Friday, August 14, 2009

The Mirrors of My Life

hi wonderful people!

Just thought I'd let you know the way the path is unfolding...

I've had a few frustrating days the past few weeks.
And it culminated in an internet banking episode yesterday, that when i saw it this way, made me laugh.

It has felt like everywhere I turned I was blocked, and prevented from access. Lots of energy went into getting singing work and connecting with people to build the speaking, and everything has felt promising and positive, but nothing substantial emerging. It felt like things were getting to vearying degrees in the process, and then , juts get suddenly shunted back to nowhere!

The only work i've been able to get is making phone calls fro a friend's company! ( The contractions are getting tight!!) breathe, release...Zero resistance.
There's so much more that I could say about all of much more internal activity, about being grateful, about 'simply Being'...about understanding the benefits of where I am, why, and how I can receive all its aaspects as GOOD. however...I want to get to another point...


Sometimes, when I see how perfectly, and ironically LOA works to reproduce in the physical what is thought/feeling energy...all I can see is God's sense of humour. Or at least, feel gratitude that we have one, coz you just gotts laugh!
I was SOOOOO frustrated yesterday. Perfect time for EFT. Everytimg I tried to do my banking, I'd get to various phases of the transaction, only at any point, to find myself back at the logon page!

"For security reasons, you've been redirected back to the logon page"
another message
"for security reasons we've diabled you BACK and FORWARD buttons" AAARAAAArrrrhghhhhh!
What the heck am i supposed to do!!!??? Just stay here forever?

talk about perfect reflection of how I was feeling!
(I'm even laughing as i write)


the beautiful part of this, is as soon as i saw the parallels...I just laughed!
(I'm even laughing as i write)
It takes so LITTLE for us to shift our vibration...remember "soar toSPlat!" and "splat! to soar". Flick the switch.

I could see the analogy fo what was going on...but look at the 'why'-for SECURITY reasons.

The door keeper of my heart is watching over my steps...

HOLD THAT THOUGHT with all that in mind, consider this:
in so many others ways, the aligment and connection feel right..all other things are working on my internet ( in my life) but not all browing functions, and something has gone bizarre with the log in aspects. Yet the connection is intact.

I feel this way too.
But all this girding in about me, has manouvered me into a place of taking cetain types of action that I've been avoiding. Trying to find the 'easy way' into my destiny. A side door, where I don't attract so much attention maybe.
but every time it looks like that's gonna happen...something literally "PAUSES". IT feels like a strategic hemming in, with only one direction becoming obvious.

Wallace D wattles, author of "The Science of Getting Rich" tells the tale of a guy who sets up this mega deal, only at the last minute, have everything inexplicably crumble. he went about his way rejoicing and didn't let his gratitude slip. Sure enough, a few weeks later, an opportunity presented that was FAR better than his first plan, and he woldn't have been available to take it, had the other got off the ground.

Wattles says: "If you make a failure, you haven't asked for enough"

I keep wanting to go into this without being the spear head of it. It's not gonna happen.
So, I decided to take action on an idea that came to me, to run a series of complimentary one hour workshops to trial content, and sent out a request to lots of friends, family and business people to attend and offer feedback.
It means I organise my own events, not try and get booked by someone else for theirs. ( what i was tryong to avoid!)
And I'm already getting a favourable response and that means a commitment to do, on my part.

But I believe this is what I need to do.
all the other stuff will come along, I'm convinced, but it'll be AFTER i do this, coz this is what I need to do, to get off that damned "Log ON " page and get passed go!

That sentinal is there to keep me from going down an inferior track. I want to live to my FULL potential. My heart knows that and is working with me, and my lover Money, to get me there!


Since the message of my personal alchemy ( gold sportscar Challenge #2), i've begun to find different ways to interpret the messages in my personal symbolism. I won't expound on this now, but it is bringing an entirely different slant to 'security reasons', I would have seen as a conflicting limiting belief that once filled a protective role...but now I see myself free of history, living NOW, and I see those 'security reasons' as my heart working WITH me in a forward way toward all I desire. Not in conflict. ( It always is really...but too big to explain here) And the only thing that makes life hard is my own level of resistance.
i'm not doing this justice here...but I'll get back to it.

For now...time to MOVE!


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