Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where You Least Expect It

The Gift of Love

I'm not touting any specific religion now, but I found this truth written here, so I'm quoting from this source.

In the Bible, there are several very well known and oft spouted verses from I COR 13:4-8. These verses describe the characteristics of AGAPE (uncondtional) love..or...the nature of God/Source...Who is LOVE.

But just before these verses, there are a few other, more rarely mentioned ones. i put them in a song like this:

"If I could speak in the tongues of men,
or have dialogue with the angels
If i have the gift of prophecy,
or can fathom all life's mysteries
and by faith, move mountains in the sea...
...but if I have not Love, I am nothing
If i have not Love, I gain nil
I can take all I've got , and give it to the poor
but if I have not Love- i need more.

I can surrender my body, to the flames,
But if I have not Love, it's in vain."

In other words, it's never about WHAT YOU DO. It's always about WHY YOU DO IT.

When Love is the reason WHY you do something, what grows is inkeeping.
You cannot grow an apple tree, from an orange seed. You cannot grow a plentiful AGAPE harvest, from an erroneous martyrdom.

Look closely at the base of this strange looking cactus, which I called "Gringo".
Carved into its base are the words " I love ( heart shape) U". One Christmas, when my resourceful young son was staying in Sydney for his holidays, and discovered this heart shaped piece of cactus plant. He determined it would make the perfect gift for me. So he engraved his heart onto the fleshy green plant, popped in it a pot full of Horsley Park brick clay, and presented it to me for Christmas.

I brought it back in the car to Queensland, and it travelled from home to home( 3 times in that following year). But come October, it sprouted a new shoot. One of the oddest looking plants to be sure-the Prickley Pear, but I was very attached to this one, coz it came with Love. When Matt saw what the 'heart' had done, he was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him, that given a good bed of the right kind of soil, his 'heart' would put down roots, and actually grow. He had only thought it would be as a vase of flowers, and the message it bore, a transient note that would wither with time, having first delivered his genuine sentiment.



As those verses say (ICOR 13:8)
"Love never fails", passes out, becomes obsolete, fades away, or comes to an end.

Love doesn't die. Nor it's message ever become devoid of power or meaning.
Everything is energy. LOVE is that energy. IT cannot simply changes form and expression.
Love produces fruit that will LAST. All that is of love will endure forever, coz it is already in its purist form. It is already fully "alchemized" ( my new word)

All that is not Love will fall away, temporal yielding to eternal.


I just noticed something very interesting. We use the phrase "yield a harvest".
Even when I sow Love, I must learn to yield, in order to receive the harvest Love has for me.
I ALLOW my harvest to come to me. Not demand it in a specific mode. If I insist that it be a certain way, I could well REJECT the harvest the Universe intended to satisfy the cry of my heart.

If I remain open and yielded ( Zero Resistence), I will receive all I could hope and MORE. Coz what is of Love is of Life and will keep on growing.
Everything is ENERGY and WE ARE ALL ONE. We are one energy field.

It may look like we've been sowing our Love seed for all the right reasons in one corner, only to have it spring forth in a far distant, and unlikely corner. But when we consider that it is all ONE energy isn't surprising at all. We are sowing Love,and reaping Love's fruit-where and how we need it.


Love's deeds are the the magic seeds to satify all my conceived needs...and deepest desires! :-)
It doesn't matter what I do. If I do it in the true spirit of Agape, all I could possibly hope for myself will be carried forth in and through it as well.

Whatever expression Love needs to take to bring its fulness into my life, is the form it will take to emerge into my experience.

Love will bring me ALL I need to utilize EVERY moment to sow and grow more love.
I will always have a pocketful of magical, miracle working beans...
or, as the case may be, the ability to embed my heart in a cactus, and bring forth a blossoming love life.

Thanks Matt ( my boy). Tags: agape, cactus, corinthians, gift, gringo, heart, love, magicbeans, why, yield

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