Saturday, April 3, 2010

MY DIY Designer Flight in a RED Balloon

I took A lot of photos and captured a fair bit of footage, and with things being the way they have this week, I enlisted the services of my expert 17(and a half!!)yr old Matt, to do the editing of this and as he has his own UTUBE Channel and has been playing with this stuff since he was, like 10-it's really cool.

The opening panorama was taken on my digital in 7 separate images, and he has much cooler editing suites to do groovy slide shows etc.

In fulfilling this mini adventure, I feel I have crossed over into a new phase of my life-a long awaited phase. And there's something very fulfilling about the documenting of it, as it ritualizes it as a milestone, and recognises it for the achievement that it is.

Not only that, but as far as "maximizing and leveraging BUBBLES" goes, documentation adds mileage even unto the point of LEGACY.

I think my chronic journaling has been about this: so that one day , all the 'unseen' things can be known and others may benefit from them. Consider such things as the "Diary of Anne Frank".

Share your joys and any heartaches. Let people live through you too, especially the family that come after, and who would so loved to have met you personally. Let the essence of who you are shine in frequent expressions, if not in journals, then in direct gestures toward people. Leave tangible evidence of your life through enriching others'.

I hope my adventures somehow inspire others to find the depth of courage that it takes to live in increasing levels of freedom. Every part of your authentic nature longs for this. Be blessed!

...and thanks Matt! :-)


  1. I've always wanted to do that , but I'm so afraid...

  2. no need to be feels very safe! No vertigo, no wobbles, peaceful and beautiful...I'd like to spend a lot of time there :-)
