Monday, March 22, 2010

DIY Designer Health with CTT

DIY Designer Health

Now, when it comes to health, as with any other area of my life, I work from the inside out.

There’s a scripture that reads

“Fear the Lord and shun evil,

this will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Pr 3:7b-8

Now, even tho I think this is a poor translation, I believe the sentiment behind this verse to be VERY apt. Basically, it’s saying that when you’re aligned to the Source from which you will reap the benefits of that alignment. Health.

There is only a stream of well being. Abraham-Hicks will tell you all about it. You are either in the flow of it, or pinching it off. You determine which it is through the ‘stories’ you tell yourself about yourself

Now, I’m going to tell you about how I discovered getting into the flow of this wellbeing, in the places where it had been trained out of me. I will tell you my own stories that will show you the power you have resident in you for total spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wholeness.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is about believing you are the incredible creator God/Source birthed you to be. In fact, in being one with Source in your core, it was a joint decision to come into this physical realm and create the range of physical experiences you chose to have. Through this vast range of experiences, you wanted to know yourself in the fullness of your nature...your god nature.

Spiritual health is basically being ‘aligned’. Remember “DIY Designer Alignment”? That is spiritual well being. It is what Abraham-Hicks terms as ‘being in the Vortex’. It is what I call being the ‘Secret Place’, or the ‘Garden’, or ‘in the space between’. Ultimately, it is being in conscious connection with All-That-Is and at the very least it is feeling in harmony with your most intimate circle.


In this place of Love, where you know your own wholeness, there is no fear, no lack, no judgment nor any unmet desire. Here, ‘all things are yours’...and you know it. As one whose job it was to lead people into this ‘state’ through my singing/music, I was well practiced in being there.

I can tell you this: it is the sweetest addiction you will ever know.

Joy, peace, appreciation, love without demands, doing what lights your fire...this is being aligned. This is when you are closest to being all you are, and that’s also why it is SO important that you take time to DO what you love. It will re-adjust your compass to north, and keep you on the right path for you.

I have countless ways to enter into this state. I live there mostly. Soon, I’ll post some more content on this subject on my sites. All other forms of health, in my opinion, stem from this one flow. I’ve lived my life by this belief and freed myself repeatedly of various potential ills.

Mental Health.

What is mental health? Well, for the sake of this blog and this week’s theme, I’m going to say mental health is the ability to think clearly and make decisions soundly. Not necessarily only logically, because intuition is equally essential...sometimes even more so. Intuition is sharpened through alignment, which is why so few feel confident with theirs. I have my spent my entire life cultivating the confidence in this Inner Voice.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t had opportunity to doubt it. In fact, In wanting to know myself utterly connected with that core part of me, I’ve had many challenges to grow by. Eating disorders , body image issues, and an emotional breakdown that led to Alopecea ( stress induced baldness) basically meant that I had lot of ‘self’ perceptions that needed adjusting and aligning.

Funny thing is, we can KNOW what we need, and still not do it. I think that’s because we doubt our ability to see it through. But the incredible thing is, once we DO come to that point of heart-felt decision, we find a power abiding in us, that we KNEW was there, but refused to believe in. It lives in all but is activated by those who believe and act.

After three years of nightmares about being completely bald, being pregnant four times, miscarrying one and losing almost 2/3 of my circulating blood supply, something inside me stood up. I knew I was doing these things to myself. I knew only I could change it. I also believed that if I could turn it around, I could do anything.

No one could beat that truth out of me today. No matter where I may appear to be on the journey in any one else’s eyes, I know this truth: “All things are mine”

That is a sound mind.

A sound mind thinks clearly, finds creative solutions easily and frequently, takes risks confidently and improvises competently...not to mention houses a great sense of humour! J When you start agreeing with these truths, and write your stories by will know the Peace that is far beyond understanding.

A note** When washing your brain...keep the water clean. Allow NO ACCESS to any story that is NOT aligned to your desires. When those things present themselves, you will find creative ways to address them, but you needn’t focus on them in between. When you’re working with life and death, you learn this well!

Emotional Health

I taught my kids to sing songs or love and joy and to 'turn the day around' that way. I taught them little tricks that came to me, in the moment, that stayed with them through the growing years and became part of who they are. They never questioned whether they were ‘right’...they saw me live by the same principles, they knew I loved them , and only wanted them happy, and they saw how they worked for me.

My youngest son when he was very little, maybe 4, used to get migraines and vomit, then sleep it off. As he grew a few years older I could see how emotionally ‘worked up’ he would get. I could see I needed to find a way to teach him how to diffuse the triggers before he was on the spiral down. Before he’d left Lower primary school, I had taught him how to detach from whatever was ‘stringing him out’ with one VERY simple technique.

I told him he could tell me all about the ‘problem’ (which, by the way, keeps the emotional charge building), but in 5 minutes (This time was extended each time). I took him out to my balcony, overlooking the back yard, where there were very tall gums, well grown palms ringing the perimeter, and smaller hedge type trees. When the wind blew, you could distinctly hear it hit each level of different greenery, creating a different song. It only took a few seconds to completely distract him, and in doing so, detach from the negative energy, and bring equilibrium to his emotions, completely bypassing resistance.

He felt so good, he took the practice on easily and would take himself out for de-stressing when he needed to. He even learned to avert the migraines altogether. Alignment is the answer to all health issues in my book.

Today, we still do this and other things, but I also really love EFT, for when you just GOTTA ‘spill it’! EFT is the great ‘diffuser’ if you’re struggling with resistance. If EFT were a man, he’d be my hero!

Listen to my Blog Talk Radio Show with Brad Yates for more on EFT

Physical Health.

Ok, now what I share may be hard for some people to agree with, and it’s not my job to tell anyone else what to do with their bodies...but I will tell you of my experience with mine.

After having Alopecea and seeing first hand the chemical effect I could make on my body to bring about physical change, no one will EVER be able to tell me I have no control over such things. I have absolute control over my life-every facet. Not the details, but the desired outcomes. And even if I struggle to come to terms with some aspect of it, you will never hear me say otherwise, because I will never believe otherwise. I know that as soon as I entertain the idea of not having control I yield it, by default, to all manner of harsh task masters. But in retaining conscious control, I will eventually find the core of the cause, correct the misalignment and be well.

I can give you COUNTLESS stories of this at work in my life, but I think the most amazing one is the one concerning the miscarriage. I can’t give all the details here, but I carried a “suspended” foetus in my womb for 6 weeks whilst I learnt about what it meant to have the power of life and death in my own hands.

I was supposed to be 13 weeks, but from 5 weeks, I felt something was wrong. I didn’t know what to do, afraid to speak it out, but wanted to understand. (I am my favourite guinea pig) from 7 weeks, that baby ‘waited’. Usually, after 2 weeks poisoning of the system would kick in.

Part of learning that was to ‘let go’ of the life-I made the conscious choice. But I recovered from all that blood loss in two weeks and was pregnant again in four and back with a baby in 10 months-as I told them I would be.

But here’s the interesting part: At 10 weeks, I had a widespread abruption in the placenta-where it comes away from the uterine wall, and the growing baby starves to death. I didn’t go through all I had just done, to not learn. I knew I could decide what would happen here. Three doctors said ‘not good’. Two said ‘the pregnancy’s terminated, she needs a curette’, and after 5 hours of deliberating, that last report just got my back up, and I decided to keep this baby.

They made all the preparations, and I started telling a different story to myself-literally. I was absolutely convinced that life and death were in my hands, with regard to my body.

I wasn’t scared or over wrought, or stressed out, but simply requested an ultrasound before they took me in. It was granted, and we found a live baby, and a placenta that had already started clotting (reconnecting) That baby is Paul, and he’s 21 in September.

My Prognosis

I’ve been diagnosing and treating my own ailments this way for a LONG time. I have powerful documented experiences that no one could ever take away. I live this way. And I have overcome MANY traumas through the principle of aligning myself within. Every symptom, thought, feeling is an indicator that mirrors to me where the real issue lies, and I do my best to address it swiftly.

Some things take longer, and have complex layers, and if needed medical assistance in the interim, I'd take it, but as a bridge, not a cure. I want to know WHY/What I'm creating etc.

I am addicted to the feelings, thoughts and outcomes of being in a state of ALIGNMENT. From there, if I need to take action, I am shown where/how. Sometimes, I do. Other times, I just needed to shift my focus, or adjust my ‘antenna’. I expect to receive the necessary wisdom, and if it doesn’t come immediately, I know there are layers masking it, and I’ll always know what to do next if I keep myself aligned.

I will continue to live this way, and I’m glad I’ve taught my children this. They may still have their own paths to learn by, but they have heard and seen what I believe. I’ve had miraculous ‘healings’ and slow steady recoveries that took diligence of mind-but the strength gained through the process was needed...even wanted. So many more accounts to tell... :-)

Today, I am strong. Open, vulnerable, trusting...and strong.

I am HEALTHY-spirit, mind, emotions and body.

My radio show guest Ingrid Arna has had to deal with a similar range of experiences, but she is also a wellness coach, into fitness and nutrition and healthy body image.

Join us on Tuesday, Mar 30, for DIY Designer Health at 9 a.m. ( GMT +10)

I realise this is a very extended blog...but I wanted it to have substance.

Love to all you groovers and groovettes!

Lisa In Oz

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