Monday, February 22, 2010

Designer Faith

Designer Faith

Hey everyone! Great to be off to another exciting Designer week.
I feel like every day is so full of such tantalizing stuff, that I am overflowingly joyful and thankful. I find excitement in the most basic things, which brings me to this week’s focus: Designer Faith

Now, every so often, more often than not probably, I’m going to use words that some people will have all manner of mixed connotations attached to. It is never my intention to offend anyone. I accept everyone and whatever terminology they wish to use regarding their spirituality and the beliefs. Words, like life, are full of whatever we ascribe to them. Choose to ascribe well.

What is Designer Faith? Just ask any dog!

I’ve heard people say that dogs love humans unconditionally, but they are great with faith too. The two go hand in hand.
Now, when I arrive at the beach, it’s usually before the lifeguards have set up flags. In the earliest part of the day, doggies are allowed-on a leash, of course, but once the flags go up, these signs telling all the puppies to “Keep Out!” are erected too. No dogs near the bathers.
I kinda laughed to myself thinking about the fact that dog s don’t read. Nor, I venture, would they care. But there are repercussions if the message isn’t heeded.
The dog doesn’t concern himself with reading and/or obeying the signs...he just stays connected to his owner. He has absolutely NO FEAR or thought about where they’re going and as long as he’s with his owner, he doesn’t care.
Designer Faith is about staying consciously connected to the Creator within me, giving me absolute assurance that I am on the right path for me. Knowing I am loved, I learned to trust, and when I learnt trust, I began loving others-FEARLESSLY-Completely and unconditionally. Just like a dog.
Designer Faith for Life’s Essentials

I see Truth and Love in everything. I saw it in a seagull this morning.
It’s a bit hard to see, but this bird has found an apple core. How hard do you think that bird had to work to get that provision? Did sow the seed or grow the tree? Did it even pluck the fruit from the bough? No.

The bird just KNOWS it will have the sustenance it needs. “Consider the lilies of the field...” Nature presents us with the cues to follow. They are all around for those who ‘see’. When I’m consciously connected , I know my provision is certain. When I let my focus slip...then the conscious connection is broken, and stress, fear, doubt and lack are there, crouching by my door. I found my way into ever deepening understanding of these things because I had ‘reasons’ to feel afraid, but I hated the feeling s of fear and worry. I wanted to be free of them. I wanted to master the art of Abiding in God, and knowing the Power of the Universe lived inside me.

Sure, I slide in and out at times, but I am MUCH more often “in’ that place than ‘out’ of it, and here are some tips to help you learn this art too, and be free of the kind of mental torment that made my hair fall out!

And the best part? KNOWING “all things are mine”, gives me great confidence to jump at opportunities, and run at giants and boldness to claim my dreams-my Designer Life.

Designer Faith For Having Our Desires Fulfilled.

Once again, we can learn from the doggies around us. This Doggie is called Kane and when his owner, Ms J, takes him along the beach, they play with a thick stick. Once Ms J picks up the stick, the dog’s eyes never leave it. Kane’s gaze is FIRMLY FIXED on the object of his desire. NO distractions get his attention. He wants that stick. He doesn’t care about ANYthing else. And you can bet, he’s not entertaining for even a ‘split second’, the idea of NOT having that stick.
What do YOU want? How MUCH do you want it?
And don’t say ‘money’! That’s a cop out. Detail the life you feel money will make available to you.
How much time do you spend doubting your ability to achieve your dreams? It’s a massive energy leak. Focus all that energy on the already having of your desire-the home, the lifestyle, the travel. Become ‘obsessed’ in the best possible way, but do it from that place of connection where there is Joy and Peace and Love, rather than willpower, sheer grit and striving.

Life is only as hard as our resistance makes it. It’s as hard as we believe it has to be. It’s hard coz we think we DON’T-can't- have it.

An immediate way to improve things is to find reasons to be grateful and moments to take pleasure in. When you really do this, you align to Source. You connect. You FEEL better and you’ve begun to create something better. You also ‘see’ more clearly, and sometimes you feel prompted to take a certain action that becomes the pivotal turning point.

What “Designer Faith” means to me.
I love God.
I don’t think it matters what name you give, or don’t give, this Being. It is KNOWING the Being that counts.
“that which we call a any other name, would smell as sweet”...William Shakespeare.
God, no matter what you call him is glorious! Source is LOVE. The power of All-That-Is, the energy of all things, is LOVE. The Universe reeks of LOVE. My designer faith allows me to believe, touch, experience and savour this LOVE-In everything. It is in everything and everyone, as it is the very essence of all that we are-Energy

I feel like I’ve become an expert at extracting love from all around me in my life, through my Designer Faith. 

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