Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DIY Designer Change

DIY Designer Change.
Hmmm...for some it’s not only a negative word, it’s a terrifying prospect. Why is that?
Everything about life is in a constant of flux, so how is it we can become so rigid? I our early years, everything single thing we learn comes to us via a process of desire and discovery, then experimentation and mastery. There was no shame when we didn’t roll over the first time, or successfully take five steps without falling.
Nor was there any judgment! Only encouragement and cheers at our wanting to try, and a confidence that we would eventually accomplish that which we were endeavouring to achieve.
Somewhere along the line, we trading in our spirit of adventure and self confidence, selling out to the more generally accepted notion that we ‘can’t’. The blissful condition of being judgement free dissipated and in its place a need to hide and not venture out where we’ve not gone before-coz, what if we fail?
This week, I’d like to look at the way Change comes into my life, and how I determined how I would have it play out.
Incremental Steps
Change can strike in many ways. A slow progressive evolving, a dramatic shift in circumstances, an opportunity that grows out of synchronistic meeting or even a line by line action plan.
When considering ‘incremental’ change, I want to see steady and consistent growth without extremes or obsession. A type of approach to life, if you will, that will always hold me in good stead. I love balance and harmony in all areas of my life, with rich and recognisable growth, but free of stress or pressure...just like when I was little.
I used to beg God for three times the intensity, to have a learning process over with three times as fast, and I think I had that for a long time! Lol but there are certain other necessary characteristics that develop over time THROUGH consistent application that takes longer to perfect. This is the one place I really love TIME. As long as any fear is being dealt with in a healthy way, simply spending TIME doing something will develop confidence and familiarity.
In giving yourself goals of change think of this: One step forward is all you need to take. Just ONE. Do this regularly, this small amount every day and change will eventuate.
As an example, think of a child’s growing feet. I have five kids and I know when I shopped for ten pairs of shoes at the outset of each new school year, I looked for a shoe that fit well enough for my child to walk comfortably, but yet, have room to grow. Every mother knows this!
When you want to step into BIGGER BOOTS, this is what you do.
A lot of our lives can, and is, lived like this. This is a very easy approach to change, and if we practice life this way, the sizes between shoes can get bigger, and we will get bolder and more confident to tackle larger ‘risks’.
When a person stops dealing with life’s little changes this way...often a “Quantum Shift” will come and shake life TO THE CORE.
This may feel uninvited and most certainly unwanted, but believe me, there is a part of you that wants nothing more than to blossom into fullness. The spiritual essence is the part of you that will subject the ‘ego’ to what’s necessary to satisfy this.
Sadly, people can go their entire lives, never recognising these opportunities, and die, having only tasted their true passions in secret, unfulfilled yearning.
What single thing would you like to begin to incrementally change in your life? How will you/your life look with that change fully established?
Quantum Shifts
If you’re familiar with any of my personal history, you may know that I had some very severe environmental shifts that scattered family members and geographically brought big change to me as well.
On the one hand this change was exactly what I wanted, but on the other, it brought a heavy toll to my heart, as it meant not being with many of the people I loved most dearly. Even though this brought some difficult situations, like many years of nightmares, and heart ache, there were many aspects of my new life that I could easily enjoy.
As children, we tend to do this much more readily-lose ourselves in the moment. We find and focus on those things that make us feel good. This was an instinct in me from as far back as I can remember, and I’ve never let it go. Feeling good has always been the better option for me and I learnt through MANY situations how to do that, from the INSIDE OUT.
This traumatic turn of events was the deliverance I wanted from some unpleasant elements of my young life, and I can see how it was the result of my own desire and creation. Looking back now, the hardest part I see in it, was the fact that I was able to create new levels of freedom , but couldn’t make anyone else want them. And for many decades, I accepted the guilt some family members put on me for finding peace when they remained in turmoil.
Often, I’ve been accused of NOT CARING because I have chosen to move forward with change instead of resisting it. This is hard to take from people you love-but move forward anyway, coz you staying miserable won’t help anyone.
This is an important part of your growth and change: You cannot create in someone else’s experience
The change that you may view as powerfully and positively potent for another could spell total disaster-all because of the way they view change.
I have seen myself generate circumstances in my life that ‘force’ me to address things I was having trouble making a decision to deal with. Whilst others felt bad for me, I knew I was getting the compelling I needed to commit myself to the change I wanted. How could I complain?
This is principle behind hiring a coach too, giving yourself an accountability partner to get you past where you keep getting stuck. Who knows, lol, maybe hiring a coach will even avert more harsh alternatives!  That has certainly been my thinking when hiring the service of a book keeper/virtual assistant to walk me through things I needed to know to get myself organised ( for bigger business shoes!), and also a business advisor to help me see the practical logistics that my right brain orientation isn’t ‘all up’ with, since I’m new to business on that level.
Without them, I wouldn’t even feel ready to BEGIN to receive any substantial business...my shoes weren’t big enough!
I do confess though, I wear lots of different ‘hats’ as well as ‘shoes’...and every hat requires another learning curve-A seemingly never ending, ongoing, learning curve. I haven’t had a chance to wear ANY of my shoes out because my desire to be living my dream life is taking me through some quantum growth spurts!
It can be exhausting to feel such stretching and growing all the time, but it’s also exhilarating and you sure know you’re alive, and best of all—you get to LIVE YOUR DREAMS, one intentional Designer moment at a time. :-)
Think about the area you’d like some change in, how can you give yourself some ’structure’ to encourage you along the path. Perhaps join a spiritual network, like http://jasonsnetwork.com or http://boundlessliving.ning.com -you’ll find me on both. Or like a friend of mine on Facebook, who gave herself a challenge and set up her own daily accountability blog. There’s LOTS of ways to do this-countless, in fact. Which will you choose??
By far...the best way to tackle change is make it a game!
Making it FUN
When I get an unexpected twist, I have several possible responses. How/why did I create this?
If I don’t feel any sort of negative affirmation like “I KNEW this would happen!”, but rather feel , aligned, I look at it as being the result of my “This, or something better clause”. That is to say, when I ask the Universe for something I think I want, I add the disclaimer of “this or something even better”, because I readily concede the Intelligence in All–That-Is, knows WAY better than I, how to satisfy my desire.
So, if I put ‘disruption’ under that disclaimer label, I cannot help but get excited! I’m not kidding! Or exaggerating. I’ve learnt to love and embrace change so much, that ‘ending’ actually means “new beginning’ to me, and ‘death’ means ‘transformed’, unexpected change, means ‘adventure’!
I immediately start thinking of how I’ll tell it as a story, or record it in a little Artbook, perhaps even a song. I bring in an element of Creative fun that instantly shifts my focus and opens the door to FUN! I might imagine myself doing an interview (common practice since I was very young! Lol)
Change is so much more appealing when it’s FUN!
Where can you, right now, begin to make some element of change that could be a fun outlet for you, connected with the area in which you want to evolve? (I’m good at ideas and for helping you to generate your own)

More About Change.
The previous content has been about positive aspects of change and response to it. There is the element of dealing with the ‘can of worms’ that are unleashed that must be sorted one way or another. Mostly, we want them out of the way, so we can stay aligned to our desired outcome, which we’re not even always sure of in times of deep transition.
I know I spent three years in limbo when my husband and I separated, not really able to cope with the notion of divorce, OR staying married. He and I progressed slowly through degrees of separation, incremental change, that seemed the better way for all five kids too. When I dealt with the reasons why (mostly the shame of feeling like a failure and being judged). But I know others who simply Cut it off and moved on...they went for the ‘intense’ version! Lol the underlying issues still need addressing though and we each decide which brand of “is-shoes” we choose to grow into and through.
There’s so much more to cover with change, such as how we deal with the strong reactions that can even debilitate us in the face of change, immobilizing our progress through fear. Other issues can arise from our habitual responses to triggers, and the problem becomes how can avert that pattern and bring the change I want, and allow it to flow?
My life afforded me the opportunity to become something of a ‘shapeshifter’. As a result, I love to help people transition change in their own lives. If you think I can help you, simply contact me on lisa@lisashahescape.com and visit http://lisashahescape.com to see how others have been assisted.

Listen into next week's show http://blogtalkradio.com/lisa-shah as Suzie Cheel , the "abundance Queen" and I discuss how we can embrace the emotions of change and Suzie's book "Emergings" on the topic.

Be Blessed! 


  1. I bet your "hats" and "shoes" always match.

  2. hee hee that made me laugh
    ...and yes, that's where I'm headed! lol
    It's the funniest thing, I've had shoe after shoe break, lose a strap, have its sole come off (!),need re-heeling- As well as dreams of being inappropriately 'shod' (or barefoot)for various things. It really is about feeling like the ones I've been wearing just won't do for the new path I'm on.
    Growing into new boots...and I definitely want hats to match! maybe even some really elegant gloves, altho I'd have to take them off to play piano! lol
    thanks for stopping by :-)
