Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DIY Designer Change

DIY Designer Change.
Hmmm...for some it’s not only a negative word, it’s a terrifying prospect. Why is that?
Everything about life is in a constant of flux, so how is it we can become so rigid? I our early years, everything single thing we learn comes to us via a process of desire and discovery, then experimentation and mastery. There was no shame when we didn’t roll over the first time, or successfully take five steps without falling.
Nor was there any judgment! Only encouragement and cheers at our wanting to try, and a confidence that we would eventually accomplish that which we were endeavouring to achieve.
Somewhere along the line, we trading in our spirit of adventure and self confidence, selling out to the more generally accepted notion that we ‘can’t’. The blissful condition of being judgement free dissipated and in its place a need to hide and not venture out where we’ve not gone before-coz, what if we fail?
This week, I’d like to look at the way Change comes into my life, and how I determined how I would have it play out.
Incremental Steps
Change can strike in many ways. A slow progressive evolving, a dramatic shift in circumstances, an opportunity that grows out of synchronistic meeting or even a line by line action plan.
When considering ‘incremental’ change, I want to see steady and consistent growth without extremes or obsession. A type of approach to life, if you will, that will always hold me in good stead. I love balance and harmony in all areas of my life, with rich and recognisable growth, but free of stress or pressure...just like when I was little.
I used to beg God for three times the intensity, to have a learning process over with three times as fast, and I think I had that for a long time! Lol but there are certain other necessary characteristics that develop over time THROUGH consistent application that takes longer to perfect. This is the one place I really love TIME. As long as any fear is being dealt with in a healthy way, simply spending TIME doing something will develop confidence and familiarity.
In giving yourself goals of change think of this: One step forward is all you need to take. Just ONE. Do this regularly, this small amount every day and change will eventuate.
As an example, think of a child’s growing feet. I have five kids and I know when I shopped for ten pairs of shoes at the outset of each new school year, I looked for a shoe that fit well enough for my child to walk comfortably, but yet, have room to grow. Every mother knows this!
When you want to step into BIGGER BOOTS, this is what you do.
A lot of our lives can, and is, lived like this. This is a very easy approach to change, and if we practice life this way, the sizes between shoes can get bigger, and we will get bolder and more confident to tackle larger ‘risks’.
When a person stops dealing with life’s little changes this way...often a “Quantum Shift” will come and shake life TO THE CORE.
This may feel uninvited and most certainly unwanted, but believe me, there is a part of you that wants nothing more than to blossom into fullness. The spiritual essence is the part of you that will subject the ‘ego’ to what’s necessary to satisfy this.
Sadly, people can go their entire lives, never recognising these opportunities, and die, having only tasted their true passions in secret, unfulfilled yearning.
What single thing would you like to begin to incrementally change in your life? How will you/your life look with that change fully established?
Quantum Shifts
If you’re familiar with any of my personal history, you may know that I had some very severe environmental shifts that scattered family members and geographically brought big change to me as well.
On the one hand this change was exactly what I wanted, but on the other, it brought a heavy toll to my heart, as it meant not being with many of the people I loved most dearly. Even though this brought some difficult situations, like many years of nightmares, and heart ache, there were many aspects of my new life that I could easily enjoy.
As children, we tend to do this much more readily-lose ourselves in the moment. We find and focus on those things that make us feel good. This was an instinct in me from as far back as I can remember, and I’ve never let it go. Feeling good has always been the better option for me and I learnt through MANY situations how to do that, from the INSIDE OUT.
This traumatic turn of events was the deliverance I wanted from some unpleasant elements of my young life, and I can see how it was the result of my own desire and creation. Looking back now, the hardest part I see in it, was the fact that I was able to create new levels of freedom , but couldn’t make anyone else want them. And for many decades, I accepted the guilt some family members put on me for finding peace when they remained in turmoil.
Often, I’ve been accused of NOT CARING because I have chosen to move forward with change instead of resisting it. This is hard to take from people you love-but move forward anyway, coz you staying miserable won’t help anyone.
This is an important part of your growth and change: You cannot create in someone else’s experience
The change that you may view as powerfully and positively potent for another could spell total disaster-all because of the way they view change.
I have seen myself generate circumstances in my life that ‘force’ me to address things I was having trouble making a decision to deal with. Whilst others felt bad for me, I knew I was getting the compelling I needed to commit myself to the change I wanted. How could I complain?
This is principle behind hiring a coach too, giving yourself an accountability partner to get you past where you keep getting stuck. Who knows, lol, maybe hiring a coach will even avert more harsh alternatives!  That has certainly been my thinking when hiring the service of a book keeper/virtual assistant to walk me through things I needed to know to get myself organised ( for bigger business shoes!), and also a business advisor to help me see the practical logistics that my right brain orientation isn’t ‘all up’ with, since I’m new to business on that level.
Without them, I wouldn’t even feel ready to BEGIN to receive any substantial business...my shoes weren’t big enough!
I do confess though, I wear lots of different ‘hats’ as well as ‘shoes’...and every hat requires another learning curve-A seemingly never ending, ongoing, learning curve. I haven’t had a chance to wear ANY of my shoes out because my desire to be living my dream life is taking me through some quantum growth spurts!
It can be exhausting to feel such stretching and growing all the time, but it’s also exhilarating and you sure know you’re alive, and best of all—you get to LIVE YOUR DREAMS, one intentional Designer moment at a time. :-)
Think about the area you’d like some change in, how can you give yourself some ’structure’ to encourage you along the path. Perhaps join a spiritual network, like http://jasonsnetwork.com or http://boundlessliving.ning.com -you’ll find me on both. Or like a friend of mine on Facebook, who gave herself a challenge and set up her own daily accountability blog. There’s LOTS of ways to do this-countless, in fact. Which will you choose??
By far...the best way to tackle change is make it a game!
Making it FUN
When I get an unexpected twist, I have several possible responses. How/why did I create this?
If I don’t feel any sort of negative affirmation like “I KNEW this would happen!”, but rather feel , aligned, I look at it as being the result of my “This, or something better clause”. That is to say, when I ask the Universe for something I think I want, I add the disclaimer of “this or something even better”, because I readily concede the Intelligence in All–That-Is, knows WAY better than I, how to satisfy my desire.
So, if I put ‘disruption’ under that disclaimer label, I cannot help but get excited! I’m not kidding! Or exaggerating. I’ve learnt to love and embrace change so much, that ‘ending’ actually means “new beginning’ to me, and ‘death’ means ‘transformed’, unexpected change, means ‘adventure’!
I immediately start thinking of how I’ll tell it as a story, or record it in a little Artbook, perhaps even a song. I bring in an element of Creative fun that instantly shifts my focus and opens the door to FUN! I might imagine myself doing an interview (common practice since I was very young! Lol)
Change is so much more appealing when it’s FUN!
Where can you, right now, begin to make some element of change that could be a fun outlet for you, connected with the area in which you want to evolve? (I’m good at ideas and for helping you to generate your own)

More About Change.
The previous content has been about positive aspects of change and response to it. There is the element of dealing with the ‘can of worms’ that are unleashed that must be sorted one way or another. Mostly, we want them out of the way, so we can stay aligned to our desired outcome, which we’re not even always sure of in times of deep transition.
I know I spent three years in limbo when my husband and I separated, not really able to cope with the notion of divorce, OR staying married. He and I progressed slowly through degrees of separation, incremental change, that seemed the better way for all five kids too. When I dealt with the reasons why (mostly the shame of feeling like a failure and being judged). But I know others who simply Cut it off and moved on...they went for the ‘intense’ version! Lol the underlying issues still need addressing though and we each decide which brand of “is-shoes” we choose to grow into and through.
There’s so much more to cover with change, such as how we deal with the strong reactions that can even debilitate us in the face of change, immobilizing our progress through fear. Other issues can arise from our habitual responses to triggers, and the problem becomes how can avert that pattern and bring the change I want, and allow it to flow?
My life afforded me the opportunity to become something of a ‘shapeshifter’. As a result, I love to help people transition change in their own lives. If you think I can help you, simply contact me on lisa@lisashahescape.com and visit http://lisashahescape.com to see how others have been assisted.

Listen into next week's show http://blogtalkradio.com/lisa-shah as Suzie Cheel , the "abundance Queen" and I discuss how we can embrace the emotions of change and Suzie's book "Emergings" on the topic.

Be Blessed! 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

DIY Designer Passion Vol 1

Here's the compiled 4 part Vol 1 of the written content.
Please leave a comment on how this material may help/inspire you... or even suggestions on how It could better do so!

Monday, April 19, 2010

DIY Designer Passion

This week, leading up to next week’s show with Bob Doyle, I’ll be looking at passion and how it can be the illumination we’re looking for to light the way ahead.

What is a Passion and How Can You Define Yours?

During the various seasons of our lives, we may try many diverse experiences. Whilst some are nothing more than “passing fancies” or “fashionable fads”, others stay with us for life, their call to our attention, and draw on our affection, never waning.

It’s those lifelong past times, well known as the “humble hobby”, that could well prove to be the glorious golden bricks that lead you to even more gold at the proverbial end of ‘somewhere over the rainbow’.

You may never even have allowed yourself, or had the opportunity to spend any time actually doing your desired activity, but have invested hour after hour, imagining, dreaming and preparing for it.

Find Your Gold

One of the quickest, easiest ways for a lot of people to find their deepest loves, is to recall what they loved doing as kids. This isn’t a fool proof way, but it certainly can be a pretty sound indicator. Since our ‘passions’ seemed to be so inherently part of our DNA and hard wiring, they often appear very early in some form or another.

“The Passion Test”, authored by Chris and Janet Attwood http://www.thepassiontest.com/offer/ptprofile/ is also a fantastic resource.

Even so, I know many people who still feel they have NO IDEA what to do with their lives. It isn’t always because they don’t know what they love doing, but often because they have absolutely NO IDEA (again) how to monetize it. They don’t even see how such a thing is possible, so the mere thought of it doesn’t so much as enter their conscious thinking.

In these instances, a person can literally enter a self imposed obliviousness. That call from within will stay with them, seething as unidentified anger or frustration, or may surface for an odd second when inspired, but if no action is forth coming, will become submerged again in all the clutter and business that make it easier to justify letting it go. Somewhere inside though, we feel the betrayal.

This can lead to what I believe to be the greatest of all tragedies- the tragedy of dying with your song unsung and your vision still in your belly.

Mine Your Gold

If, in that moment of inspiration, some prolonged thought is given, there can be a different outcome. That blackened ember is closer to life than you could possibly imagine. It can be breathed upon and fanned into flame so easily that it will take your breath away! I’ve watched happen over and over again.

Your passion will give you LIFE. It will energise and ignite you. It will leverage any resource you pour into it back untold fold into your being. Tapping into the power of who you are through your passion will connect you to Source faster than a secret hotline to the president, and the more you commit to living true to your deepest passions, the more magic you will see come into your life to help you do so.

The more clearly defined you become about what you really want to do with your life, and the more the method of that is refined through your specific sets of skills, talents and knowledge ( usually able to be linked to your passion), the more amazing the synchronicities you will see enter your reality to help you fulfil those clear intentions.

This is why the single most important question you may ever ask yourself is “What do I Want?”

Not just “what do I want to do?”, but also “who do I wish to be?”, “what would I like to experience?”, “what would I like to give? Or leave as a legacy to future generations? ”

Refine Your Gold

I love doing SOOO many things, and often, I’ve heard people comment on how this could be a blessing, or a curse, because it makes it hard to choose. But going through the process of prioritising those loves certainly makes it clearer. It’s not the mode of expression (singing/writing) that mattered to me near as much as THE MESSAGE.

I took Janet Attwood’s Passion Test 3 years ago, but I had spent so many years pondering my vision for the future, and was so thorough in following the instructions, that the 8-9 pages of information that outlined my Top5 , their ‘markers’ and the details have remained as true as the day I penned them. The only aspect that has ever really changed has been in the area of monetary amounts, as I grew more comfortable with higher thresholds.

Many of the things I listed began to take shape and continued to develop, one of them being to mix with the company of certain well respected high profile people in whose company I wanted to be considered a friend and peer, as well as those who may not be so well known, but are beautiful spiritual souls, in whose company I greatly delight.

I knew I wanted to sing (compose and play), to speak, and to write-on a public scale, and watching these things come to pass has been great fun. These desires coupled with my deeply appreciative love for other Arts practices, became the basis of my content and the source of my empowerment. They led me into greater understandings and made it possible for me to ‘hone’ them for the benefit of others.

I knew I wanted to sing, but I also knew I didn’t want to sing rock in pubs after midnight. I also knew I wasn’t interested so much in cabaret and music theatre, although I enjoyed them a lot. I found my ‘first love’ for singing, my deepest satisfaction in singing about my love for, and connection with, God. After that, I found, whatever I felt passionately about-this is what I wanted to give melodic voice to. That’s also what came out in my songs. Love, intimacy, communion, connection, family, adoration, appreciation, joy, truth, beauty, wisdom and grace. I did this in churches for a LONG time, and loved it, but when I left I didn’t know how to re-shape it. The ‘new’ spiritual awakening has given me a long awaited platform and an appropriate audience.

I tried to be all things. Sing all types of music. I felt like I had to please everyone, and did for a while, feeling a little false because it always felt 2Degrees off MY truth. Like many ‘artistes’, I felt like what I really wanted to do, wasn’t wanted. I was working in places where having people stay and drink mattered more (as it was all about business) than creating an atmosphere for genuine intimacy, which is all about spirituality.

And here’s the thing: There doesn’t have to be a rift between the two. Spiritual prosperity, which comes from living your passion from a pure heart, should also result in monetary reward and physical abundance-sooner or later. One is the physical expression of the other.

Finding out EXACTLY what it is about your passions that you love, will help you to fashion a viable product/service package around it, so that you can dedicate your life to living it, living completely authentically, whilst still being amply supplied with all you need and plenty to share AND staying in love with what you do (plus how you do it).

Alchemical Magic.

Even though I refer to your seeds of passion as ‘gold’, they are, in some ways, more accurately termed the “blackened ember”. As they are reignited and begin to burn hot, the fire in your soul brings refining and purifying, by which process that original base element becomes GOLD.

There is an old Brothers Grimm fairytale of “Rumpelstiltskin”, a dwarf who spun straw into gold, and the way he tried to outwit a young woman of her baby through an exchange made under fearsome circumstances. Cautionary Tales, as they are more accurately termed could be quite cruel, but hidden in their plots were “secret keys” for life and growth and personal wisdom. In such tales, through ‘overcoming’ the adversary, the protagonist assumes the others’ strengths. In this case, the maiden kept her baby, but she also developed into her own ‘alchemic’ version of herself.

So, there may be fire and challenges, depending on the level of resistance you have toward being able to live your dreams through the power of your passions, but they will ALWAYS lead you into you the most pure form of Self.

And THAT is my no.1 passion. That’s what matters to me more than anything.

That’s why I want to live by my passions-because they are literally the meeting and merging place of GOD IN ME where we are fully ONE.

Not only will you have the extreme pleasure and satisfaction of a full expression in life, but you will know how it feels to be a true child of the Universe, co-creator, consciously connected and lover of All-That-Is.

Trust me...you can’t beat that. J

Lisa Shah

“The Passion Coach”

Creator of CTT (Creative Thinking Technology)

DIY Designer Living with CTT Series

DIY Designer Power utube


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

DIY Designer Power

DIY Designer Power

DIY Designer Power on BTR bext week

As I did with DIY Designer Reality, I’d like to start out with a definition of power.

For the sake of this article, I want to refer to ‘power’ as the ability to have total control over something. That ‘something’ being our own thoughts, and by extension our feelings, which then leads into our experience and circumstances-in ever externalising layers.

I never condone domination or control over anyone or anything else, whether by force, deception, fear, guilt, obligation or even ‘good intention’.

So when I say power, I am referring directly to each individual with regard to themselves, and themselves alone. In order to create your desired reality, you never need to control anyone else. Nor can you create in anyone else’s reality. Each person’s life is their own jurisdiction-and this is absolutely as it should be, so that all people may know the immense power and pleasure of total freedom and complete responsibility and to live life exactly as they choose to.

My Desire

I know that this content is controversial and can be so easily misrepresented as well as open to misinterpretation, due to the filters people can ‘hear’ through, but I feel so strongly about it, and would like so much to see people live in the freedom of it, that I am prepared to put some challenging thoughts forward.

If I can simply cause a questioning ripple resulting in people being open to explore, then I will have done something very worthwhile. I don’t intend to answer the ‘big’ questions here...just provoke some possibility thinking.

Super Powers

I don’t know about you guys, but for me, as a kid, I always thought about having some sort of ‘super power’ or several of them. I wanted to move inanimate objects, fly the way I did in my dreams, ‘see’ into the unseen spirit world, and know a person’s heart. I also LOVED the idea of being able to ‘draw’ my reality into being through the literal act of drawing-in a sense, animating my own life.

The seeds of all these ideas were alive and magnificent, and I wanted them to be real-so badly. In fact, my life was such that I needed to believe they were real. They were my hope.

As my journey in this life has moved along, I found these things were more than fantasy, more than blind faith. “Super” powers are real. However, they function within certain structures and understanding these makes it easier to get much more specific in their intentional use.

Tapping into The Power of the Universe.

Being consciously connected to Source, and hence All-That-Is, is the beginning of being able to see yourself as you truly are: a dynamic co-creator of life experience. Everything is centred in our deepest thinking and believing and in really beginning to understand the connection we have to all things, we begin to truly see ourselves, and all others in a new light.

As we start to understand our place and position as part of God/Source in the flesh and being of the same substance (spirit/energy), we also begin to appreciate the love that governs all, the peace that can be ours and the desires that can know fruition.

Letting Go of Needing to Control

Once we realise this, we know longer need to struggle or strive for ‘our’ place. When you know who you are, and what you’re capable of, you don’t need to prove it to anyone any more. The old insecure EGO can be released and let fall, as it is the conscious centre of all feelings of inadequacies-fear and lack.

These states then become the breeding places for greed, domination, intimidation, competition, manipulation and whatever else can aid the insecure in trying to compensate for feelings of lack of power/control. Performance, achievement, possessions and status become the way an ‘impotent’ person looks to establish some modicum of power in their lives. Everything is external, trying to ‘make up’ for the internal sense of impotency.

But a genuinely confident person, who knows who they are and lives under their own control, has no need of such trappings. Should they come, and they will as a result of this knowing, they are tempered with a healthy love, grace and non judgment toward others.

Living in the Point of Paradox.

Understanding where control, and where letting go should be exercised is a major component of living successfully in this way of being. Blame has no place-toward oneself, others or circumstances. If situations exist in my life, I know they are there by my ‘invitation’. That is, there is something IN my consciousness core that is aligned to it, and attracting it. The fact that it appears in my life, helps me to see where my thinking/believing really lie, allowing me to explore ways to modify them.

So...control is applied in becoming consistently attentive to thinking the things that produce GOOD FEELINGS. They don’t have to be specifically about anything...only that they feel GOOD. This is a perfect place to start. Doing something you love, being in company you enjoy, being in nature, appreciating your life and all that you are and have.

This is where you need diligence.

Wielding and Sustaining the Power

The flipside to accepting this responsibility is yielding responsibility for MAKING something happen. The need to feel busy/productive/proactive through performance is very strong to the EGO, but the old rule of 80:20 is good here. If only 20% of what you do produces 80% of your best results, why not enjoy the other 80% doing something that makes you feel ecstatic about life?

Using that 80% to feel GOOD is an incredibly proactive way to fill your time. It is very hard to get people to accept this, since so many believe that life must be hard. How on earth can you get ahead by spending all your time ‘goofing off’? (having fun) You must ‘hurt’ to get something. “no pain no gain”. I’m not saying life doesn’t require effort, but ‘work smarter, not harder’.

Put your effort where it counts. I think this is probably the biggest area of difficulty for people. I have found some excellent ways to bypass the questions posed by this, using my Creative Thinking Technology...so, if you want to know more, you know where to find me ( http://lisashahescape.com ) These techniques deal with blocks and create new energy focus without you feeling that you have changed anything dramatically, or deal with dears about letting go. It’s like a transitioning process, if you like.

Being Powerful means being Capable

When you start to play with this power, you start to realise that it’s EASY. Yes, it requires determined effort, but it is WELL WITHIN your ability, once you MAKE THE CHOICE.

I’m not anyone special. Everyone has the capacity to create their experience. The only advantage I may have is that I never relinquished my faith in this idea. I still had my share of crappy thinking to clear away, but my childhood ‘fantasies’ would never let me go, so I simply kept on playing with it, pioneering a path for others to walk, should they desire.

Life is ONLY as hard as you think/believe it has to be. I know coz I made it hard...and I’ve made it easy. When it’s hard, I know who to deal with...and the very first thing I remind myself of is that ‘it doesn’t have to be hard!’

So this is your starting place. Try and make something ardous something fun. It’s not frivolous, it will immediately change your vibration. CTT is great for this. People want to ‘play’! They will take on all sorts of challenges when it’s fun. And from this will spring all manner of support from the Universe- ideas, connections, synchronicities that you could never hope to have orchestrated. Plans will emerge from a new wisdom. Paths will appear where there were none.

“All things are yours”. You don’t need to compete or steal, or be jealous of.

Start creating with your own power NOW! J

Monday, April 5, 2010

DIY Designer Reality with Christopher Pinckley

DIY Designer Reality with Christopher Pinckley

This week's theme, as you can see, is about Designing your very own reality.

Like I've said before, as quoted from Dr Jim Richards, "Life isn't how you see it. That's just how YOU see it."
And as bummed as I was by this , thinking I had such a great unbiassed, non judgmental view-I also came to realise the limitlessness of knowing and really beginning to understand this Truth.

I've seen so many people TRY to believe this, but then let the confines of their limited logic destroy their budding freedom.
Try leaving the the logic perameters out of the picture for a little longer and simply go exploring that fascinating dimension of "what if..?"

This week, as we look at 'reality' afresh See it as a fluid and flexible thing that easily morphs from one form to another, like some digital image you've seen on the screen.
The truth is: it does!
And YOU, my friend, are the Master Shaper!


Good question! Perhaps, it is what is ACTUALLY happening. Could we say it that way?
I guess this could be accurate. But who really determines what is actually happening? The 'detached observer', the 'participant', the 'orchestrator'...all of them?
I believe it is all of them. In any given scenario, we are co-creating our 'general consensus' of reality-the Collective UN/Consciousness. More of that when we look at Chris' content on the energy of localised Mass Mind.

But even when we DO co-create, we each choose our own viewing stance. For every single individual, there will be a DIFFERENT slant on what 'really' happened, and varying types and degrees of significance attached to it. Just on this level, it's already possible to grasp the inifinite potential in just a single instant along the linear line we call TIME.

The reality of our world, is that is it the FRUIT OF OUR CONCLUSIONS. It is the mirror of all our combined ideas, beliefs, dreams, hopes , hatreds, judgments, complaints, joys...and so on. If you despise war, live in peace. If you want the world to be free of cruelty, BE KIND.
The best thing any one soul may do to improve the REALITY of conditions around the glove, is , as Ghandi said "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Ho'oponopono recognises that we all share responsibility for all 'terrible', and wonderful, things in the world. This way of thinking says 'if it exists in my world, I have had some part in feeding it and keeping it alive'...and it is our BELIEF that these things must be because of human nature that makes them BE and gives them breath. Our own fears are the fuel that fire tragedies, disasters and tyrannies.

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think about such things...and the God of Peace will be with you."
(*NB. If I knew other religious texts, I would quote them, as I'm sure they would have equivalent sayings, but it learnt them here-so take no offence from their use, please. I'm not flogging religion here. See the truth in them-that's what counts.)

Next time you hear the question asked, to or by yourself or another, 'what is reality?' , remember this:
"Reality is MY responsibility"...and act accordingly! :-)


Aah, now this is such fun-once you surrender to the idea of your own master craftsmanship skills. You and Source, and all of us together are creating. We are all co laboureres together in creation! How cool!

None of us is a powerless victim-unless, of course, that is the reality we choose for ourselves. Why do you suppose ANYone would choose that? I suggest that if that's the reality you feel you have, then you came into this world to know the fulness of youself as the Victor, and all your circumstances are working together to motivate you into that liberty.
In wanting to find out HOW we have created the life we are now living, it is simply a matter of developing a few observation and documentation skills...and from their, some "thinking muscle".

As I have said many times, I am my "most favouritest"guinea pig! ;-) I love conducting experiments to see how these things work, and I record what I feel, how I see things, what is revealed, and how to manipulate such things ON PURPOSE. So, start by 'taking notice and taking note' of where your thoughts and feelings lie. This process can take as little or as long a time as you wish. Personally, I love it, and am often lost in it! In fact, I even have extended periods of this, which I call "hermit mode", and can last for months, preceding major changes in my life.

For the most part tho, it is a daily practice, and I am generous with myself and have 2-3 hours every day for this exercise(plus moments throughout). I don't always do it the same way, but writing and reflection are always in there. I have become finely tuned and self aware and can easily see the ways my thoughts/feelings ( ie VIBRATION) are being mirrored back to me through ALL-That-Is. I love the faithfulness of this mirror! And it is swift too!

How often do we wail that we 'don't know how...' to fix or do something. The 'magic mirror' of Life always clearly shows where we need to adjust our thinking to change our vibe, and that's all we need to know. The effort required to sustain that state till it becomes habit, is the work most people shy away from, BUT it is only as hard as we think it has to be! lol Inspired action will flow and prompt us from there, manouvering us and our circumstances as a whole, toward our "sympathetic vibrations"-Our desires.

We give up before we start, just because we THINK it's going to be TOO hard! It's time to change our stories. Whatever story that made it hard...rewrite it, focussing on all the GOOD that you wish to see spring up in your world. Then, proclaim it, whilst doing EFT...and watch gleefully as the walls come down.

A little disclaimer here...if you've NOT down a lot of personal expansion work before, get someone who HAS to walk with you. When you start Spring cleaning, everything looks like "merde" ( French for s#*%) for some time, whilst you pull it all out, unpack the old trunks covered in dust. It takes time to sift, process, sort, throw away , restore, systemize and establish the new order. It's very good to have someone around who knows and understands the process, and helps you trust yourself to it.

THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT CAN'T BE FUN AND/OR FULFILLING. It can , and is, but you could need an 'accountability buddy' or Coach to help you see that when you are feeling submerged in all your previous creations! lol



Now, I'm not going to steal Chris's thunder here, but rather tell a few stories.
I grew up in difficult places but even as a little girl, had the rare and beautiful gift of being able to 'see'. I could see who people REALLY were-their potential. I could see a future that bore no resemblance to any life I'd known-yet knew it to be so.

MY ability to see these things and to live there in my imagination resulted in my removal from my surroundings, and a transplanting to another place. It was sad for me that I couldn't 'show' everyone else, and take them with me, but you can only have full control over YOUR life. That's freedom. At only 8, I started actively shaping my external world.
But The Mass Mind is an amazing and powerful thing. 6 years later I returned, drawn by the energy of that communal consciousness. Once again, I broke away, but not really free. I went almost 1000kms...one of my sisters went 18 time zones, a brother explored several places, another killed himself...and whilst I don't wish to be depressing here...I want to point something out:

You can, and may need to, remove yourself from the energy of the Mass Mind that will keep you bound, but unless you learn to be free from within, you will stay connected to it and it will reproduce itself in your life-no matter where you are. I went through a REALLY strong experience of this just 3 years ago, and it was then that I realised how much more free I could be. After that, I actually took myself into 'the lion's den', slayed the giant, and became truly free. I know I CREATE MY REALITY.


I will leave this topic for Chris to address, because I thought he did an outstanding job in expounding on this-but I will say that I believe there are localised areas of energy, and a global one. Listening to Anne Aleckson ( http://stepuptojoy.com ) on my show today, she spoke of david Hawkins and his work with energy, connecting freqencies with certain emotinal states. He also stated the threshold of 200 is where the shift form negative to positive occurs, and where the world had sat at 190 for sooooo long, in the 80s it went above 200. That's the tipping point, and what I've been watching and waiting for, for decades!! WeeeeeEeeee am I happy!

With that shift,it will be SO much easier for people to raise their vibes and shift their thinking and lift the quality of their lives and relationships. The more powerfully you live in these constructive states of courage to face yourself ( courage happens to mark the turning point of neg:pos), then the easier it gets to go onward and upward in vibrational escrow.

Everything is energy and you are the a most powerful magnet. To what frequency will you set your dial?

I find it MOST pertinent that Courage is found at the 200 mark. It is the beginning of all the finest virtues, and, in my opinion, it takes more courage to face and accept the truth about yourself in LOVE, without judgment, than any other force in existence. Once you decide that you will accept your birth right, step into your place as powerful creator, you alter your world forever. You become truly free, and you allow others to be so in your presence, even teaching them HOW to be so. Your positive influence will be felt in ripples and waves all around the globe, and I venture, out into the farthest regions of the universe, for we are all connected in this one vast energy field called God, or Source, or Daddy, or I AM. ONENESS.

Be Bold, be strong, for ...'the Universe conspires together with you'... and waits to reveal itself as the 'stuff your dreams are made of'.

Don't miss this fantastic episode coming up with Christopher Pinckley next week. I KNOW it is going to be Incredible!


So, having all this scientific

Saturday, April 3, 2010

MY DIY Designer Flight in a RED Balloon

I took A lot of photos and captured a fair bit of footage, and with things being the way they have this week, I enlisted the services of my expert 17(and a half!!)yr old Matt, to do the editing of this and as he has his own UTUBE Channel and has been playing with this stuff since he was, like 10-it's really cool.

The opening panorama was taken on my digital in 7 separate images, and he has much cooler editing suites to do groovy slide shows etc.

In fulfilling this mini adventure, I feel I have crossed over into a new phase of my life-a long awaited phase. And there's something very fulfilling about the documenting of it, as it ritualizes it as a milestone, and recognises it for the achievement that it is.

Not only that, but as far as "maximizing and leveraging BUBBLES" goes, documentation adds mileage even unto the point of LEGACY.

I think my chronic journaling has been about this: so that one day , all the 'unseen' things can be known and others may benefit from them. Consider such things as the "Diary of Anne Frank".

Share your joys and any heartaches. Let people live through you too, especially the family that come after, and who would so loved to have met you personally. Let the essence of who you are shine in frequent expressions, if not in journals, then in direct gestures toward people. Leave tangible evidence of your life through enriching others'.

I hope my adventures somehow inspire others to find the depth of courage that it takes to live in increasing levels of freedom. Every part of your authentic nature longs for this. Be blessed!

...and thanks Matt! :-)