Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wake Up To Your Dreams!

Your [Conscious and Unconscious] Dreams and the Law of Attraction

I have been fascinated by my sleep time and dreams for as long as I can remember. They have always been a very significant part of my consciousness. In fact, sometimes, the line between waking and sleeping has been so blurred I almost feel the sense of walking in a watery space between these states. And the insights such a state has brought have been profound.

Carl Jung had a lot to say about dreams:
 The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.
                                                             CARL JUNG, The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man

 The general function of dreams is to try to restore our psychological balance by producing dream material that re-establishes, in a subtle way, the total psychic equilibrium.
CARL JUNG, Man and His Symbols
Lisa Shah  Journey Of Colours
A Visual representation of my life as a Journey of Seven x Seven Year Cycles, each depicted by certain colour themes and motifs that reflected my life and state. Since turning 50...the rainbow, I believe has passed through a prism and reverted to white light. I think everyone's journey is about coming back into the light. :) Click image for Related Poem
Jung understood the content of our dreams as being deeply connected to the universal language of Myth. For every variation of symbolic meaning found from culture to culture and throughout history, there are multitudes more common motifs, themes and characters. Like laughter and tears, joy and horror, the human race shares a collective grasp across the board of life experience.

Storytelling,  Ritual and The Arts-the  Offspring of Dreams

From this basis, it only makes sense that storytelling became the earliest and singularly strongest mode for imparting understanding. Oral traditions were  theatre’s infancy of story-telling and ritual and these practises, though not fully appreciated by the average modern westerner, are still phenomenally active in all societies and woven most deeply into every aspect of our consciousness-especially our sub conscious, impacting us in a far more penetrating way than commonly aware.

All the Arts are so interconnected with this world, that to incorporate a more active engagement with creativity through the Arts will also increase one’s awareness and understanding of it. I know they have been a massive part of my developing ability to communicate effectively this way. I don’t sing, play, draw and speak my messages just to make it more entertaining, I am effectively widening my language net to meet everyone on some deeper level of connection. The images I draw are from the universal mind of collective consciousness, mixed with my historic and cultural influences. The music I play, the jargon, the lyrics, they are all TOOLS designed to bring people back into this place of CONSCIOUS CONNECTION.

Law Of Attraction-Servant to our Dreams

This language is rich in meaning and value for the health of our personal  development and individual fulfilment and holds the key to the great unfolding of human evolution. It is a gift. A remnant connection to the part of us that is ONE with All That Is, as primal as procreating and giving birth, and as such has access to all the answers we could ever need to live the fullest lives of our waking dreams, well beyond our logical minds ability to grapple with.

The whole of creation is being formed and steered  through this shadowy world of metaphor and can be interpreted via these principles.  Better yet, the individual life can be actively shaped by understanding how to perceive, interpret and apply this knowledge. This is where dreams and their meaning offer enormous potential for manifesting our highest hopes and bringing our greatest desires to fruition. They reveal where our hearts lie.
“As a man think in his heart, so is he”  Pr 23:7
“Above all else, guard your heart-for out of it flow the issues of life. Pr 4:23

Ongoing, Unfolding Revelation 

What I present here is merely the “tippy top” of the tip of the ice berg of how your sleeping dreams and the personal symbolism they can reveal to you can empower you to leave fear far behind as you walk in a greater freedom equipped with the knowing that you are always connected to all you need through the Creator that lives and breathes in you.  Through your growing awareness, your discernment of what the core issues are and even how to address them will astound you.

Actually, the analogy of the ice berg is a perfect representation of the human psyche’s consciousness. To access the other 90% of our abilities that we are purported as not using can come via these concepts.

The Greatest News
And here is the best bit!!! You don’t have to be academic. You don’t have to be especially smart. You don’t need any special talents, or any great skills beyond your capacity to develop. Everybody dreams.
This information is for EVERYONE. It can be understood by children and progressively mastered by adults.
There are formal and academic versions, but I want to make it so much more integrated to daily life, because this is the arena in which it belongs-with the regular person.

It’s time to wake up people! Wake up to Your Dreams

Recommended  reference material Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Giving Thanks-Document the Dream

There is nothing greater than seeing people happy in their lives and to know that you are a part of that happiness. Loving somebody that loves you back is SOOO wonderful. Thank you to all these people and the many more, I've yet to post about for making my trip so amazing! here's a little bit of a video blog  ( or vlog) This is also an original song Forgotten How to Live Without You Chorus And it seems like I've forgotten how to live without you Forgotten whatit is to breathe when I'm not breathing with you Waking sleeping, everything in between I'm lost and found in you  my dream All I am's with you it seems. I've forgotten how to live without you. Verse It's taken decades to get me here, to bring out all the best in me It's taken trauma, triumph, trial and tear, to wrestle out the less of me All in readiness for you, my dear, to connect and find the rest of me So, we can share, year after year, living out our destiny! Chorus Verse 2 And you've travelled your road as well, twists and turns through which you've come So you can meet with me and gel our hearts into a single drum We've become what we desired, all our lives for which we've longed To be "Home" in each other's fire, to be Here where we belong Chorus BRIDGE And I can't say exactly how this feels And I just can't tell you what it means to have this real But I'm Oh, so glad we never quit believing, never relinquished our hopes. Coz now, we've found each other, never yielded to deceiving. Fused as one together, we ain't ever leaving Chorus And it seems like I've forgotten how to live without you Forgotten whatit is to breathe when I'm not breathing with you Waking sleeping, everything in between I'm lost and found in you  my dream All I am's with you it seems. I've forgotten how to live without you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Purpose of Your/A Dream

The Purpose of A [Your] Dream

 Why have a Dream? What real value do they hold? For the individual? For the greater good? Do some people’s dreams matter more than others? And who determines how, and/or why? I’m not talking about night travels or vague wishes, rather the substance of something that will pave your destiny and shape your being. I believe dreams, your dreams too, are designed to serve the highest purposes for the greater good-apart from any fun and/or pleasure or fulfilment they give the dreamer.

Your Dream/Vision is Your Life Map

 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing is more tragic in my mind than a person going to their grave with their song unsung and their vision still in their belly. I’d really like to play a part in changing how many people do this. Not by controlling anyone, or telling them what to do-as if you could force anyone to fulfil their own dreams! No, I’d like to do it by presenting a few different ways to view one’s dreams. A dream, personal vision, life goal, destiny, calling-whatever name you wish to give it, is not merely the opportunity to pursue a hobby-although, it may start like that. A dream is the blueprint of your life, unfolding and blossoming progressively , as you move forward in it. It is your guide, your personal map and it is never fully revealed for it always expanding-if you run with it. If it is never acted upon beyond the vague notion of “oh, I always wanted to...”, then the vision of it may never bloom either. The dreamer may never awaken to its magic. Unless the seed is sown, it can become no more than it is, but the instant it is given any kind of climate to grow, life springs forth! And it truly does not matter how late in life. It’s never SO late that your dreams are forfeit.

  God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.  Rom 11:29

 He never takes them back. They are for you and you alone. Non-transferable.  You can’t live them out through your kids either! [caption id="attachment_1648" align="alignright" width="300"]Sandy Crab
Come out of your hole and into the light with your dreams. (Click to enlarge)

 The Seminal Stages

One of the reasons that so many put their dreams off is because they often appear, in the early days, as vain exploits of indulgent, self pleasure. (Why this was ever seen as a ‘bad thing’ is a big part of the problem!) Often, there’s no logic, rhyme or reason other than the fact that you just love doing it!!

The first, most commonly made mistake, is to think it needs to do or be or accomplish any more than this. First step of the Master’s blueprint is to simply ‘find your bliss’! For some reason, when we are young, this is ok. We’re allowed to love doing something and we are encouraged to do it more and more because it is appropriately celebrated that some passion and enthusiasm has been discovered.

 Dream Puberty
This is where many a dream is dashed against the rocks of ridicule and ill-placed criticism, or crushed beneath pressure of sneering peers, disapproving parents and poor self esteem. As we grow, other things are deemed more important than doing what makes us happy. Parents say we must do homework first, or chores. Responsibility (that which we must do whether we like it or not) comes before that which we enjoy and are inexplicably drawn to.

Nothing wrong with carrying some ownership for the home...but it should be presented as a positive addition, not a mandatory enslavement at the cost of what is dear. The two never needed to be pitted as enemies to each other. This is not about spoiling a child, but about valuing the destiny within each one.

 Train up a child in the way he should go [or ‘in his own bent’], 
and when he is old he will not depart from it. Pr 22:6

Why? Why did the values suddenly change? Why did the game rules get altered? Do teachers not know? Do parents not understand? That when encouraged to pursue this and other passions, a child will eventually face every fear and every inner demon, every discipline and every character trait necessary to be able to continue to grow in it? And do so willingly, for the love of the it instead of through force and the fear of falling short.

Passion makes Perfect

They will work harder, longer and with greater commitment if allowed to work at what they love.  They will become experts who love what they do and do it in their own unique way. Not everyone who loves to sing will have a public stage of 1000s, but they may have a small stage of 10 disabled little children who flourish through that gift. If you truly love it, the right place to give that gift will present. It’s in you for a reason and even if you don’t know what that is yet honour it with nurturing and time and effort and you will!

No one works harder than the passionate person. You will never work as hard or as happily, or sleep as well in a tepid life. Find the fire in your belly again! Banish the old ghosts that said you were too weak to live your dreams. You can! Not only that, all of creation awaits with bated breath for you to do it!

All creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.  Rom 8:19

You cannot tell me that the universe, on every level, doesn’t exult in each life that is taken back to be lived in Freedom! God rejoices! I feel the excitement in a decision made by a person to follow their blueprint.

Not Negotiable

The greatest tragedy of human life is the notion that one's dreams must be relegated to retirement and some dabbling, after one has served and paid their dues! Poppycock!!  This has to take the cake as one of the grandest lines of BS we've ever been spun! People feel so guilty about being happy that it completely robs them of their most effective means to be a gift to the world.

In spite of all those who think otherwise, the power of an aligned life goal, or dream, vision, calling, ministry, fate or destiny is given to YOU, so that you will rise and become all you can be.  When you commit to your dream, it will give you and/or hone these qualities:
  • Clarity of Intention
  • Meaning-a reason to be ( even if it is just the joy of being )
  • Well being
  • Skill Development
  • Mastery/ Discipline
  • Character/Values
  • Fulfilment
  • Personal Growth/ Expansion
And as it grows and takes hold of your heart and becomes your magnetic north, it will bring to humanity:
  • Inspiration
  • Evolution
  • Enlightenment
  • Greater Joy
  • Appreciation
I believe every dream, whether great or small, does these things. You can be part of something far greater than yourself by being “selfish” and honouring the gift of the dream that has been placed inside of you. Every person has that glorious being inside them.

Start today by doing one thing each day to show your worthiness of your dream. Accept the high and holy calling to be all that you imagine and more.

All of creation, seen and unseen, God, the angels and me...we’re all cheering you on!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

In Pursuit Of A Dream

In Pursuit of a Dream “I have a dream!” I am sure you all know who said that. (Martin Luther King Jnr) Martin Luther King Jnr. Martin Luther King Jnr.
Retrieved 23/1//2013 I want to talk about dreams. When I say dreams here, I refer to something that is so intricately intertwined and laced through your being that at rare moments of clarity, you can feel all of your life essence caught up in its glory. You may still not how to live it, or even be totally clear on details, but you feel the destiny of it deep in your gut. Something is calling you to give your all. You wish you really did know what it was, so you could get started! Or maybe you feel certain you know and are ready, but no one believes you-at 5. Or even if they do, they assume you still have to grow up first. A fire starts to burn in your belly. When you feel such a fire, you have found the pathway to your purpose and the progressive unveiling of your dream. Dreams Are A Great Gift And Privilege It’s a fantastic feeling to have a ‘fire in your belly’. It brings meaning to life, purpose to your existence, a reason to breathe. There is a very poor outlook held by the masses (though a lesser percentage than ever before in history, I’d wager), that only the rare few can have their dreams fulfilled. Consequently, only the rare few have and they have been so driven by their purpose that they often change the world in which they live and leave a legacy that spans centuries, continuing, even today, to enrich lives. There is another largely held view, I’ve observed today (more than historically), that many think that people inherit the fulfilment of their dreams by sheer luck or happenchance. Perhaps, you are one of the lucky ones that Fate selected to change their stars. In spite of all the leaders and dream fulfillers telling us over and over again that we can all live our dreams and it’s never too late to do so, the vast multitudes of humanity go to the grave with their song unsung and their vision yet in their bellies as an unborn child. My dream (as far as others is concerned) is to use my life to propose something to alter this statistic. My personal dream is to be so consciously connected with God, that I embody the liberating truths I believe about His love and demonstrate them with intention, so that others can see and be inspired to believe for themselves. I want to demonstrate a way to live on this planet that reflects God’s intention for us, as divine co-creators and offspring. My dream is for FREEDOM. Beautiful Burleigh Sky Beautiful Burleigh Sky Freedom from fear-and every kind of parasitical, maligned thing that rides its back into my heart and life. This is my dream. To know myself whole and complete in God, safe from harm, yet wide open to give and receive Love to the max. I want to be totally confident in my awareness of universal support to fulfil my purpose. Anyone can have their dreams fulfilled but be warned...the rewards don’t go to the luke-warm or fainthearted. They are for the FREE! And even though freedom as a state is a birthright to every human being, it seems to require some deep, ongoing and challenging process that puts that freedom at a high price-the greatest being that of COURAGE to believe, and along with it, the manifestation of our most sacred dreams. The Attributes of a Dream In the early stages of one’s dream, I believe passion is the greatest indicator. An insatiable appetite and inexplicable pleasure comes from participating in some kind of activity or practise. It may or may not come with a more expansive vision, but it doesn’t matter. As you let the passion and pleasure pull you along, you will find yourself brought through several cycles of challenge and accomplishment. Stay with this path and the challenges will get more demanding-as will the necessary disciplines, focus and application. Passion and pleasure is what will keep you there. Seasons o f life may add new facets and interests, and all you do, when pursuing your passions will contribute to that final Life Purpose. Keeping something in your life, about which you are passionate, will keep you on your path with a forward moving energy. When people resign their dreams and talents to the season of Retirement in later life, they could well have closed off their avenues to success and personal growth in a way that would have them open mouthed in disbelief. It all becomes useable stuff for the dream, once you take it up...but it never needed to be cast aside. And NEVER should have been-in my opinion! Add to that, the fact that most lose faith in being able to fulfil them by this stage. A sad, but accepted illusion. Owning Your Dream Passions come early in life because if we follow them and stay true to them, they will take us down a road that will guide us to face every personal fear and every internal demon as well as master all necessary disciplines and character traits, compelled by ever increasing love, and widening appreciation of this ‘thing’ that we feel compelled to do. The idea being that we are so enamoured and enraptured that the challenges posed are tackled with the gusto of a champion. And when that has been depleted, the sheer grit of someone who has come too far, invested too much, fallen too many times and risen again, to quit now! When the Dream Owns You Charlotte's Portal Lisa Shah Passion for a purpose and dream is like a holy fire that will Purify you, and act as an access portal to the greater human being that resides within. I believe that this is the point where the dream comes to own you. It almost feels like your life has been taken over by something so much bigger and grander than you. Even if you want to let it go and give up, it doesn’t appear that you are able to any more. It is carrying you. Your life has become one with the fruition of this intention. Nothing else seems to matter because suddenly, you can see that all you value and hold dear in this life is represented in that dream somehow. And there is no ‘not doing it’ option anymore. Will Smith, the actor, is quoted as saying “Know what you believe And be willing to die for it” Some might think these heavy words, but I think that’s because so many spend so much of their life essences engaged in things that have little or no value on this scale. When a life is dream led, it is both compelled and constrained by the demands of that dream. There is no true dream fulfilment without the courage to live and die for it. No matter how it looks to those around you, each heart alone knows the terrors it faced, the bravery it displayed and the sweetness of the victories won over one’s own darkness and doubt. What’s Your Dream? If you don’t think you know, I may be able to help you... But, do you really want to know? Are you ready to lose your ‘little life’ to your inner greatness?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Creat Your Life On Purpose- God and the Law of Attraction

Create Your Life On Purpose-God and the Law of Attraction


My Disclaimer-What I am about to write is what I believe. It is not an invitation for an argument or designed to antagonise anybody. It is my expression of truth as I know it. I’m sure it will continue to expand as I evolve and grow more deeply into the Love of God. If what is read brings any offence, it is unintentional and therefore rests upon the shoulders of the one who has been offended. If you don’t like it, or it upsets you, don’t read my stuff. Go write your own stuff.
If you read this and have questions, I’d love to answer them. But I am not going to answer accusations or attacks-should any come, because those people are not looking to understand where I’m coming from, they are simply wanting a platform to outshout me. Well, I won’t shout back, I’ll just hit ‘delete’, so spare us all, please.  Yes, just covering myself here Lol
Humour me.
A LONG time ago (and people like to argue about how long, because in majoring on the minors, they can be distracted from the whole point!)... anyway, as I said, a long time ago, the Universe came into being...

It’s All a Set Up

A certain ‘person’, who many of us that like him affectionately term God, set up the way things should be. The entire creation exuded forth from God’s essence as ‘the work of his hands’ like a potter with his clay. (We humans also came forth from God, bearing his likeness even to the point of sharing in his function of consciousness but like a baby, developed a capacity to hold an individual state of consciousness.) And that which came through his creation bears his characteristics. And they are CONSISTENT characteristics.  These traits are known to scholars as the Natural Laws of Science. They are referred to by lovers of God as the nature of God.

In Proverbs 3:19-20 it says,
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,
Thru understanding, He set the heavens in place,
Thru knowledge the mountains were formed and
The clouds let drop their dew.

I love how in the French version, the meanings of wisdom, understanding and knowledge are more fully clarified. For one thing, the word ‘knowledge’ is la science.

Let me state this here:

God and Science have never been  and never will be in enmity to each other. The religious bollocks that are threatened by Science do not know this Creator God. They serve a man-made one who is riddled with contradictions and so can easily topple...and hence feels threat just like any other fragile ego.

God set everything up to flow and function within his laws of construction...the natural order of things.
Unfortunately, it has taken Science and technology some time to catch up to these ‘laws’ and get around to inventing machinery that can “SEE” these invisible laws in greater fullness. So Science was being touted as the be all and end all of truth but it was always a very limited view, being restricted by what could be measured and somehow seen. The instruments were not around that could see what was beyond humankind’s capacity to view with a naked eye.

Today, we have far superior equipment and science is now bearing out spiritual truths and discovering that the very things they had known, such as ‘energy’, were actually references to God by another name and make sense inside an even more amazing and vast context.

The Purpose of Symbolism and Myth and the Power of Metaphor

So, to recap, God created everything, seen and unseen according to his Wisdom, Understanding and [Science]. One example of God’s perfectly imperfect precision is reflected in the galaxies and planetary orbits. Did you know that a day is not actually 24 hours long? It fluctuates all year. Mankind just rounded it off at an average that could be easily measured for management purposes. Nothing wrong with that, but TIME is not God’s invention. That’s why it can be changed whenever a dude in an office decides it’s a good idea. However, all the fancy workings in the world couldn’t get it worked out so well, so the time managers have to ‘bodgey the books’ every four years and add a day to bring things into balance.
lol-I love that! Creative accounting.

Here’s the thing, Biblical language is often symbolic. Jesus spoke in parables. The Old Testament stories are written as a ‘type’ or metaphor-so it says in the New Testament. It was never about proving it literally or figuratively true-another distraction-but simply to get a desired point across. I know some Bible fundamentalists may hate this, but it doesn’t actually matter if the Garden of Eden is literally true or not, and to get caught up in such arguments is a total waste of time, coz it completely obscures the whole point!
The accounts presented are for us to understand something about ourselves and our connection with God that will lead us into liberty. Fighting over fact will never do that. Freedom is FELT. It is experienced. It is known. Just like God. If we read with an open heart, see God’s wisdom, understand its application and how to use the laws to apply it, we will be able to create in like fashion.

Proverbs 24:3-4
By wisdoma house is built
                By understanding, it is established
By knowledgeit’s rooms are filled
                With rare and beautiful treasures’.

We are given access to the very same tools with which to create our little world inside God’s big world.  And that, in my opinion, is why we are here.

God’s Mould and Our PlayDough-co-labourers together with God

Everything-absolutely EVERYTHING- owes its existence to God, or ENERGY.
In him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
It is God in us who causes us to will and to do according to his good purpose.Phil 2:13

What scientists didn’t get that the metaphysicians and lovers of God did, is that Energy is an Intelligence and it LOVES. By our definition of the word-IT IS GOOD. It is ONLY good. Where we do not see what we consider to be good, we are witnessing the effects of the delusion of a separated consciousness. After 1000s of years of such delusion, the planet is reeling. Humanity is interacting with creation-in every way, a symbiotic relationship.

The  Bible puts it in these terms
19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

I’ll cover more of this verse another time but my point is that as man evolves, the planet will be restored as well.  Global warming will no longer exist the day that enough of humanity cease to believe it needs to. At present, much of the population feel we must ‘pay’ for our abuse of the planet and suffer global warming for it (consequences), but the more people that understand that our connection with God and each other and understanding our ability to use wisdom, understanding and knowledge in Love come together, the planet will respond.

It will manifest the healing of the imagined rift between God and man, which only exists in each individual’s thoughts that are somehow separate from God’s.  The evidence of conscious connection with God is the confidence in GOD’s Goodness and it is this goodness that will ultimately fill all.

The Reason “Evil” Exists

To begin let me explain what evil is, in some of my terms.
Evil is that which is opposed to good, some say.  But really, evil is better understood as misaligned with good. Or ‘m’aligned’. It is actually the separation from the flow of good. And it abides in the judgmental ego of mankind. The only reason that ego exists is because, in order to be considered truly free, humanity must have a representation of two options.

The Bible uses language like Life and Death, Blessings and Cursings, Love and Fear, Mercy and Judgment, Light and Dark.  But these dichotomies are notopposing forces.  There is no competition. No battle. Just as Light easily and instantly dispels darkness, so Love drives out fear and mercy triumphs over judgment. The supposed polarised force is actually the absence of acknowledgment of the only true power. And it is an absence that exists only in the mind of a person who chooses separation from all that is GOD.  (col 1:21 Enemies in our minds...)Or more simply-chooses to align with something contrary to the Love of God. We can be aligned in one area and not in another. Be aligned in one moment and not in another. At whatever point we are, we create our lives from there.

18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. I John4:18
12 Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment .James 2:12-14

(The law that gives freedom is Love and Grace, under which there is no judgment because all is made ‘right’ through being aligned with God Rom 5-8. Someone who is still showing judgement that condemns or demands some kind of punishment is demonstrating that they are still separate from grace in their thinking and hence still under man’s law and therefore will still experience judgment and a sense of condemnation from their own ego! Their own hearts condemn them, I John 3:19-20not God, because they are not aligned to experience God’s goodness).

The whole earth is filled with His glory does not mean what some people think about slaying the ‘unrighteous’.  We won’t need to-they will wipe themselves out! Anyone who isn’t aligned with Love, Mercy, Life, Grace etc, cuts themselves off from the flow that will keep them alive, so they will create circumstances of fear, judgement, death and law –to their own destruction. It’s not the wrath of God. God’s judgment means the restoration of creation to ‘rightness’. All things brought back into balance and to their original state. This is the true meaning of judgment.  It is to make right but not by punishment and penalty, but by restoration.

And that’s why God reconciled himself to man through Jesus. So humanity could concede the possibility of being ONE with God again. Without the bloodshed, human thinking could not get free of its own condemnation and laws. God didn’t need the blood, people did.

Full Circle- Created in the Image of the Creator God.

And here’s the point. We, humanity as a whole, are creating the death, the cursing, the fearful situations, the condemnation and the judgment and even the disasters-not God. Humanity, who has been pointing the finger and blaming someone else since the beginning of time, has only itself to blame. It's time to accept responsibility and live in the freedom we were born to!

How are we, who are grasshoppers in the land of giants, doing this? -By working the laws of established creation in ignorance. Instead of seeking to understand them and how we can align with all that is good and desirable and thereby create a beautiful life for ourselves we hold, en masse, to the notion of being helpless victims under constant threat of siege and annihilation that must fight and struggle for survival. It is Ego and the idea of being, or having, a separate identity that is fighting for control. But like all parasites, it brings death to its host.

The Bible proclaims the number of the Beast portrayed in Revelations as 666.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a* man ( footnote*or humanity’s number). That number is 666.  Revelations 13:18

It’s the greatest scapegoat scam in human history, a ploy of Ego(separate consciousness) to preserve itself by keeping people in darkened, powerless thinking- imprisoned by their right to choose, whilst simultaneously losing sight of the choices available. Punishment is not God’s response to such as these. Illumination is. EPH 1:18  Wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Demonstrated in those willing to live it ever more fully, as they grow in it.

Bottom line: It’s not a question of doing what God wants, but about aligning to your own heart’s desires and acquiring them through the established set up of wisdom, understanding, knowledge and love.
I believe that that IS God living in and through you, creating together with you AS ONE to build your life.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Create Your Life On Purpose: Balancing Action with the Law of Attraction

Passing time in Jersey City


Why Am I always waiting?
Sometimes, on our journey through life we can get to feeling like we have to wait for things to ‘come together’ or ‘fall into place’ or for someone to ‘get their act together’ (often ourselves lol).
But in reality, the option of 'to wait or not to wait’ is entirely up to us!
Now, I can hear the uproar and the ‘up-in-arms’ logical arguments coz I have stated them all to myself too but I stand my ground. Granted there are situations where a particular order has to be followed, for example, I cannot hold my baby in my arms before it is born BUT the baby is not waiting to be born... it is preparing to be born. The gestation process is required to come to completion or there’ll be no live baby to hold!
The foetus isn’t lying around goofing off. It’s working triple time to develop into a human being of sustainable status. Outwardly, we can look on and feel like we’re waiting but as the mother, my body is preparing, along with that baby, to be able to do what the mother of a newborn needs to do. And if I really want to flow with the process, on a deeper, emotional and psychic level I am being prepared as well-as are all who are anticipating the new arrival.
When we feel like we must wait for something, we become imprisoned in a cell of self imposed impotency.

Playing the Waiting Game.
One of the reasons waiting can be hard is because it can feel physically uncomfortable. Practising a discipline to gain mastery of it, any kind of physical challenge, denial of certain gratifications.
Any kind of EMOTIONAL roller-
coaster is not fun.
Another reason can be because it is emotionally uncomfortable. Anxiety, doubt, fear of pain, fear of judgment, fear of failure or success-fears of ALL kinds! Fear of the challenge itself and our ability to rise to it! Or the length of the road and whether we can ‘go the distance’.
We may doubt that what we desire is ever going to happen-especially when we think it depends upon someone other than ourselves. When we position ourselves here, it is like a form of torture, endlessly watching and waiting and living on the verge of strung out emotions. Yes, no, will they, won’t they..?

An emotional rollercoaster.

Release yourself! Live free and release everyone else in the process. It doesn’t mean you stop desiring the fruition of your dreams but you will stop the disappointed expectations, the dashed hopes, the pressure you’re applying to anyone else ( and yourself) and the focus on the powerlessness that comes from being a victim in The Wilderness of Eternal Wanting (one of my songs).
Resistance = Frustration
At the same instant we feel something beyond us must happen before we can have our desires fulfilled, we have spawned resistance and begin to feel the need to push! Where there is not resistance, there is no need to push.
Back to the baby analogy: I have had lots of babies, and only once did I ever almost make the mistake of ‘pushing’. It was with my fourth baby, and as soon as I realised what I was about to do, I stopped and reverted to my usual way of birthing. Staying out of the way!! I went back to breathing. Nice deep breaths with the contractions, allowing my body to stretch and press wherever it needed to. No clenching from fear.
From crowning to full body delivered, all my 5 babies were born in mere minutes and two contractions. No resistance meant no tension in my pelvic region, no tearing, no stitches and no epidurals either, so I was clear headed and to receive my new baby, who also had the benefit of an easier birth.(No judgment for anyone that epidruals but I believed differently.)
It seems God has designed the emerging process to have just the right amount of struggle in it, even when we work with nature’s laws. The chick must break through the egg within a certain amount of time, and cannot be helped or it will die anyway. Likewise with the butterfly, coming forth from the chrysalis, the process is uniform in so many ways. We can see this more readily with physical birth, but manifesting from the spiritual realm is no different. There is a seed, germination, gestation, labour and birth...and so on.
We may eventually force our way through frustration and create an outcome but it will come with many other elements you probably don’t want. Complications, compromise and maybe even combat! And it will produce after its own kind.
Making the Journey A Joy
See, the thing is “God has set eternity into the heart of man”.
We have this ability to see into the future, to plan and to bring to fruition. The problem is that when we are disconnected from our authentic nature, we resort to willpower and force to make things happen amid our present discontent,  instead of creating them through the laws in place.
One of my significant dreams
How do we live in a present place of content whilst ‘waiting for...”, yet cultivate the state of already having? Especially when we don’t even know how to get it?

Resistance Vs Proaction -the difference between frustration and forward movement
  • Well for one...we don’t have to know all the ‘hows’. Yay! Just the next step.
  • Secondly, change the perspective from focussing on what you feel you have to wait on , and place it on what you are preparing for ie. Your desired outcome.
  • Thirdly, remember one of my favourite sayings:  ~The shortest, quickest, fastest, MOST HARMONIOUS way between me and my dreams is that which is being presented to me~
  • And finally, all you need to know is what to do regarding what is right here, right now. Yes, there may be a little difficulty but it’ll be the least resistance in the long run. If you flow with it, there will be no resistance...only therequired persistence.
By shifting waiting to preparation, the energy becomes forward focussed, flowing forward and then peace, joy and productivity will grow from your health-centred actions.
Getting Started NOW
Ok, so right now, ask yourself...if the opportunity to have my desire came NOW, how would I feel ill-prepared?  What would keep me from seizing it? Could I, would I, run with it? ( EG. A free ticket to Greek islands-airfare only- but have no passport or money saved)
Now-how can you see the preparation you need in the situations facing you NOW? ( EG Need to order my affairs and finance for taxes...can create a budget and do paperwork for a trip)
Perhaps, you can join with me now, as I tell myself,
“Get with the program, girl! The shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dreams is that which is being presented to you! Embrace it and fast track creating YOUR life now!”
For more from this series visit

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Grace of Giving and OP Days

Make Today an OP day?
So, what is an “OP Day”
An O.P. Day is a day that is dedicated to “Other People”.
It’s a day for finding ways to bless the people in your personal circle. You can create an OP day for your business and other kinds of connections, but it must be completely about giving and blessing, not getting back. The aim is to show the people you focus your attention upon, that you love them appreciate them and are so glad to have them in your life.
Blocks to OP actions
Ever find yourself feeling unable to give worthily?
I know, not just from my own experiences, but from others I speak to as well, that often the reason we don’t ‘give’ as soon as we get the unction to, is because of a sense of lack or inadequacy. It could be we feel we don’t have the time NOW, or the money NOW, or even the right idea NOW. 
Depending upon what it is you would like to do and where you are when the idea strikes you, you may need to make a note for later. However, the best advice, if at all possible, is “Do it and do it now”.
If we have a grander desire than we have resources to fill, then that’s the time to remember that giving is about the heart. If it truly comes from the heart, it will have power to impact the heart. You can trust this truth.
“The gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have” 2Cor 8
When two of my boys turned 18 and 21 ( two days apart), I had so little materially to share with them. They still preferred money to do with as they wish. The amount I could spare seemed so insignificant and so impersonal that I had to create something to make it memorable, give it substance beyond its $dollar value and delight them as well.
So, I bought two tomato plant saplings and broke the small amount of money into incremental notes as well as my jar of silver. I added the money to the plants and covered the soil with silver and explained something of a “money can grow on trees” principle if the “right seeds are sown”. I was referring to thoughts and beliefs and corresponding inspired action.
Matt and his Money Tree

This did the job pretty well. It took longer. It required creativity and thought and a faith to believe that I could change what seemed so lacking, into something worthwhile. If I stayed with the “state of lack”, not only would they have been robbed the delight of something unique just for them, but I would’ve lingered in the awful feeling that comes when you fall short of your own personal parenting standards. Is there a worse feeling??
Resourceful Ideas-
If you’re short on money, use recycled ideas. Done with class, gifts from recycled materials are well received-usually because they’re often innovative. I make LOTS of little “books” out of everything and fill them with news, images, sketches and colour. Some are tiny. Creativity and time can do far more than $$.
Hand make almost anything! A simple pop up card. A daisy chain with a poem of love and four leaf clovers.  DO something with the person-sit on the top of a grassy hill and make daisy chains! I did this with one of my daughters ( at 21!) and she was so pleased and thanked me for teaching her something so lovely to share with her children when the time came.  Document it, make a keepsake from it. Make it a moment that lasts forever.  You don’t have to be especially talented-just sincere.
Daisy Chain Priness, Rache!

Deliver your own singing telegram...or other kinds lol Make a video. Treasure hunt gifts are fantastic. The more fun and challenging the hunt, the less “impressive” the gift needs to be! This has such great potential. I’ve done many.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as a little note in an unexpected place. Or a run of them in all different places and forms, digital, analogue, hard copy.
Truly, the ideas are endless and they can make the most ordinary , mundane, previously worn out thing a joy inexpressible!! And no one will forget! The more you do it, the better you get at coming up with stuff “in the moment” and life takes on such a richness. This has to be one of the greatest joys of relationship. Having something to share with someone.

Deal with the Backlog, dedicate a day-

So, today, I decided that I need to spend a day giving to the people I love-just because. I want to do a bunch of things I’ve been postponing, too preoccupied with my own stuff, and spend the whole time just filling my available weekend time, giving.
Especially because I feel I’ve been so supported and surrounded with love and blessing from so many quarters. To take this time and just give back into other peoples’ lives has a sacred sense of washing and grounding to it. It feels so good.
Also, there are times when a idea comes, the time/money/talent/creativity are all there. At such it now!

The Giving Equation-
So, I found, if you are lighter on the $$ side, you may have more time for making or doing. If you’re lighter on the time side, you might have more $$ for buying...BUT IT STILL NEEDS TO BE PERSONAL. But I have found that creativity and a whole hearted decision can make up for almost anything!!
And don’t think, “Oh, I’m not creative!” You are!! But aside from doesn’t take trying to be creative.
It takes loving someone, knowing them, knowing how you feel about them, thinking about them and continuing to think and feel about it until a spontaneous expression of affection and appreciation bursts forth! This is actually what’s known as “Tehillah” and is the highest form of adoration we can give GOD! It’s a gift of enabling Grace-meaning grace is the ability to give
This is what makes a gift not only acceptable, but worthy of the highest regard and treasured.
And it will be.
Agapeism , love giving, grace, gift, share, tehillah, Lisa Shah, daisy chain, money tree

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"In Training" as the New Rich-Nouveau Riche

You know, I would say that I travelled a pretty amazing journey.

From the time I was 3 years old ( about 46 and 1/2 years ago), I have undergone signifcant change. By "significant change", I mean in those areas that are considered to be the most traumatic...loss or separation of immediate family members (6 of the 8-having only my younger sibling with me all through to 18), geographical moves ( 25 places in totally different parts of Sydney by the age of 25). I had one 7 year stretch till I turned 32, then, once again, interstate and added another 12 addresses and a four month bout of  "no permanent address"-yes, officially homeless. But this is not a sad story-by no means!

Aside from moving a lot, obviously I met a lot of different people too-from all manner of backgrounds. A much as I longed for emotional stability and anchors, I don't think I ever realised, until now, just how much I loved the colour and diversity of this life path. I was a 'shapeshifter'. I could fit anywhere and connect. I could adapt to multiple environments and moved between them easily. I became an expert at transition and observed people from all sides as they viewed the "others" with whom I felt an equal connection on some level.

I experienced a great deal of contrast early in life that help me to sharply clarify dreams for desired alternatives. I also had some fantastic opportunities to experience fun and unique opportunities. This has never ceased but I can see that my young life could be greatly responsible for my appetite to live life to the full and on my own terms. And like never before, I am viewing every single aspect of my personal history as a true gift-even the deepest of sorrows and shames-because they all so enlarged my capacity to profoundly imagine the life I desire and created in my a refusal to accept less.

Yep, that's me. Left front row. The only one in a winter uniform, hair absolutely everywhere and NO front teeth! I had three brothers, so a game of "Chasings" before school was always likely! And the girl next to me ( Danielle) is wearing BALLET slippers and no uniform.

On a wonderfully positive note, one such period was when I was attending North Curl Curl Primary School. Although a very difficult time for my family, I had the wonderful experience of being recognised for my singing by anyone and everyone! Every lunch time and recess, I was asked to sing ( as a little 8 yr, with no front teeth), taking requests and including hits of the day like Leaving On a Jet Plane and Bridge Over Troubled Water. My young heart, although overjoyed at the pleasure I brought people was already capable of expressing the sentiments of these songs through my voice and I got an incredible taste of what it was to take people on an emotional journey with me.

Any one who knows me, whether from then, in between, or now, knows this is still the case. It set the tone of one of my greatest life desires: to give my music to those who could hear it and be somehow moved by it for their benefit.

A little later on,  and one brother less, we moved again and I attended Avalon Primary School. This school amazed me from the outset! It was HUGE to my 9 and1/2 yr old eyes. As big as any high school I'd ever seen, double storeys and all!  I spent half of 4th, and through 5th and 6th grade here and I "blame" these years for some of seemingly insatiable appetites for life.

I was already writing and drawing but I discovered Enid Blyton! Other worlds around the globe. (I need my own island!) I was already singing and started to teach myself music using a recorder and book, then the school started a "school band" ( 110 piece!!!) and I started clarinet. For the sweetest 6 months of my young life, I had a piano and began to teach myself ( but was denied it in the next move :-( Another reason why I dislike practicality over dreams!).

In 5th class, my classroom was lined in fish tanks! End to end tanks. We went to the rock pools and caught fish, we went on TV doing it ( I fell in, cut my foot open, had to get a tetanus shot and they screened it! ) and we lived amazingly rich lives for primary schoolers! I also joined an external Christian drama group, started acting and singing on a different stage, met more amazing people...some that became significant along my path and some who are once again part of my life ( Thanks Facebook!)

But 6th class really stuffed me as far as living the normal 9-5 and walking the common road-if I wasn't already!

In Yr 6, my class were given a house for a classroom! yes, a  HOUSE! It was at the back of the school property and we loved it! We were not taught in the usual way but given a quota of work to get done. Once completed, we were free to cook in the kitchen, play on the trampoline, read in our own personal library, do creative projects, learn dances, make plays, be active outside. We even had a dog! We could do the work anywhere and  anyhow we wanted.

Now, if you had gone to school like this, how would you be today?? Paul A Bryant, if you're out there...thanks for being the amazing teacher ( out of Newcastle Uni) who implemented this! I can still picture him SO clearly!

I loved school and had always excelled. It was "my space". It had become my emotional anchor. But, in this set up, I flourished. I had everything done and record time and was totally free to play with everything else my heart desired.

Now if my life to that point hadn't set me up and sealed me for the life of the New Rich, as Timothy Ferriss calls it, grade 6 sure did! I was a "gonner".  Coming from a long line of artists, musicians, actors, writers and creative dreamers kind of helped too. And my five children look destined to have the same imprint. :-) may not have had my colourful, intense and sometimes extreme existence but I guarantee you-whether it's a sedentary life of solitude or an adventurous life exploring global communities (or that and everything in between), your life has its own rhythm, rhyme and wonder. Find the best beat for your step. Let the experiences of life reveal aspects of what you love and yearn for, whether by their absence or their presence ans start becoming intentional about how you want your  life to look.

It's the funniest thing! Now that all my children are grown and living their lives, I have finally come to a place of personal confidence and internal security that I no longer need brick and mortar anchors. In fact, right now, it's the last thing I want. All I see ahead in the immediate future for me is travel-diversity, change, community, arts.

Taking care of that thing called "Making Money" as my weekly quota of work  (on my terms) and living the rest of my time FREE! Thank God for the 4 Hour Work Week-Nouveau Riche