Monday, April 5, 2010

DIY Designer Reality with Christopher Pinckley

DIY Designer Reality with Christopher Pinckley

This week's theme, as you can see, is about Designing your very own reality.

Like I've said before, as quoted from Dr Jim Richards, "Life isn't how you see it. That's just how YOU see it."
And as bummed as I was by this , thinking I had such a great unbiassed, non judgmental view-I also came to realise the limitlessness of knowing and really beginning to understand this Truth.

I've seen so many people TRY to believe this, but then let the confines of their limited logic destroy their budding freedom.
Try leaving the the logic perameters out of the picture for a little longer and simply go exploring that fascinating dimension of "what if..?"

This week, as we look at 'reality' afresh See it as a fluid and flexible thing that easily morphs from one form to another, like some digital image you've seen on the screen.
The truth is: it does!
And YOU, my friend, are the Master Shaper!


Good question! Perhaps, it is what is ACTUALLY happening. Could we say it that way?
I guess this could be accurate. But who really determines what is actually happening? The 'detached observer', the 'participant', the 'orchestrator'...all of them?
I believe it is all of them. In any given scenario, we are co-creating our 'general consensus' of reality-the Collective UN/Consciousness. More of that when we look at Chris' content on the energy of localised Mass Mind.

But even when we DO co-create, we each choose our own viewing stance. For every single individual, there will be a DIFFERENT slant on what 'really' happened, and varying types and degrees of significance attached to it. Just on this level, it's already possible to grasp the inifinite potential in just a single instant along the linear line we call TIME.

The reality of our world, is that is it the FRUIT OF OUR CONCLUSIONS. It is the mirror of all our combined ideas, beliefs, dreams, hopes , hatreds, judgments, complaints, joys...and so on. If you despise war, live in peace. If you want the world to be free of cruelty, BE KIND.
The best thing any one soul may do to improve the REALITY of conditions around the glove, is , as Ghandi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Ho'oponopono recognises that we all share responsibility for all 'terrible', and wonderful, things in the world. This way of thinking says 'if it exists in my world, I have had some part in feeding it and keeping it alive'...and it is our BELIEF that these things must be because of human nature that makes them BE and gives them breath. Our own fears are the fuel that fire tragedies, disasters and tyrannies.

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think about such things...and the God of Peace will be with you."
(*NB. If I knew other religious texts, I would quote them, as I'm sure they would have equivalent sayings, but it learnt them here-so take no offence from their use, please. I'm not flogging religion here. See the truth in them-that's what counts.)

Next time you hear the question asked, to or by yourself or another, 'what is reality?' , remember this:
"Reality is MY responsibility"...and act accordingly! :-)


Aah, now this is such fun-once you surrender to the idea of your own master craftsmanship skills. You and Source, and all of us together are creating. We are all co laboureres together in creation! How cool!

None of us is a powerless victim-unless, of course, that is the reality we choose for ourselves. Why do you suppose ANYone would choose that? I suggest that if that's the reality you feel you have, then you came into this world to know the fulness of youself as the Victor, and all your circumstances are working together to motivate you into that liberty.
In wanting to find out HOW we have created the life we are now living, it is simply a matter of developing a few observation and documentation skills...and from their, some "thinking muscle".

As I have said many times, I am my "most favouritest"guinea pig! ;-) I love conducting experiments to see how these things work, and I record what I feel, how I see things, what is revealed, and how to manipulate such things ON PURPOSE. So, start by 'taking notice and taking note' of where your thoughts and feelings lie. This process can take as little or as long a time as you wish. Personally, I love it, and am often lost in it! In fact, I even have extended periods of this, which I call "hermit mode", and can last for months, preceding major changes in my life.

For the most part tho, it is a daily practice, and I am generous with myself and have 2-3 hours every day for this exercise(plus moments throughout). I don't always do it the same way, but writing and reflection are always in there. I have become finely tuned and self aware and can easily see the ways my thoughts/feelings ( ie VIBRATION) are being mirrored back to me through ALL-That-Is. I love the faithfulness of this mirror! And it is swift too!

How often do we wail that we 'don't know how...' to fix or do something. The 'magic mirror' of Life always clearly shows where we need to adjust our thinking to change our vibe, and that's all we need to know. The effort required to sustain that state till it becomes habit, is the work most people shy away from, BUT it is only as hard as we think it has to be! lol Inspired action will flow and prompt us from there, manouvering us and our circumstances as a whole, toward our "sympathetic vibrations"-Our desires.

We give up before we start, just because we THINK it's going to be TOO hard! It's time to change our stories. Whatever story that made it hard...rewrite it, focussing on all the GOOD that you wish to see spring up in your world. Then, proclaim it, whilst doing EFT...and watch gleefully as the walls come down.

A little disclaimer here...if you've NOT down a lot of personal expansion work before, get someone who HAS to walk with you. When you start Spring cleaning, everything looks like "merde" ( French for s#*%) for some time, whilst you pull it all out, unpack the old trunks covered in dust. It takes time to sift, process, sort, throw away , restore, systemize and establish the new order. It's very good to have someone around who knows and understands the process, and helps you trust yourself to it.

THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT CAN'T BE FUN AND/OR FULFILLING. It can , and is, but you could need an 'accountability buddy' or Coach to help you see that when you are feeling submerged in all your previous creations! lol



Now, I'm not going to steal Chris's thunder here, but rather tell a few stories.
I grew up in difficult places but even as a little girl, had the rare and beautiful gift of being able to 'see'. I could see who people REALLY were-their potential. I could see a future that bore no resemblance to any life I'd known-yet knew it to be so.

MY ability to see these things and to live there in my imagination resulted in my removal from my surroundings, and a transplanting to another place. It was sad for me that I couldn't 'show' everyone else, and take them with me, but you can only have full control over YOUR life. That's freedom. At only 8, I started actively shaping my external world.
But The Mass Mind is an amazing and powerful thing. 6 years later I returned, drawn by the energy of that communal consciousness. Once again, I broke away, but not really free. I went almost of my sisters went 18 time zones, a brother explored several places, another killed himself...and whilst I don't wish to be depressing here...I want to point something out:

You can, and may need to, remove yourself from the energy of the Mass Mind that will keep you bound, but unless you learn to be free from within, you will stay connected to it and it will reproduce itself in your life-no matter where you are. I went through a REALLY strong experience of this just 3 years ago, and it was then that I realised how much more free I could be. After that, I actually took myself into 'the lion's den', slayed the giant, and became truly free. I know I CREATE MY REALITY.


I will leave this topic for Chris to address, because I thought he did an outstanding job in expounding on this-but I will say that I believe there are localised areas of energy, and a global one. Listening to Anne Aleckson ( ) on my show today, she spoke of david Hawkins and his work with energy, connecting freqencies with certain emotinal states. He also stated the threshold of 200 is where the shift form negative to positive occurs, and where the world had sat at 190 for sooooo long, in the 80s it went above 200. That's the tipping point, and what I've been watching and waiting for, for decades!! WeeeeeEeeee am I happy!

With that shift,it will be SO much easier for people to raise their vibes and shift their thinking and lift the quality of their lives and relationships. The more powerfully you live in these constructive states of courage to face yourself ( courage happens to mark the turning point of neg:pos), then the easier it gets to go onward and upward in vibrational escrow.

Everything is energy and you are the a most powerful magnet. To what frequency will you set your dial?

I find it MOST pertinent that Courage is found at the 200 mark. It is the beginning of all the finest virtues, and, in my opinion, it takes more courage to face and accept the truth about yourself in LOVE, without judgment, than any other force in existence. Once you decide that you will accept your birth right, step into your place as powerful creator, you alter your world forever. You become truly free, and you allow others to be so in your presence, even teaching them HOW to be so. Your positive influence will be felt in ripples and waves all around the globe, and I venture, out into the farthest regions of the universe, for we are all connected in this one vast energy field called God, or Source, or Daddy, or I AM. ONENESS.

Be Bold, be strong, for ...'the Universe conspires together with you'... and waits to reveal itself as the 'stuff your dreams are made of'.

Don't miss this fantastic episode coming up with Christopher Pinckley next week. I KNOW it is going to be Incredible!


So, having all this scientific

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