Wednesday, March 10, 2010

DIY Designer Vision with Creative Thinking Technology

I took this photo on the left a couple of weeks ago. Up till today all the photos I've taken have been at 'sand level'. If you're familiar with my Facebook page, you'll know I've taken hundreds in the space of the 3 &1/2 weeks that I've been doing this daily walk!

As the title implies, I want to get you thinking about the way you see things.
In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that the purpose of my life is to help people learn HOW to see conscious choice.

The functions of generating ideas and creating alternatives, or even the punch line for a joke-are right brain, creative thinking processes. Logic and reason...are the legalistic left brain lawyers that forever try to 'anchor' that wayward dreamer we call Imagination.

Yet the skills developed along this line are what set apart the outstanding from the ordinary, and are most highly sought after in every field. Innovation. Improvisation. Whether a home duties full-time mum, or a corporate CEO...creativity will make you SHINE.

Life isn't the way you see it-that's just the way you see it.

Creativity isn't being artistic, it is 'seeing' differently.

I don't want to get technical here and discuss the brain and its functions. This blog just doesn't go into those details. I just want to look out how we can effectively make it work for us, without even having to KNOW. And I have known and seen far too many people who know the theory but never have mastered having the experience.

I want aid with the experience!

We each have so many different ways of looking at things. Even within one individual, the capacity to conceive multiple perspectives on any and every matter, is endless. How can it be then, that anyone would ever conclude anything impossible?

We choose HOW we see our lives. Our beliefs, emotions and experiences cause us to decide what and how we'll see. Are your filters by your design, or by default? If you wonder what filters the perspective you have on your life, then simply 'consider and give thought to your ways'. Your life is a perfect mirror.

Process #1- back to Picasso

If you've read my stuff before , you'll have heard of what I call the Picasso Principle. Practice developing alternate view points by looking at images from the side, or upside down, or back to front. Play "Mr Squiggle" with random lines drawn by another for you, and do it from every way up. See how turning the squiggles changes what you can 'see' to draw. Life is the same.

Look at photos from magazines or books and make up characters and stories about them. Write who/what/where/when/why and how...and do three different versions. if you do this, when you need to create alternatives in your life, you will be practised.

Process #2-Break the Pattern

If you're really serious about seeing a situation differently. You will need to DO something different. Decide that no matter what, you are not going to do what you always have done before. This is a very literal thing. I wanted to demonstrate it by taking a photo of the beach from another point.

To do that I had to change where I parked my car, and the way that I usually do my routine walk. I had to embrace all the inconvenience and discomfort of change-and as simplistic as this example might be, it's surprising how swiftly we 'take' to a pattern, and don't want to change it.

I was excited about my plan, but I was still very aware of having to do something another way.
I met unfamiliar faces, many more were running , not walking. I had to wear shoes, and go up a STEEP hill. MY enthusiasm wasn't daunted at all, coz I knew what I wanted and why-but was all the same, keenly aware of the newness.

But getting to my new vantage point was well worth it. I got a BIGGER picture. I had a much broader perspective. I could see BEYOND my usual setting, north and south. I could see the distance that I walk each day, where I enter onto the beach usually.
And I could see my new friend-Harriet, just coming up to the bottom of the headland, at the halfway point of her walk! :-)

The first image is taken from in front of the tall apartments (top right)

so...MOVE yourself by doing something DIFFERENTLY. If you normally have breakfast and then a shower. Do it the other way around. Go out for breakfast. Take fruit salad and eat in a park. Eat it in a different part of the house-in the garden, on the balcony, preferably somewhere where you can see some nature.

Change SOMETHING and just watch what happens. Your eyes will begin to open-and so will your heart.

{this is another view from just south of the surf club looking up to the look out where I was just standing, in the above shot}

Process#3- Prepare for a Different Path

If you decide that you are going to do something differently, you may have to do ready yourself somehow.

I knew I would want shoes to walk to the top but I don't usually take any. So,I put the shoes out where I literally tripped over them!
Give yourself tangible, visual prompts.

I turned left instead of right at the Esplanade, so I could park right at the northern end. I made all these mental adjustments before I even set foot on the new 'way of seeing', because I thought about doing things differently so I could share another vision of Burleigh.

The same process is at work whenever we wish to take an alternate position in relation to something. Break the pattern and give yourself prompts to help you on the alternate route.

Process#3-Plan to Empower

This is really part of the mental preparation and motivation, but it comes into play when you take the first step. There is a reason for scaling a hill to get a better view. You can see where you are, where you wish to be and maybe even an obvious path to get there.

It takes effort to climb a mountain. More effort than to walk the sandy shore. But your desire to want to see the extensive view it promises will give you energy and strength to deal with any resistance that comes through discomfort-whether internal or external.

Focus on what you will gain-fresh insights into your life and how to make it more like the Vision you have of it in your dreams.

When we first begin to make changes, it can feel VERY uphill...contrary to the flow we'd established. Eventually though, you will learn to implement ideas for change that spring from your core, like me doing the beach walk, and these will be easy, once you decide, and reap manifold ongoing and lasting rewards.

For now, just experiment with changing little things...and see how this opens your imagination to more.

Process#4 Put on New Glasses

What's really funny about my trek to the top of North Burleigh Rock is that in my descent, I lost one of the lens from my sunnies! I literally had an altered view! :-)

And that brings me to this point: which glasses are you wearing? Some people talk about 'rose coloured' glasses as if they are unrealistic "La Vie en rose" (French for "Life through rose-coloured glasses," literally "Life in pink"), but since is literally whatever we determine to see, it seems to me that looking through rose coloured glasses is a smart thing to do.

You choose the tint of your shades. You determine what will be highlighted and what will be minimalized. You do this by what you are open to believe.
An anorexic sees themselves as fat, no matter how bony they get, because that's what they believe they are.

A constantly sick person doesn't see themselves well and whole, and for some reason thinks that to be well and whole will conflict with something else they believe. This isn't often conscious, but the 'mirrors' of our lives don't lie.

You can change what you believe, once you understand how it's creating your life. You can harmonise beliefs to your desires, and build your Designer Life. You can be free of the shackles and millstones of old ghosts that come haunting and drag you ever back into dungeons of your own psyche.

You can be FREE. And it starts with you painting a picture of yourself and your life as you wish them to be. Only you can do this for you.
How do you want your life to look? DIY Designer Vision.

And now I've climbed one headland...I'm gonna do the other and present yet another set of perspectives! lol (see the video!)

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