Thursday, October 4, 2012

Create Your Life On Purpose: Balancing Action with the Law of Attraction

Passing time in Jersey City


Why Am I always waiting?
Sometimes, on our journey through life we can get to feeling like we have to wait for things to ‘come together’ or ‘fall into place’ or for someone to ‘get their act together’ (often ourselves lol).
But in reality, the option of 'to wait or not to wait’ is entirely up to us!
Now, I can hear the uproar and the ‘up-in-arms’ logical arguments coz I have stated them all to myself too but I stand my ground. Granted there are situations where a particular order has to be followed, for example, I cannot hold my baby in my arms before it is born BUT the baby is not waiting to be born... it is preparing to be born. The gestation process is required to come to completion or there’ll be no live baby to hold!
The foetus isn’t lying around goofing off. It’s working triple time to develop into a human being of sustainable status. Outwardly, we can look on and feel like we’re waiting but as the mother, my body is preparing, along with that baby, to be able to do what the mother of a newborn needs to do. And if I really want to flow with the process, on a deeper, emotional and psychic level I am being prepared as well-as are all who are anticipating the new arrival.
When we feel like we must wait for something, we become imprisoned in a cell of self imposed impotency.

Playing the Waiting Game.
One of the reasons waiting can be hard is because it can feel physically uncomfortable. Practising a discipline to gain mastery of it, any kind of physical challenge, denial of certain gratifications.
Any kind of EMOTIONAL roller-
coaster is not fun.
Another reason can be because it is emotionally uncomfortable. Anxiety, doubt, fear of pain, fear of judgment, fear of failure or success-fears of ALL kinds! Fear of the challenge itself and our ability to rise to it! Or the length of the road and whether we can ‘go the distance’.
We may doubt that what we desire is ever going to happen-especially when we think it depends upon someone other than ourselves. When we position ourselves here, it is like a form of torture, endlessly watching and waiting and living on the verge of strung out emotions. Yes, no, will they, won’t they..?

An emotional rollercoaster.

Release yourself! Live free and release everyone else in the process. It doesn’t mean you stop desiring the fruition of your dreams but you will stop the disappointed expectations, the dashed hopes, the pressure you’re applying to anyone else ( and yourself) and the focus on the powerlessness that comes from being a victim in The Wilderness of Eternal Wanting (one of my songs).
Resistance = Frustration
At the same instant we feel something beyond us must happen before we can have our desires fulfilled, we have spawned resistance and begin to feel the need to push! Where there is not resistance, there is no need to push.
Back to the baby analogy: I have had lots of babies, and only once did I ever almost make the mistake of ‘pushing’. It was with my fourth baby, and as soon as I realised what I was about to do, I stopped and reverted to my usual way of birthing. Staying out of the way!! I went back to breathing. Nice deep breaths with the contractions, allowing my body to stretch and press wherever it needed to. No clenching from fear.
From crowning to full body delivered, all my 5 babies were born in mere minutes and two contractions. No resistance meant no tension in my pelvic region, no tearing, no stitches and no epidurals either, so I was clear headed and to receive my new baby, who also had the benefit of an easier birth.(No judgment for anyone that epidruals but I believed differently.)
It seems God has designed the emerging process to have just the right amount of struggle in it, even when we work with nature’s laws. The chick must break through the egg within a certain amount of time, and cannot be helped or it will die anyway. Likewise with the butterfly, coming forth from the chrysalis, the process is uniform in so many ways. We can see this more readily with physical birth, but manifesting from the spiritual realm is no different. There is a seed, germination, gestation, labour and birth...and so on.
We may eventually force our way through frustration and create an outcome but it will come with many other elements you probably don’t want. Complications, compromise and maybe even combat! And it will produce after its own kind.
Making the Journey A Joy
See, the thing is “God has set eternity into the heart of man”.
We have this ability to see into the future, to plan and to bring to fruition. The problem is that when we are disconnected from our authentic nature, we resort to willpower and force to make things happen amid our present discontent,  instead of creating them through the laws in place.
One of my significant dreams
How do we live in a present place of content whilst ‘waiting for...”, yet cultivate the state of already having? Especially when we don’t even know how to get it?

Resistance Vs Proaction -the difference between frustration and forward movement
  • Well for one...we don’t have to know all the ‘hows’. Yay! Just the next step.
  • Secondly, change the perspective from focussing on what you feel you have to wait on , and place it on what you are preparing for ie. Your desired outcome.
  • Thirdly, remember one of my favourite sayings:  ~The shortest, quickest, fastest, MOST HARMONIOUS way between me and my dreams is that which is being presented to me~
  • And finally, all you need to know is what to do regarding what is right here, right now. Yes, there may be a little difficulty but it’ll be the least resistance in the long run. If you flow with it, there will be no resistance...only therequired persistence.
By shifting waiting to preparation, the energy becomes forward focussed, flowing forward and then peace, joy and productivity will grow from your health-centred actions.
Getting Started NOW
Ok, so right now, ask yourself...if the opportunity to have my desire came NOW, how would I feel ill-prepared?  What would keep me from seizing it? Could I, would I, run with it? ( EG. A free ticket to Greek islands-airfare only- but have no passport or money saved)
Now-how can you see the preparation you need in the situations facing you NOW? ( EG Need to order my affairs and finance for taxes...can create a budget and do paperwork for a trip)
Perhaps, you can join with me now, as I tell myself,
“Get with the program, girl! The shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dreams is that which is being presented to you! Embrace it and fast track creating YOUR life now!”
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