Sunday, March 14, 2010

DIY Designer Breakthroughs

DIY Designer Breakthroughs

This week, as the title implies, I want to look at ‘breakthroughs’.

Firstly, I’d like to ‘demystify’ the notion of breakthroughs. Contrary to popular opinion, I don't believe they are the freak, ‘lucky break’ or the extraordinary miracle. Like ‘strokes of genius’, breakthroughs are much more within our ‘intentional grasp’ than many realise. They are the result of certain characteristic processes

Breakthroughs, like anything in life, follow a traceable pattern and can be designed and pre-determined, to a degree. Whilst the specific details of any situation are best NOT under your control ( the Universe is the Master Orchestrator), the desired outcome you have in mind definitely is!

“In his heart, a man plots his course, but the Lord determines his steps” Proverbs 16

My paraphrase: I decide where I want to go, and God opens the way, leading me a step at a time. I decide the ‘what and why’, Source energy works the ‘how’. When we allow ourselves to yield and to create our daily lives this way, we become open to fantastic opportunities that we may otherwise miss in trying to control everything or dictate the delivery method of our freedom.

I guess the major difference between achieving a goal, and experiencing a breakthrough refers to the level of conflict we’ve known in trying to get past a certain point and moving into a NEW position. Eg new income bracket, healthier lifestyle, relationship status, vocational shift.

Process #1-what do I want?

As with everything else, the path to a breakthrough begins with...’what do I want?’

And I don’t mean ‘what do I kinda want?’ or ‘it might be nice if I had..’ . I’m talking ‘what do I REALLY want?’ Why waste time or any other resource on something you aren’t really crazy to have? Of course, sometimes, we find out along the way what we really want, and the process of heading out was needed to define and refine our goal or even just practice the skills of applying ourselves and our focus. No effort is ever wasted.

My suggestion would be this: think of some of the things that you’ve often heard yourself say “I’ve always wanted to be/do/have/give that, or go there.” Time to take hold of one of those types of desires.

So-given where you are TODAY, where would you like to enjoy a breakthrough? This is your first step toward freedom. CHOOSE...then write a statement outlining your desired outcome. Eg. I desire to be earning $50 000 a year in my chosen field of composing jingles.

Process #2-How Does My New Life look?

Design the details of your new found freedom, as far as you can ‘see’ it from here. NOT how you’re going to do it, but how it looks to be LIVING it. Imagine you are already earning $50 000 a year writing jingles. How do you think your life would look to support this outcome? What would a day/week/month look like? Would you be attending any seminars/courses? Who would you be networking with? How many items would you be producing? Who would buy and for how much? What level of royalties and residual income would you expect?

Also...what other liberties and opportunities do you feel it might make available for you in other areas of your life? How would your personal life be affected? What new kinds of relationships and activities would you be able to enjoy?

This is GREAT fun! And Absolutely CRUCIAL. This process is a MAJOR component of creating an energy resonance with what you’re desiring, and if you follow the process laid out in “MY Designer Calendar” you will set your inner antennae so sharply and so effortlessly that you will surprise yourself.

It’s important not to rush this. It doesn’t matter that it takes a long time. The longer, the better actually, as it sustains a healthy and active connection with your desire.

THIS IS NOT WASTED OR UNIMPORTANT INDULGENCE. Change the way you view FUN. Life doesn’t have to be HARD. Change is easy when you ENJOY it!

Process #3-The Path Of Zero Resistance

This is probably the part that people struggle with most-Resistance.

Chances are you will come across it, otherwise you would already be living out your dream. When addressing resistance, you must first recognise it. It can be insidiously covert or obviously ‘impassable’, but there are ways to ‘read the signs’ in your life so that it becomes clear. One thing about making a decision about what you will bring many things to the surface immediately. Watch and take note of your responses, reactions and day to day thoughts/feelings and encounters. They will reveal MUCH. Your life is a perfect mirror of where your energy and focus have been.

Once you’ve acknowledged levels and areas of resistance, there are a number of ways you can address it. I have two favourite ways that I use individually and in conjunction with each other.

One is quite simply to use whatever abilities I have to re-focus my energy and align it to my desire. I draw/write/collage/sing/speak about my desired outcome. This harmonises me with my dreams, diminishing any sense of lack and makes me feel fantastic, coz creativity just feels SO GOOD!

The other process I use a lot is EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique. And my absolute favourite facilitator of EFT is the EFT Wizard himself...Mr Brad Yates This delightfully humourous and insightful practitioner is on my radio show on Tues Mar 23, 2010 at 9 am. (GMT +10) and we will be looking into how to help people design some breakthroughs for themselves. Tune in here I will post a direct link once the show is done for people that want to listen or download the archived version.

You can go to Brad’s site to learn more about EFT, but what I particularly love about it, is how it frees me from the ‘feelings’ that might otherwise disable me. I’ve used EFT to release Fear, Resistance, Stress, physical conditions caused by these things...and I LOVE it!!

I also use EFT in conjunction with the images and text that are part of my ‘designer’ life. I refer to my collages etc , whilst doing EFT, using positive statements. You don’t have to wait to feel resistance to make good use of EFT! J

A note on this ** if you’ve not done a lot of personal work this way, you could find more negative emotions come up. Just keep going through the ‘clearing’ processes, but if you want assistance to transition these times, get in touch! **

Also, Christopher Pinckley’s book Reality Creation 101 outlines other techniques he’s found useful. Here’s a link

We’ll cover more of this on Mar 23, please go to and send any questions, call in or chat with us live.

Process #4-Stay Aligned

Basically, just keep doing processes 2 and 3! Lol

Live your life and be happy, knowing that “...the Universe is conspiring with you for your success...” Be open to follow leading that comes and feels right. Stay aligned and act on prompts and ideas that come. Stay aligned...I’ll say it again-Stay aligned!!

You’re aligned when you FEEL GOOD, remember?

Process #5

Please let us know of the progress you make. Share your stories and outcomes with us. I am the Queen of Show’n’Tell! I love to hear people’s tales of victory and fun. Even more if I can have been a tiny part of it! J

Create an Incredible Designer Week, and I hope to hear from you soon!

p.s. BTR gues Mar 16, my daughter Sarah :her story ( and music) of changing her vision to be free of Anorexia, and

Mar 23, Brad Yates, EFT Wizard...don’t Miss it! J

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