Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DIY Designer Power

DIY Designer Power

DIY Designer Power on BTR bext week

As I did with DIY Designer Reality, I’d like to start out with a definition of power.

For the sake of this article, I want to refer to ‘power’ as the ability to have total control over something. That ‘something’ being our own thoughts, and by extension our feelings, which then leads into our experience and circumstances-in ever externalising layers.

I never condone domination or control over anyone or anything else, whether by force, deception, fear, guilt, obligation or even ‘good intention’.

So when I say power, I am referring directly to each individual with regard to themselves, and themselves alone. In order to create your desired reality, you never need to control anyone else. Nor can you create in anyone else’s reality. Each person’s life is their own jurisdiction-and this is absolutely as it should be, so that all people may know the immense power and pleasure of total freedom and complete responsibility and to live life exactly as they choose to.

My Desire

I know that this content is controversial and can be so easily misrepresented as well as open to misinterpretation, due to the filters people can ‘hear’ through, but I feel so strongly about it, and would like so much to see people live in the freedom of it, that I am prepared to put some challenging thoughts forward.

If I can simply cause a questioning ripple resulting in people being open to explore, then I will have done something very worthwhile. I don’t intend to answer the ‘big’ questions here...just provoke some possibility thinking.

Super Powers

I don’t know about you guys, but for me, as a kid, I always thought about having some sort of ‘super power’ or several of them. I wanted to move inanimate objects, fly the way I did in my dreams, ‘see’ into the unseen spirit world, and know a person’s heart. I also LOVED the idea of being able to ‘draw’ my reality into being through the literal act of drawing-in a sense, animating my own life.

The seeds of all these ideas were alive and magnificent, and I wanted them to be real-so badly. In fact, my life was such that I needed to believe they were real. They were my hope.

As my journey in this life has moved along, I found these things were more than fantasy, more than blind faith. “Super” powers are real. However, they function within certain structures and understanding these makes it easier to get much more specific in their intentional use.

Tapping into The Power of the Universe.

Being consciously connected to Source, and hence All-That-Is, is the beginning of being able to see yourself as you truly are: a dynamic co-creator of life experience. Everything is centred in our deepest thinking and believing and in really beginning to understand the connection we have to all things, we begin to truly see ourselves, and all others in a new light.

As we start to understand our place and position as part of God/Source in the flesh and being of the same substance (spirit/energy), we also begin to appreciate the love that governs all, the peace that can be ours and the desires that can know fruition.

Letting Go of Needing to Control

Once we realise this, we know longer need to struggle or strive for ‘our’ place. When you know who you are, and what you’re capable of, you don’t need to prove it to anyone any more. The old insecure EGO can be released and let fall, as it is the conscious centre of all feelings of inadequacies-fear and lack.

These states then become the breeding places for greed, domination, intimidation, competition, manipulation and whatever else can aid the insecure in trying to compensate for feelings of lack of power/control. Performance, achievement, possessions and status become the way an ‘impotent’ person looks to establish some modicum of power in their lives. Everything is external, trying to ‘make up’ for the internal sense of impotency.

But a genuinely confident person, who knows who they are and lives under their own control, has no need of such trappings. Should they come, and they will as a result of this knowing, they are tempered with a healthy love, grace and non judgment toward others.

Living in the Point of Paradox.

Understanding where control, and where letting go should be exercised is a major component of living successfully in this way of being. Blame has no place-toward oneself, others or circumstances. If situations exist in my life, I know they are there by my ‘invitation’. That is, there is something IN my consciousness core that is aligned to it, and attracting it. The fact that it appears in my life, helps me to see where my thinking/believing really lie, allowing me to explore ways to modify them.

So...control is applied in becoming consistently attentive to thinking the things that produce GOOD FEELINGS. They don’t have to be specifically about anything...only that they feel GOOD. This is a perfect place to start. Doing something you love, being in company you enjoy, being in nature, appreciating your life and all that you are and have.

This is where you need diligence.

Wielding and Sustaining the Power

The flipside to accepting this responsibility is yielding responsibility for MAKING something happen. The need to feel busy/productive/proactive through performance is very strong to the EGO, but the old rule of 80:20 is good here. If only 20% of what you do produces 80% of your best results, why not enjoy the other 80% doing something that makes you feel ecstatic about life?

Using that 80% to feel GOOD is an incredibly proactive way to fill your time. It is very hard to get people to accept this, since so many believe that life must be hard. How on earth can you get ahead by spending all your time ‘goofing off’? (having fun) You must ‘hurt’ to get something. “no pain no gain”. I’m not saying life doesn’t require effort, but ‘work smarter, not harder’.

Put your effort where it counts. I think this is probably the biggest area of difficulty for people. I have found some excellent ways to bypass the questions posed by this, using my Creative Thinking Technology...so, if you want to know more, you know where to find me ( http://lisashahescape.com ) These techniques deal with blocks and create new energy focus without you feeling that you have changed anything dramatically, or deal with dears about letting go. It’s like a transitioning process, if you like.

Being Powerful means being Capable

When you start to play with this power, you start to realise that it’s EASY. Yes, it requires determined effort, but it is WELL WITHIN your ability, once you MAKE THE CHOICE.

I’m not anyone special. Everyone has the capacity to create their experience. The only advantage I may have is that I never relinquished my faith in this idea. I still had my share of crappy thinking to clear away, but my childhood ‘fantasies’ would never let me go, so I simply kept on playing with it, pioneering a path for others to walk, should they desire.

Life is ONLY as hard as you think/believe it has to be. I know coz I made it hard...and I’ve made it easy. When it’s hard, I know who to deal with...and the very first thing I remind myself of is that ‘it doesn’t have to be hard!’

So this is your starting place. Try and make something ardous something fun. It’s not frivolous, it will immediately change your vibration. CTT is great for this. People want to ‘play’! They will take on all sorts of challenges when it’s fun. And from this will spring all manner of support from the Universe- ideas, connections, synchronicities that you could never hope to have orchestrated. Plans will emerge from a new wisdom. Paths will appear where there were none.

“All things are yours”. You don’t need to compete or steal, or be jealous of.

Start creating with your own power NOW! J

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