my life I suffered from ongoing “body image” issue.

It’s not an uncommon issue, particularly for women. It has led many a beautiful soul down a tortured path of insecurity and self abasement, and for some, it has even proven fatal. A curse perhaps

Like many such “curses”, however, I have come to recognise it as a blessing in disguise. Not only this adversity, but any and all the adversity I have faced. From my darkest fears, to my plaguing more “liveable” irritations, I have found a way to absorb them all and turn them into something wonderful.

I found what has become for me cure for all ills, the answer to every question and the panacea for all maladies. I found the fountain of liberty indeed. And I found it in living in the heart of the Universe, where there is only beauty, truth and limitless life.

Choosing to make abiding in that Love the top priority of my life, I continue to deepen my experience of beauty, multiply my encounters with beautiful people, and I see an ever increasing beauty present in myself. In who I am. This ripples out and I am free to see the magnificent wonder and beauty in all that is around me.

And give it worthy appreciation.

Metamorphosis is the Path to Beauty-Accepting Growth

Two analogies come to mind: the life cycle of a butterfly, and the process of creating a diamond. In both scenarios, a wonderful alchemy is at work, and these days, I relate to the alchemical process the most-but all three have their common points.

Firstly, there is a base substance. Carbon for the diamond, the caterpillar (grub) for the butterfly, and a base metal, such as tin or nickel, for alchemy.

In relating this back to humanity, it is our ‘ego centred’ nature that is the base component. It is that part of us that we are born into when we take on flesh. It is ruled by our physical senses and lives in the conscious part of the psyche. It is the “perishable” part, and there comes a day for all that breathes, when it is shed once more.

The larvae of a butterfly lives to eat. It may be itself eaten, but its whole agenda is to reach a certain physical size and age, and then all it has consumed will sustain it through the next phase. It does have elements for protection-camouflage, odours or maybe poison. Nothing about this life is incidental or accidental. A caterpillar will outgrow and shed its skin four or five times, the final time being when it cocoons itself a chrysalis.

Meanwhile, for the diamond, carbon atoms must have leached through the earth’s mantle formed by melting rocks and begin a descent propelled by the elements of temperature, cooling sufficiently to once again harden. Already the carbon has been subjected to heat and cold and passages through pressure. If the amount of resistance, and the balance of chemistry right, diamond crystals are formed DEEP in the womb of the earth (120-200kms down).

If the conditions are not so “perfect”, the crystals can melt partially or completely dissolve. Just like the grub, they may not complete the process.

Of course, there are many more very interesting details in these analogies that are worthy of study, as they parallel the human soul’s journey so well, but my blogs are only ever an appetizer! Lol

And so, in this section, I just want to present the notion that life on earth is about a progressive transformation. Not a static condition. Nothing on this glorious planet enters from the energy state and emerges back into it in the same form. Everything grows, is changed, matures and is transformed again. Everything is recycled in its physical life.

And whilst all things change and are transformed, the energy that is that central matter goes on.

You are not your body, but having emerged into this physical plane, you have an adventure to embrace. That adventure is the one of metamorphosis, and through this extended process, you can grow wings and become free to fly. You can develop a resilience that never crumbles, and you can purify your heart like the finest gold.

This is your glorified state. The REAL you. The part that never dies. You can choose to take an entire lifetime and never respond to the conditions in such a way as to grow into this beauty, or you can say ‘yes’ to all that comes and somehow grow ever more brightly, living here to enjoy so much more.

The Dark Night of the Soul

We all can know ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days, but when you accept growth as the motivation for life, they all contribute in positive ways. You can learn ‘how’ to see things so that you can grow, with less resistance, which means a LOT less discomfort. A measure of awkwardness perhaps, but pleasure can fill these times too.

However, it does seem to be undeniably common that most endure some period of deep suspension into a personal abyss of sorts. It may not feel nice...but simply think of the caterpillar, whos ‘prison’ was of its own intent and construction. Hard as it may seem to grasp, so is ours! When you take a larger view, it’s possible to see this, and understanding it, we can accept our ‘classroom’ more readily as an opportunity to master the necessary skills to be and remain free.

In transcending the circumstances, through releasing resistance, we will IMMEDIATELY shorten the time we stay here, because we allow ourselves to be receptive and open. Everything moves along more swiftly like this.

Looking for the resources within you, fuelled by an intensifying desire for freedom and flight, will cause all you need to begin to surface...just like a diamond finds its way up to the light. Fearing the continuation of the state...will intensify that...and lengthen it. Even if you are finally relieved, the fear that abides lurks as a constant reminder and ever present invitation to more of the same. Address the fear, face it, don’t run from it. Look at how living in that place of connection alleviates it.

We overcome such things in layers. So what may have brought anguish to me at 20 may not bother me at all today. Incremental growth out, the way a caterpillar sheds its skin, is perfectly fine. You, from your other than subconscious mind orchestrate it all, because who really are wants to find the freedom for expressing its unique beauty.

Trading the Outer for the Inner

I can’t actually remember of ever being without the consideration of my deeper self. I had the ongoing struggle of seeing myself through the eyes of Love, but feeling that no one else had those eyes! Later in life and into my forties, I explored a more sensory approach, but was in a constant state of feeling so “out-of-sync” with myself, that I just couldn’t continue. It certainly didn’t appease anything, but I did find that some things were good to include in my life, within reason. As long as I stayed in a place of harmony with my authentic nature...anything was, and is, okay, but I have NEVER wanted to be dependent on anything, or anyone, outside myself, for my own well being, because I learnt early on that nothing and no one would always be there, nor would, or COULD they be responsible.

Thus, due to my particular path, I needed the Inner Life in order to cope with my outer circumstances. I know many though, that yet LIVE in their outer life, still looking for everything and everyone to be something different, so that they can be happy.

In choosing a life of true beauty and connection, one also chooses a life free of judgment, full of grace and overflowing with an untouchable joy. Should a difficult moment come, such a one knows that it’s there for their benefit, not their demise. This soul rises, greeting the circumstance with an open heart and embracing the challenge like a lover that brings deliverance into deeper LIFE.

The most beautiful and beautifying attribute I know is Wisdom. The ancient wisdom of All-That-Is. Wisdom always knows what is best, and understands the “why”. Insight brings empowering. Wisdom like this brings peace, assurance, confidence. Its ability to see so deeply spawns a joy and appreciation that springs from the womb that gave birth to time, and can never die.

Wisdom is found through Love and wielded by it. It is my greatest desire, for in being one with Wisdom I am one with the Oneness that is all.

“Wisdom’s ways are pleasant ways,

And all her paths are peace.”

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