Monday, March 1, 2010

DIY DeSigner Networking with Creative Thinking Technology (CTT)

DIY Designer Networking with Creative Thinking Technology (CTT)

Now...don’t get confused...I’m not talking about ‘network marketing’ in the old MLM (Multi Level Marketing) sense.

I AM talking more specifically about the kind of business (and life!) that gets done through the organic growth of regular relationships. What does this mean? Let me explain...

Where it began... once upon a time...ha! No...

Last year, in April, I decided that it was time I became familiar with other business people on the Gold Coast. I wanted to become visually known as that ‘creative person’-or something like that! J I had already recognised that simply by ‘turning up’ and being a familiar face at places, people would soon begin to feel that they know you. Any people, any places-it always works. This, in turn, leads to opportunities to get to know them, build a genuine relationship and sincerely connect.

I went to a luncheon at a fancy hotel, and it was a large group that sat tables of ten. It was supposed to be a Mastermind Group as well. This particular network, was quite expensive to join, and I wasn’t sure it was necessary. It wasn’t...but it did give me something to get the ‘networking’ ball rolling, at least, in my thinking!

And this is my first point: I’ve said it before too.

Start where you are!

Align yourself with what you want.

For me, that ALWAYS means ‘aligning myself, my focus, my energy...with what I want. How do I want my life to look and with what kinds of people do I wish to connect?

I like to use current examples of what’s happening in my life, so I will draw from my recent aligning with my desire to be living beachside and certain elements that I think would be part of that lifestyle-namely, daily exercise on the beach! Whilst doing that, I’ve also been designing how I want my work/life/relationships to be. You can find almost everything in my life, included in my collages and detailed descriptions of how I want my life to look...My Designer Calendar at work. (see Facebook Album of same name)

This part of creating is the perfect place to learn and master some Creative Thinking Technology processes. They are necessary all along, but they are invaluable here.

The Universe rearranges our realities, taking into account ALL that we are putting forth in our ‘energy DNA’. All our desires work together. So, even though the beach walk seems like a more personal thing, it is so much a part of how I want to live my life, that it opened opportunities and ideas and other behaviours with that ONE “inspired action”. It led to the daily videos.

CHOOSE ONE THING NOW THAT YOU KNOW YOU’VE GIVEN SO MUCH THOUGHT TO, BUT TAKEN NO ACTION UPON. One significant desire. Imagine yourself being/doing/having/ giving it. Describe all the detail that of how it looks, feels, tastes...and how ecstatically happy it makes you feel. Review the “DIY Designer Alignment Vol 1”

Do this and be attentive to what comes to you, who you meet, what you see, and any random ideas to explore the possibilities.

This is the beginning of ‘DIY Designer Networking’, because the Universe works with and through people. And it’s always to deliver to each one involved whatever it is they have been focussed upon. Sometimes, it’s the connections that come out of other connections that contribute to your fulfilment.

Life is about Turning Up!

One of the single most powerful forces I’ve witnessed is ‘Consistency’.

Both in the business networking circles that began to ‘find’ me and the myriad of subsequent secondary/tertiary connections, as well as on my beach walk, I noticed how people warmed to me, the more they saw more.

E.g. Each morning, as I walk, I see familiar faces. Initially, people simply passed by. As the recognition process went to work, there’d be “morning”s exchanged, or smiles and nods. As they days slipped by, warmer greetings from further away, and ‘see you tomorrow’ s. Quick conversations, names get exchanged and we start feeling like we’ve found a ‘friend’. Someone who obviously shares a common interest, because we see them every day, doing the same thing we’re doing. Then , we learn a little of each other’s lives. People like to be recognised, and feel known.

There’s a stability in consistency that breeds trust like nothing else I’ve seen. And I’m starting to see it everywhere. I’ve watched restaurants die and go bankrupt because proprietors didn’t grasp the necessity to deliver hours and service with reliable consistency. The kind of trust this breeds doesn’t break down easily. It builds organically. It may take a year to build an effective network of clients/customers this way, but they will be great friends.

When I meet people, I genuinely am not thinking about how to convert their ‘need’ into money for me. In fact, I like reminding people of all their personal power. I LOVE connecting with people. I’m fascinated by their stories, and I long to see them live their own version of their DIY Designer Lives.

SO, turn up for life! You don’t know who is watching and being drawn to you. You don’t know whose path is being divinely set to intersect with yours. Even if your “inspired action” doesn’t seem to reap immediate rewards, if it’s taking you into quality relationships, or improving others just because you feel better for it-it’s good.

I call this “Organic Networking”...and I aspire to be the “Queen of Organic Networking”

Networking-a Dirty Word?

Due to its association with MLM, networking did have a rather tainted reputation. Some, I know, still haven’t removed those connotations. Networking, like anything, is a neutral process. It’s what we do with it, how and why, that makes it beneficial or not. But in the Small Business world of today’s Gold Coast, it has begun to be appreciated for what it really can, and should be-about people.

The biggest distinguishing characteristic of “Organic Networking” is that it is ALL about the people, whereas many have felt the previous style of networking to be ALL about the money.

Today’s networker is much more socially inclined. We’re actually starting to really ENJOY our regular get togethers. So much so, that they are even contributing validly to our work/life balance in bringing up the social side. Last Sunday, one of the ‘heads’ of a local business network, who has become my friend, came to my gig. We’ve done some business together too, but it grew out of a very genuine friendship that we have begun to form. We really like each other!

Business is so much better when you share like values, have complimentary personalities, and you just plain LIKE EACH OTHER!

I believe that ‘organic networkers’ create a real affection and respect for one another. It’s never ‘just business’. It’s never just about the money. Clear boundaries regarding the handling and exchange of money are established from the start so that it never has to become an issue. There’s no expectation for ‘mates rates’, but always welcomed, if offered. The freedom to give, or not give them, is always there. And if they are given...they are just that-GIVEN...unconditional, no strings, no obligation to return the same.

The important thing is you know your networking friend is going to do their BEST for you, and their best is worth their fee. If it isn’t, you are friends and can give them feed back, but you never use their service out of obligation. That serves no one.

Competitors, Creators and Allies

As an Organic networker, I don’t believe in having ‘Competitors’. Yeah, yeah, I know this goes against everything they teach you in business, but maybe some things just should never have been taught. Are the other members of your family competitors with you for a place in the household? No! We are family. Everyone has THEIR OWN PLACE. Business is no different. Each has something unique to bring to the market place. AT least, it should be! If not in what they bring, then HOW they bring it. Different people will be drawn, or not, accordingly.

You determine your attraction factor. Not your so called ‘competition’. To compete is to imply lack and ‘not enough’, so that’s what you’ll get. Abundance is the order of our day. I am a Creator, not a Competitor. I carve out my own ‘organic niche’.

And I have dubbed those who would be considered ‘competitors’, as my “Allies”. They help me see what could be good for my business. They show some things I shouldn’t do. They give me ideas, and they encourage me to maintain a high standard for myself. We have a lot in common too. They are obviously friends/mentors to be doing all this! lol

Spoken like a TRUE organic networker! J

But seriously, when you change this mindset, you’ll not only NOT attract people that you need to be ‘afraid of’ in business, but you will cease to even see competition as a motivating factor in anyone. And when it doesn’t get your energy, it won’t be in your reality. I’ve had the most unexpected experiences along this line. But you’ll have to call in to my Blog talk Radio on Mar 9 to ask about that! No room here! Lol (QLD ) Tues 9 am GMT+10

Pie in the Sky-Rose Coloured Glasses

Oh, I know a lot of people would think me unrealistic, ‘head-in-the-sand’, wearing ‘rose coloured glasses’ and the like. People are often so afraid of being ‘screwed over’ by those they trust, that they keep trusting more people that will screw them over! They keep creating what they don’t want!


There are still lots of people that DO think it’s all about the money. Being adequately recompensed for your skills, talents, labour etc. is to be expected, but ultimately, it’s not the money we want. We want the freedom to live our Designer Dreams that we think having such money will bring. That’s why we end up with our focus aligned to all the wrong things. Our antenna is set 2 Degrees off our own Truth and on money instead. This brings conflict. This is why we need to start with aligning to our deepest desires and highest values.

I think our ‘natural’ sight is rosy. I believe we are authentically connectors and lovers. We had to ‘learn’ to focus on the negative. Fear fuels our resistance to those things feared, but ‘what we resists, persists’.

It’s time to don the ‘rose coloured’ glasses again.

Focus on the beauty. Focus on the best in people. Believe the love within. When you become convinced of it, the light of love in you will help them to see themselves by it. People will love being around you, coz it FEELS GOOD to be around you. You help them to remember who they are: Connected to Source and co-creators of their own DIY Designer Lives.

When your networking is love based, and not money chasing, all that you need to live the life of your dreams, will come to you.


  1. I like the way you say things, but I really like the videos...

  2. Thanks for popping by dude...I made a special post-just for you! Could be overkill lol! But at least, I'm nowhere near as longwinded with video!
