Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Everything's Connected


I wanted to share a little story with you.

A number of years ago, when I first moved into this house, I was exploring intentional use of the Law of Attraction. I feel like I've always been doing this, but this particular outcome was something that has stayed with me, as an eternal reminder of how we 'draw' our reality into being.

Firstly, my place, is three storeys high, with a big double garage and lots of cupboard space, but no yard. It's a terrace house. It was only 2 years old when I moved in, so it's modern, airy and...nice. It has two balconies. a squarish one out front ( where i often sit in the sun) maybe 8'x8'

The back one is double the length, but as I said, no back yard. clothesline facility anywhere.


Well, Australian backyards usually boasted a HILLS hoist, rotary clothesline, as we grew up. And I had a great one when all the kids were little, lots of cloth nappies and clothes to wash. Those kind of clothesline actually had a nostaligc value for me, and hanging washing ( and folding it back into the basket when dry) almost became theraputic coz I associated it with quiet thinking time.

So, I wanted a rotary, PORTABLE line. I didn;t even know if such a thing existed. I just knew that was what I wanted.
All I did, was think about it. Not even an intentional thing.

30, 60, 100 fold...

First the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear...

Sure enough, some store advertising "junk Mail" came and there was my rotary line! It was about $30, but it was at a store somewhere that I didn't normally the usual track. I never got to it, but I didn't stop thinking about it, coz now I KNEW they existed!!

Not long after that, in another pamphlet, there was my desire again. This time it was dearer, and still in a part of the Coast that i didn't get to. There was delivery, but all up it'd cost $50. Not that I minded the idea of paying that much, but by this time, I started to realise that I might be able to have what I want.

Of course, yet another sale flyer, and there SHE is-Rosie...not 2 mins away...and only $25!!
She was Rosie the rotary clothesline from that moment,and I loved Rosie becasue of all she meant to me..the old associations and now, all these new ones!


So, now, I can understand why people think i'm a little 'out there', but I name a lot of my belongings and plants. in doing this, I build a snese of 'relationship' with these elements of my life and it leads to some very positive and powerful 'connections' for me.

Firstly, it constantly reminds me that animate or inanimate or inbetween, we are ALL connected. All things are LIVING in that all things are energy. All things are moving, vibrating and being. It's much easier to 'feel' this about everything, and every space between, when you give them names. Along with name comes nature and's just all part of 'knowing' and recognising.

I love doing this with my things/plants/furniture/shoes...shrug...I've been doing it a while! Personifying everything-wind, trees, well as the obvious...pets, nicknames of friends/family.

This 'naming' breeds attachment and appreciation-and i feel the CONNECTION It's a GOOD thing for me.


As we are ALL one energy field...
I don't think it's possible to feel inadequate, or in enmity with any part of existence, AND know this state of connectedness at the same time.

I KNOW WHICH STATE I PREFER! And in making the above statement, I finally understand what has troubled me off and on the past week or intermittent connection!


But thinking about Rosie, the delightful way she came into my life, all the pleasure I felt from having her, and all the warmth of the memories she encapsulated for me, fixes any sense of disconnectedness.

It's really not hard to ALLOW myself to BE who I am... Replace resistence with gratitude in the smallest, simplest, and almost nonsensical places, and find yourself-right there! :-)

it feels sOOOO Good!!

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