Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Purpose of Your/A Dream

The Purpose of A [Your] Dream

 Why have a Dream? What real value do they hold? For the individual? For the greater good? Do some people’s dreams matter more than others? And who determines how, and/or why? I’m not talking about night travels or vague wishes, rather the substance of something that will pave your destiny and shape your being. I believe dreams, your dreams too, are designed to serve the highest purposes for the greater good-apart from any fun and/or pleasure or fulfilment they give the dreamer.

Your Dream/Vision is Your Life Map

 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing is more tragic in my mind than a person going to their grave with their song unsung and their vision still in their belly. I’d really like to play a part in changing how many people do this. Not by controlling anyone, or telling them what to do-as if you could force anyone to fulfil their own dreams! No, I’d like to do it by presenting a few different ways to view one’s dreams. A dream, personal vision, life goal, destiny, calling-whatever name you wish to give it, is not merely the opportunity to pursue a hobby-although, it may start like that. A dream is the blueprint of your life, unfolding and blossoming progressively , as you move forward in it. It is your guide, your personal map and it is never fully revealed for it always expanding-if you run with it. If it is never acted upon beyond the vague notion of “oh, I always wanted to...”, then the vision of it may never bloom either. The dreamer may never awaken to its magic. Unless the seed is sown, it can become no more than it is, but the instant it is given any kind of climate to grow, life springs forth! And it truly does not matter how late in life. It’s never SO late that your dreams are forfeit.

  God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.  Rom 11:29

 He never takes them back. They are for you and you alone. Non-transferable.  You can’t live them out through your kids either! [caption id="attachment_1648" align="alignright" width="300"]Sandy Crab
Come out of your hole and into the light with your dreams. (Click to enlarge)

 The Seminal Stages

One of the reasons that so many put their dreams off is because they often appear, in the early days, as vain exploits of indulgent, self pleasure. (Why this was ever seen as a ‘bad thing’ is a big part of the problem!) Often, there’s no logic, rhyme or reason other than the fact that you just love doing it!!

The first, most commonly made mistake, is to think it needs to do or be or accomplish any more than this. First step of the Master’s blueprint is to simply ‘find your bliss’! For some reason, when we are young, this is ok. We’re allowed to love doing something and we are encouraged to do it more and more because it is appropriately celebrated that some passion and enthusiasm has been discovered.

 Dream Puberty
This is where many a dream is dashed against the rocks of ridicule and ill-placed criticism, or crushed beneath pressure of sneering peers, disapproving parents and poor self esteem. As we grow, other things are deemed more important than doing what makes us happy. Parents say we must do homework first, or chores. Responsibility (that which we must do whether we like it or not) comes before that which we enjoy and are inexplicably drawn to.

Nothing wrong with carrying some ownership for the home...but it should be presented as a positive addition, not a mandatory enslavement at the cost of what is dear. The two never needed to be pitted as enemies to each other. This is not about spoiling a child, but about valuing the destiny within each one.

 Train up a child in the way he should go [or ‘in his own bent’], 
and when he is old he will not depart from it. Pr 22:6

Why? Why did the values suddenly change? Why did the game rules get altered? Do teachers not know? Do parents not understand? That when encouraged to pursue this and other passions, a child will eventually face every fear and every inner demon, every discipline and every character trait necessary to be able to continue to grow in it? And do so willingly, for the love of the it instead of through force and the fear of falling short.

Passion makes Perfect

They will work harder, longer and with greater commitment if allowed to work at what they love.  They will become experts who love what they do and do it in their own unique way. Not everyone who loves to sing will have a public stage of 1000s, but they may have a small stage of 10 disabled little children who flourish through that gift. If you truly love it, the right place to give that gift will present. It’s in you for a reason and even if you don’t know what that is yet honour it with nurturing and time and effort and you will!

No one works harder than the passionate person. You will never work as hard or as happily, or sleep as well in a tepid life. Find the fire in your belly again! Banish the old ghosts that said you were too weak to live your dreams. You can! Not only that, all of creation awaits with bated breath for you to do it!

All creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.  Rom 8:19

You cannot tell me that the universe, on every level, doesn’t exult in each life that is taken back to be lived in Freedom! God rejoices! I feel the excitement in a decision made by a person to follow their blueprint.

Not Negotiable

The greatest tragedy of human life is the notion that one's dreams must be relegated to retirement and some dabbling, after one has served and paid their dues! Poppycock!!  This has to take the cake as one of the grandest lines of BS we've ever been spun! People feel so guilty about being happy that it completely robs them of their most effective means to be a gift to the world.

In spite of all those who think otherwise, the power of an aligned life goal, or dream, vision, calling, ministry, fate or destiny is given to YOU, so that you will rise and become all you can be.  When you commit to your dream, it will give you and/or hone these qualities:
  • Clarity of Intention
  • Meaning-a reason to be ( even if it is just the joy of being )
  • Well being
  • Skill Development
  • Mastery/ Discipline
  • Character/Values
  • Fulfilment
  • Personal Growth/ Expansion
And as it grows and takes hold of your heart and becomes your magnetic north, it will bring to humanity:
  • Inspiration
  • Evolution
  • Enlightenment
  • Greater Joy
  • Appreciation
I believe every dream, whether great or small, does these things. You can be part of something far greater than yourself by being “selfish” and honouring the gift of the dream that has been placed inside of you. Every person has that glorious being inside them.

Start today by doing one thing each day to show your worthiness of your dream. Accept the high and holy calling to be all that you imagine and more.

All of creation, seen and unseen, God, the angels and me...we’re all cheering you on!

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