Friday, December 4, 2009

Hang onto Your hat!

hee hee..this is so fun to share!
There's a couple of instalments missing on Deisner Calendar Progress missing from this blog. I may get to catch those up... :-), if you've been paying attention You'll know that this a photo of my 'Desired Relationship" It includes my desire to travel with my Lover/bestfriend...spend time together in the Garden, attend glamourous events and various "moments".

At present, when I look at this work, there are a couple of elements that I have been aware of 'noticing'..resonant connection. primarily the Text Start a New Love Affair-right here RIGHT NOW..relationship:life changing friendship develops and the top right hand corner, of the Hot air balloon and the silhouetted couple against it.

RED hot air balloons have been a significant part of my personal symbolism for a few years, and In my collages for that long. They represent my 'soaring' through my life carried by the fire/heat of my passions, depicted by the hot air and the red! Flying represents freedom and is expanded in my song Time To Fly ( -see audio list) This particular hot air balloon has "Virgin" on it, and I had been pondering that afternoon how that word would work in-this is funny!

.....have you guessed yet??? ON THE PATH OF ALIGNMENT

I have felt SO aligned, I care not about changes to my plans and schedules, knowing that "all is written by the same hand", and that it's ALL GOOD. Due to those gig cancellations, and being available, I worked at the Crowne. I confess...I feel SO excited and so close to all I desire. Actually I feel ONE with all I i feel the materializing of it all CLOSE.

I spent a little time adding Cat's and Marcie's images to my Calendar (New photo soon), and some other stuff with my relationship one. I sense so much happening! ;-)

I knew, on the way to work, that I would " someone tonight". I didn't know if it'd simply be someone to give me a delightful NOW, or someone that may be recurring-and I didn't care, coz I would just enjoy it! But I was very curious.


I had been there barely minutes, when this guy comes up and starts chatting about being a drummer, and learning Piano...and he seems very nice. He had a residency winery gig in Melbourne but had lost his singer. I didn't know how it'd work, but gave him my card, coz what I do is very suited to such venues-and I want to travel, as my collage s all show. He was with a group who were going elsewhere to dine, but he wanted to make sure I'd still be there on his return. He was staying in the hotel.

He returned a little bit later,and when I took my first break, we chatted...and found out more about each other. A lot about each other! Man! we clicked like we'd known each other 10 years!

It was about then, that I found out he is
...a pilot for Virgin Airlines!!!

Now, if you're not haven't seen the specificity and the joke in it! I didn't see it till a couple of hours later, when I had a 'flash' of the image from my collage, with that text. He's opening his own Flying School today! He's written a couple of books on flying and IT, but he draws, plays and longs to get more creativity happening in his life. He was fascinated with CTT. He was fascinated with me! :-)

And his spontaneous expression of what he was thinking/seeing/feeling almost made me giddy.
Definitely left me speechless! I had spent time in the last week, describing aspects of how my lover/best friend would value me, and show it. It's not common...and not about flattery, but about having a certain type of appreciation. He was doing it. And he gave a little speech before he left me that just left me stunned!


He flew out early for Sydney, then Launceston ( Tazzie-Tasmania), and back to Sydney. He's getting a jet back to his school (on 40 acres) in Melbourne, only if he really needs to be there. What next??? I don't know, but it'll be exciting, no matter what it is-of that much I am absolutely SURE! lol

Can you imagine...have you any incredibly excited I am about seeing these things?...the possibilities themselves are wonderfully groovy, but the process is SOoooo fascinating! To be able to so intentionally design and create your life this way is JUST SO COOL!!! with ANYThing.


But something extra sweet 'fell into place' for me this morning. And this moves me to tears. All my life I've documented my journey. I've recorded all that I see, feel, experience,and related back to my understanding. I've been a Chronic journaller. I call myself the Family Scribe and Storyteller-the maker and Keeper of Memory. I have decades of material, and would have even more, had a boyfriend not burnt it when I was 20.

It includes my art, my music, my life is my documentation...even my body-remember? I always felt I was recording for the benefit of others, so they could see the journey I made and be encouraged. I've been transparent and personal, presenting myself more and more without judgment, so the picture could be clear.

I have been COMPELLED to do this and I have often wondered why the intensity of it is as it is...and at the same time, it didn't matter why, I just knew I had to do it. I had to 'document the journey' tell the story...'show'n'tell"

But now, as I record all of this...especially since BLC started, I see why. There's immense power for others in this. And for me!

The enthusiasm of you guys feeds me and my faith abundantly. Not to mention bringing me ENORMOUS joy.

I understand what I'm doing, and what's happening, and even tho I've understood the principles for many MANY years-my intentional consistent results had been scattered.
It's a whole new ballgame to be experiencing consistent desired outcomes across the board of life-especially in those areas I had not been able to get past a certain point in. Understanding my own compellings all these years, and seeing in myself the passion and determination to give all to know this Truth-is what brought tears. I'm so grateful for it. For all of it.

I feel like I've finally empirically proven what I've always believed for as long as I can recall, but am now equipped to be able offer the evidence to others-unequivocally.

This is a MOST signifcant moment. You are a sharing a NOW that I've long awaited, and sometimes almost despaired of finding. WOW!

Gotta go groovers...another day and another gig await! lol love you all LOTS! :-) I FEEL LIKE I JUST STEPPED INTO MYSELF!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For Me-It's Got To Be Designer!

GOD!! I love this time of year...not even 7:30 a.m. and I've been up for almost 3 hours living a full morning!! dawn comes early here now...YAY!!!


Here's how my calendar started...
I was doing stuff I didn't wanna be doing, and wondering why I was so willing to do that, over choosing my won designer Path...I was choosing familiar discomforts of financial difficulty (after flourishing so well earlier). I wanted certain things to ebb, so I could move into my dreams, but still felt all the fears etc. I wasn't making the vibrational connections I needed to , and I was feeling FRUSTRATED. It is in the intermittent blogs thru Sept/Oct.

One day, as I was driving and whinging...I heard the usual "well, what do you WANT?"
I answered "this isn't how I want my life to look." "How do you want it to look?"

Of course, once I get to that point, I'm off and running! It's the same as asking, "well, what would it take to make you feel happy RIGHT now!" And if I'm honest, it's usually attainable, hence the "ALL THINGS ARE MINE!"

I got to my destination and began straight away on the idea of what I wanted my life to look like. I started with a week-at-a-glance deal...but soon turfed it, as I need more space, coz I want LOTS of diversity, and it won't fit into a week!

So, I settled for now, on a month...and began to shape my template.

The idea of the Template, is that it's kind of
generic, naming areas of experiences..such as work, family, events, holidays, activities...
I felt like I'd become so absorbed in preoccupying over getting business stuff moving, I wasn't taking time to do other things and enjoy people, places and 'parties', so I wanted to restore balance to my life.

The next stage was starting to shape how these things might look. Which aspect of my work:singing, drawing, workshops, writing/written merchandise, recording/recorded merchandise, video-ing,business gatherings etc. What kind of air balloons, family/friends gatherings...Events: retreats, rainforest walks, Beach BBQ , family get the idea. Romantic interludes...haven't got a partner, but I want these they go in! Activities where my family and my lover are altogether and enjoying life with me.

Some things I was SURE of and added, like wanting more Crowne Plaza gigs.
I must resonate easily with that, the next morning, I had FOUR more dates at the Crowne.

I looked at the kinds of workshops I wanted to run...and I began a third version which was my actual life this time, I was seeing stuff that had me SO Buzzy! I stopped midway andmoved to a large sheet of heavier card, gridded it up and got REALLY involved in this new style of specific and intentional "Vision Board Cum Diary/ Calendar"

Wait till you see what happens.... :-)

the Shift-thinking BIG

So, this photo shows where my calendar sat for a couple of weeks..after which it began to dawn on me, what was playing out in my life...WOW!
Don't get me wrong...I've been a Goal Setter, I LOVE to have purpose and direction, and I've had several layers of collaged vision boards and many things. These are life practices for me..this is DIFFERENT And as a writer, have written out, with incredible detail, the life I want, AND I've drawn and SUNG things into being-this is still different. All of these work for me and to quite good degrees as they engage all my concentrated energy in the creative process. Whatever enables you to do that will work. But I still think this way is the BIG KAHUNA.
WHY?? Mainly coz it's DOABLE for everyone and requires no academic or intellectual or artistic skills. You don't really have to strive to think. It's so easy, so natural, so authentic and SO revealing.

ORGANIC!!! This process will work


I'll blog again to catch you up on what happened next...that is, this past 10 days.
I'll start an album too, to depict the progressive shots of my calendar. But I plan more than that. This is a MAJOR artwork.

This is a 'month in the life of Lisa'
What I plan to do is use my long mornings to do whole pages that depict each event/activity/experience-SERIOUSLY engage with each element. Scan and print to scale, for adding not only to my month...but my 2010.

Then, I'm living it all out NEXT YEAR. lol watch me!!


What I propose to you,and everyone else, is that this apparently LONGWINDED way of doing things is actually the SHORTCUT!! I want to show how valuable and worthwhile doing things this way REALLY is. I want to validate the Arts and the Creative Process as being the tragically overlooked and neglected, yet utterly PERFECT way to hone all the intrinsic and inherent skills to empower people to be ALL they can imagine...whilst expanding their imaginations even further.
This is WHOLE BRAIN creativity that draws the WHOLE BEING into its own beauty-rather than the deformed, distorted version of a contorted soul under pressure and perceived limitations.

So...:-) please come along for the ride. Feel free to be sceptical. :-) It won't bother me a bit!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Perfect Even in Imperfection

"By Wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations
By understanding he set the heavens in place
By his knowledge the deeps were divided
and the clouds let drop their dew."

A friend mentioned to me the other day that each day is about 24 hours and 33 minutes long.
I love this!

Our calendar has to compensate for this by 'adding' a day every four years.

Balance versus Symmetry

For me, it is an eternal reminder that what man likes to call precision and perfection are not the same as what is found in Creation. Or even in me.

I've read that we generally perceive a face as beautiful due to its symmetry. But when you LOVE someone, there's a different beauty. The person's essence mixed with their however asymmetric features become so endeared to us. Aren't you glad?!

Balance and symmetry are not the same. The Universe, and as far as I can see, even exploring the tiniest aspects under great magnification, is not symmetrical, but rather 'perfectly unbalanced'.

It makes me smile just to think about it.

A Perfectionist
Like many, I have thought that I had to be perfect at something before I could dare to 'put it out there'. Admittedly, I let this thinking go in many areas of my life fairly early and easily. In fact, easily or not, I determined I would cast caution to the wind and DARE to fly in the face of fear, but in some aspects of myself, it tormented me for the longest time.

A previous sufferer of eating disorders and plagued with body image issues, there was no way I could ever 'win' some things, and be 'perfect'. It's really sad how such a thought, in any arena of life, can rob of us of so much every day pleasure and growth-not to mention our deepest dreams and highest hopes.

Playing with Clay

Just as the Potter throws and molds the lump of clay, I decided to do explore ceramics.
The most beautiful thing I discovered was that in having no experience with the medium, nor how heat causes it to shrink-at different rates, and heightens the subtle variations in the thickness. I didn't know how the colours would change. I didn't really know anything about the process, so I had NO idea what to expect. Consequently, I played with great abandon.

When I went to collect my precious cargo, the kiln man tried to prepare me, expecting I would disappointed with the results, but quite the contrary, I was overjoyed. He held up an uneven oval plate ( still a favourite!), and said dubiously, "I think this is your best piece". And it probably was, from one perspective, but from where I stood, they were all wonderful, and they all showed me things I hadn't before seen.

There was no concept of failure. I'd had no "good/bad", "right or wrong" judgments overlaying anything. No expectations, so no disappointment. Just discovery. Sheer, joyous discovery.
And I love all the human 'imperfection' in the uniqueness of each work. The elements of unevenness added character rather than detracted from the form. I learnt so much through the process, which added to future intention, but for some reason...with clay , I never became bogged down it in 'having to be'. I even made novel, if simple, ceramic jigsaw puzzles. I learnt that chimes work better (as in sound prettier) if they have an arc in them, and made some of the funniest platters I've ever seen! they still make me laugh with their wonkiness!

In Love with the Imperfections

The friend I mentioned earlier was showing me this 'horrific' scar up the front of his entire lower right leg. A motor bike accident. If he flexed it right, a large bulge, his muscle I believe, protruded oddly forward. A running theme through our lengthy dialogues is how "we love our imperfections!" It comes up now, in the areas it's not so easy for us to accept and 'forgive' those things in ourselves, but the Truth of it is washing through all of me in wondrous waves of red hot love.

I find myself falling in love with my own imperfections, just as I could look at his scars and love him no less. Just as I used to imagine the scars of Jesus, and see only beauty and eternal love for me in the 'ugliness'. I behold my own physical form and feel great compassion for this vessel that has served me so well, even though I've 'beaten on it' for being 'less than perfect' all these years. Five childbirths, and in good shape, if not a model. And as I approach 50 (47), I see it as another form of documentation of my life and journey...and it's all perfect. And anyone that loves me, will know how to read between the lines! lol

I am perfect, ever growing unto perfection...even in the midst of my perceived imperfections.

A Perfect Life
Today, that idea went even that bit further, and with fresh depth I saw the perfection of my life, and accepted its perfect imperfections in a loving embrace of thanksgiving so satisfying that it probably sounds corny, but it doesn't feel corny. It feels ALIVE. It feels GOOD.

I began this blog with a proverb Proverbs 3:19-20
But further along, we can read,

"by wisdom a house is built
through understanding it is established
through knowledge it's rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures" Prov 24:3-4

We build the same way.

I like to say
"like Father Like Daughter"
Who am I to argue with the Potter who knows what to do with clay?
And in the spirit of all that's been done, in wisdom, understanding and knowledge, I celebrate with the Universe, in all the so called flaws of being human and rejoice in the truth of their creative beauty.
YAY! :-)

Wil-A work in progress

this isn't finished, as you can see, but I'll add the pieces...I think it's fun to watch it build, and that documentation is part of what I give when the work is done.

Next , it'll be video-ed and time lapsed...which will be even better! Haven't got that facility..quite. Soon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Who Said I Didn't Care!

Hmmm...perhaps it's not such a wise thing to do, but today, I just feel like saying a couple of things that, ordinarily, I'd just let go.

I wanted to point out WHY I choose Love over Fear, Love over Guilt, Love over Worry.
Not Love, the gooshy, mooshy sickly stuff. But LOVE the pwer of wholeness and completion.
The hardest work a person will EVER do is choose to believe the best in the face of the worst. (Labour to enter rest)
It's not putting your 'head in the sand'.
It's not 'not caring'.
It isn't about 'denial through positive thinking'.

It is KNOWING there is a BIGGER, BETTER Truth, than this relative, finite thing we call 'life in the flesh'. It is being convinced of our own innate CREATIVE and eternal power.

It is focussing on the sky far beyond the towering giants, and knowing that you can reach it.


I don't need to see cruelty to know it has some presence on the globe. And I FLAT REFUSE to add to its energy, but giving it any of mine. I don't need, let alone want, the dreadful feelings that swamp my heart and eclipse the beauty of all that's good in my life, due to filling my eyes with hatred, hunger and abuse.

It benefits no one for me to want to kill myself through depression over such things.

From the time I was VERY young, I had to face things that didn't feel good. Life, and the 6 o'clock News, gave me nightmares. The way I learnt to deal with that, even way back then, was to find the things I loved and give them All my attention.

I HATE feeling bad. I made the choice not to. I still make that choice.


But I found something VERY important through all this too. Feeling Bad serves NOBODY! Getting angry, frustrated, fear-filled and bitterly wound up destroys me. Not only can I do no good for anyone else, I can do no good for myself. I can't function in these states.

My hair falls out, my nerves fry, my life turns to total POO! I become someone I neither know, or like. And I have no capacity to trust, love, create or laugh-and I so love ALL these things. From there, it simply perpetuates-more fear, more anger, more hatred, more worry, more poorly chosen action.

When I live from that place of Fear, I'm actually empowering those things to continue! I'm not helping anyone by 'caring' in the form of Worry.

This is basically what it comes down to.
I can choose Fear, see everything from the perspective of what I most dread, living my life trying to barricade it from all that, giving it all my energy, feeding it, fighting it, attracting it.

Or I can choose Love. From love , my actions will produce after their own kind...they feed love in my life, I don't need to fight anything. I don't need to fear that the worst will happen. I don't need to shut everything out of my life coz it might hurt me...or shoot someone else before they can shoot me.

I choose to put my energy where it best serves ALL, including me. I choose Love, nurturing a climate that makes it easier for those things to change. And the more people that do that, instead of FIGHTING them (and breeding more fighting), the lighter and brighter the energy becomes and tip the scales.

Examine these principles in your own life, if you dare, and see that it is so. See where love and faith, compared to Fear and panic, make a difference.
Action taken from Fear breeds death
Action taken from Love brings Life.

Having this view...I choose Life. I choose Love.
Some, most, may not understand this, and accuse me of not 'caring', not 'being responsible', not 'being aware'. I make no apologies for being happy. Nor will I feel guilty for it.
It certainly isn't because life has been easy.

It's because I like who I am when I'm happy. I like how I see and treat people when I feel IN LOVE. I like how they feel good around me. How can this be wrong??
I like being peaceful, and helping others find a place of rest. I love feeling connected, saturated and ONE with Love. With God.

I am convinced this is who I am, and it's definitely who I aim to be. MORE and more and more.

"Finally, friends, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things...and the God of Peace will be with you."

What more could I want, than to be aligned with All-That-Is-LOVE?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What People R Saying Bout CTT Creative Thinking Technology

Just wanted to share my latest CTT-Creative Thinking Technology video with you. :-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Staying Open-the 'What's In it For me?' Deal

Sometimes, the hardest thing you will ever be faced with is the demand that organic life places upon us all to remain open. A closed womb can accept no seed, nor bear any life.

It comes naturally to us- to be open. It's inherent in our nature, but as we go along in life, various thing can occur and we can get our fingers burnt, our hearts bruised, our hopes smashed and our dreams broken.

It's right about then that you REALLY need to stay open. Ok...maybe I should I.

Taking a Leaf out of Nature's book...or maybe a trunk

I love, absolutely LOVE, visual metaphor. One of my "favouritist" places is a chunk of Rainforest atop Burleigh Head, and when I go there with my camera, I am truly in another world. I lose myself so completely,so effortlessly and oh, so blissfully. I see 'into' things, 'beyond' things and 'through' things...and all these 'things' I see whisper back truths of ancient knowing that only creatures like trees and seas can know.
I see myself. A timely insight. I know it's just what I need, because it is the message that comes.

I looked at this trunk and the hole into the hollow of its core. I pondered whether this was a 'good' or 'bad' thing. An open wound or a functioning orifice. It was a clean opening. It didn't look 'broken'. I'm sure many living creatures had ventured in and found shelter as needed. How did it serve the tree, other than allow the tree the serve others?

As is frequently the case, judgement on a matter is often relative. This gaping hole, apparently organic in every way, still looked odd in its own right, but 'normal' in light of what was beside it.

Now, this hole, although 'whole' in that it was closed over, like an old, scarred wound...this hole didn't look 'good' to my eye. It looked like the other hole, gone wrong.

It looked like an opening that no longer wanted to be open and had to work contrary to its organic way to shut down.
It looked gnarled, twisted, tormented and well barricaded, from within and deformed. What happened here?

I stood there, meserized, much to the surprise of passers-by, I'm sure! Switching from opening to the other, and 'feeling' more than hearing what they spoke to me.

In light of my morning meditation, today, this set of photos seems to speak even more clearly to me. The clear opening was vulnerable-all its guts exposed and accessible, and I'm almost certain there'd be things inside that tree that had no place being there, pushed in thoughtlessly, carelessly. Even so, I'm equally sure that the creatures that made a home in there, would have found resourceful ways to recycle that stuff too! Because that is what ORGANIC LIFE does.
Even with abuse, this hole stayed open, clean, functional, non scarred and life nurturing.

The Second hole had the appearance of one that had 'taken offence' to being treated that way, shutting down to the abuse, but at what cost? It lost the capacity to be of certain use in shutting down to the possibility of abuse. Not only was it not able to 'serve' others through its life, it became all mangled in its own form. I relate to the second hole as being ruled by the "what's in it for me?" question, and in not finding a desirable answer, decided it would have none of it!


And here's the interesting part...these holes are right beside each other, part of the same
tree trunk. We are all ONE! We are all connected. My guts are YOUR guts. When I shut down to you, I shut down to ME. When I shelter you, I am safe. When I leave you in the cold, I am alienated. Whatever I see in you, is but my own reflection-whether beauty or fear,love or judgement.
My heart is like the hole in the tree. It has undergone many piercings, and suffered several breaches, but if I close it down, I cannot function at all.The wind cannot breathe its song through me ( and I live for the Song of the Wind reverberating through my being!), nor the sparrow lay its young, and I so delight in the freshness of new life .

NOt only that, but ALL That Is knows how to make GOOD of all the abuse as well-using it resourcefully to benefit others maigically.

In a shut down place, I cannot even sleep without nightmares-ever afraid of forced or uninvited entry, further distorting my authentic nature with fear, through resistance to phantoms!

Staying open is about turning the "what's in it for me?' into "YOU are what's in it for me". To see You grow, expand, thrive, LIVE...that's what's in it for me. To deny you access to my heart, to all that I am is to deny myself. And I just can't live that way.

How does the hole serve the tree, but to allow it to serve others? How does my heart serve the WHOLE but to allow its LOVE to serve others through me? I would rather DIE than shut down, because in physical death I expand into all. I would rather DIE than stop believing I can be all I desire in this life through enriching the lives of others.

I don't want to TAKE. I don't want to EXTRACT under duress, peoples' favour, money, time, faith.I want to give...and in giving, receive rare and beautiful treasures of every kind.
I refuse to compete. I choose to create. I allow myself to be an incubator of life, and with all that I am I desire to remain ever open to love and be loved.

So, yeah...that's where my head is today. Please don't interpret this as being about going through life with is exactly the opposite!

Lisa :-)

You KNOW I could turn this into a kids' story!

I even wonder if the second hole only developed because the first one shut down. This is what the abundant Universe does. This fantastic giving Universe just makes more wherever it's needed. If one shuts down, another opens...but that's another story!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Draw A very Special Christmas this year!

Even tho it can be hard to know where to focus your attention at times, I still really like being able to do lots of different things...coz they all enrich and give back to me...and others, in very different ways.
And sometimes...I just want to draw!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What is CTT?

Creative Thinking Technology-or...CTT

Creative-inspired, imaginative, inventive artistic, ingenious, productive, innovative, resourceful

Thinking-philosophy, idea, accepted wisdom, opinion, view, judgment, assessment, belief

Technology-skill, knowledge, expertise, know-how, equipment, machinery, tools.

Creative Thinking Technology, or CTT, is a program model that I have put designed, using various manifold Arts based practices to help people become familiar with certain types of right brain thinking processes.

Once a process of thinking is identified, the idea is then to practice and habituate the use of it through ‘creative engagement’ in as many multi-sensory ways as possible, and with as much pleasure as possible (the subconscious is impacted through connecting information and strong emotion).

The purpose of this is TWO FOLD:

If a person allows time for the creative process and play, their lives are immediately enriched in ways that are difficult to describe. It just feels GOOD to create! We are creators, by decision or by default-but it feels SO, SO GOOD to be so on purpose. We remember and deeply hold to moments in which we invest our heart creatively. Things MEAN more. We live MORE passionately. We are happier.

In beginning to grow and develop in that ‘Intentional Creativity’, as triggered by my workshops, a person’s mind (conscious and other than conscious) is progressively opened... Things start to change.

Not only is every day, and each activity given a heightened sense of appreciation, but appropriately habituating these processes means that when a life circumstance or desire requires their unique function, whether for fun or otherwise, the mind is readied to respond-with openness, willingness, a sense of joyful challenge, confidence and competence, knowing it can generate ideas, solutions, options and alternatives.

In short, the two greatest benefits are:

1. Makes Life WAY more fun and

2. Anything is possible-limited thinking slowly starts to breaks down and we begin to come alive with our dreams again...and all in a very organic fashion-just as we all did before we were taught not to.

Creative Thinking Technology (CTT) is my baby, brought about through literally my lifetime of personal research, experimentation and observation.

At present, these workshops are the way I present concepts and deliver matching experiences. They are not the limit to my plans. They are the starting place.

Creative-inspired, imaginative, inventive artistic, ingenious, productive, innovative, resourceful

Thinking-philosophy, idea, accepted wisdom, opinion, view, judgment, assessment, belief

Technology-skill, knowledge, expertise, know-how, equipment, machinery, tools.

CTT is my innovative and, I believe, inspired application of a deeply held belief that we are designed for, and most happy when, intentionally co-creating with Source, and doing so through the artistic tools which easily access the know-how of mind mechanics and provide experientially pleasurable opportunities for well practiced skills.

In my opinion, CTT is like a scientific theory or a maths formula.

A great bonus of my CTT model is that you don’t have to understand psychology to use it. You don’t have to be academic, or be able to explain it. All you need to do is engage in it wholeheartedly...have fun with it, and these activities/games will do the rest.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Week In Review

hi all!I was having so much fun uploading photos yesterday (on Facebook), that I thought I'd do a week in review, snapshot style here too.
One of the absolute, greatest, most fantastic aspects of documenting life this way is that you get to relive the pleasure of all the good stuff, over and over and over again.But the other thing I discovered too, is that in knowing I want to document something, I actually invest a whole lot MORE enthusiasm into it as well. In my head, every experience is constantly being narrated, like a story, for someone else to be able to enjoy with me. To ignite their imaginations, stir their desires,and generate ideas for manufacturing their own versions to tell.
Because I'm imagining the re-telling of my story as I go, I get so much more involvede and engage on a much deeper level...and here's the beauty of life. Nothing makes me feel MORE ALIVE than being FULLY IN THE MOMENT! And digital technology has made it so much easier to do so, this way...and fro the "Show'n'Tell" later.
I have been a compulsive journaller-CHRONIC even, for as long as I can remember. I have MANY MANY journals, and of various types and natures. being so visual as well, I used to add doodles and diagrams to some, but that's been made so much easier with technology too. Still, i like the rawness and readiness of sketched things as well.
I have been SO fascinated with this practice,and so in love with doing it,I always felt it held a key to my future. I love making books, from scratch. I love telling stories in unorthodox ways, through wooden puzzles, ceramic pieces, quilts, a list of objects. ANYTHING, EVERYTHING
But I feel today like I've re-discovered something within myself with a gusto and GUTZ that have not before been equalled.An inferno has somehow been rekindled.
And the hilarious part is, it looks just like ordinary life! I feel almost a bit hysterical with joy!For years, I've had people tell me that my life is so intersting, so creative, so fun. But, me dear, it's all in the telling!!It's all in the focus.If I went to the tropics and spoke of the beauty and serenity, the resonance i felt with lush rainforest and placid waters, I create one impression. If recounted the incessant bug biting, the massive spiders, the crocodiles and the sleezy Real estate'd get another.
Tell yourself the story you WANT TO HEAR.
I had some hard and pressing moments this week. Some frustrating and difficult moments...but look at what else there was!

This was a wonderfully pleasant 4 and 1/2 hours. I hadn't seen this guy for 29 years!!Lunch on the deck over thelake with my friends playing music, a walk thru the rainforest on Burleigh head. COffee right on at the beach at Mermaids, and mineral...AND hot water. can you believe we both like drinking hot water?It was lovely!Monday-dealt with some nitty gritty "YuKS" that came up thru having so much fun and wanting MORE, and getting frustarted wih myself for feeling like such a loser, coz I couldn't see enough progress fast enough. That was the 'loser' part really-my focus!!! So short sighted! but it led to the idea of designing myself "A Month in the Life of Lisa". Whenever I get grumpy about how things seem, I ask myself what it would take RIGHT NOW, for me to feel better. The answer is usually pretty simple, and usually AVAILABLE ALLTHINGS ARE MINEI felt SO rotten monday, even my kids were worried about me! But whilst at work, making calls, I got caught up in whatit would take to feel better, and thought about how I'd want a typical week to be...but then realised, a week isn't enough, coz i like LOTS of variety, so it's better to design a month.And MAN! something clicked powerfully!I was out of my doledrums as victim and actively CREATING again. All the lights went on, and my heart got busy!I made myself a 'template' of a month, and filled it with things to support every area of desire: Business/family/lover/recreationa and travel...and LOTS of opportunity for "Show'n'Tell"-my 'downtime' processing.then , I immediately started to enter those things that I felt I could do..even in part..and I tell you-the WORLD OPENED UP TO ME! Again...and I remembered...
Remember, I've said that we can design MOMENTS. We can only live NOW, and the power of creation is in NOW.
GOD! I love this understanding and what it brings forth. I started filling my ongoing calendar with my desired NOWS.And those NOWS started to come in!!!I specifically wanted a roundedness of expereinces-across the board of life. Not just my business, and 'trying to make money', which was beginning to feel like it was wearing me out, coz i was striving in it. I do pretty well, but it can be so easy to sliude back into "ruts" of thinking.In this way, my calendar is a god send! Bringing balance and intention to my focus every day!So Monday was another exciting, life impacting day!!! :-)
My friend, CArol and I did something a bit different and went to Burleigh for coffee at 6:30 am! She was coming off a night shift, and I was entering another day...full of creative enthusiasm for my calendar, and thinking about the specialnmess of having a unique time to share with my friend as part of it. is made up of Moments. And they are RARE and BEAUTIFUL treasures, if we tell their story right!We had two hours there, then she wwent home, and went about fulfilling my desires, via my calendar. I planned all week to spend today making up a magnificent, full colour detail version! It fed me all week.And I had the agant from the Crowne call with four more dates...just as I'd entered it in my calendar!
Of course, I went to work and made calls, and this creative endeavour kept me awake in between!
WednesdayWas overjoyed realising that I had the next two nights singing, instead of making calls, as result of my creative exploits. I say this with totoal conviction and absolute certainty, 'there is SO much CREATIVE POWER in designing NOWS'...the specifics of it, and the manifestation of it...exhilerating!!man, i am high and flying by now!
SO, this evening I sing for the opening of a Bridal/evening wear store. I get paid, but I was also given a dress!! And on top of that, I sold three CDs. As part of my calendar 'month by design' I've given myself set hours to be uninterrupted and get work done on my workshops outlines, and related material-Business stuff. SO, I am feeling generally, much less frazzled.

I awoke SOOOOOOO happy that I could do EVERYTHING I wanted to do for My OWN life and business. And i realised it was the Second day in a row, and both those days make me more money than working for someone else. more than Double!! On both days.Still inspired with my calendar, and what it's done has filled with me with ideas for ways to highlight my week with Moments that are special and shared, fun and diverse. I decided I'd go to garage sales on saturday, as I hadn't since being back here (a year), and knew, even with only $10, I could have fun. It went into the calendar, and I followed my plan for the work I wanted to be doing that day.
Then I went to work at the Crowne, played the grand piano again...which has been in my focus and thinking. I feel grounded and earthed when I play piano. I don't get that with keyboards, or digital pianos. I need the earth percussion of timber and tactile stuff!! Oohhhh!! LOVE IT!
Went to bed, knowing I would have ANOTHER day to fill with my own designed pleasure. Does it get any better?(I will say...irritating thoughts like mosquitos, come incessantly, but as with my tropical's the story I tell myself and the focus I keep, that matters)
What a great day! Rache did the driving, and we took Matt to the Skatepark. En route back, we find a garage sale ( happens to be Matt's mate's place!) Stop in and I buy a small glass/timber lantern, and a wrought iron lamp. They were $5 each, and I should've bargained, but silly me, forgot! However, didn't feel like enough, so we drove around and did a full circle trying to find another...which was around the corner from the 1st!! Rache needs the driving practice anyway! And as I had change n my wallet, I allowed myself that leniency to continue to buy.This place was a great stop and I bought LOTS of stuff: 3 different types of books, to use for creative expression, lots of candles and holders, another really unique ashtray, and of course, my garage sale staple, a chunly wooden box with hinged lid...all for a total of $3.90!! I was ecstatic. ANd now, I could go home satisified :-).

I'd already planned some house work, as yet another attempt to clear away the residual dust of many dust storms, plus the landlord wanted to bring some prospectove buyers thru. As I vacuumed, I made the conscious decision not to rush. I didn't have to get anywhere fast, or finish so I could do anything else sooner. I decided JUST tobe in the moment. I vacuumed the three levels of my tower, mopped the tiles on every level, and also did some dusting and washing.
As i did all this, the idea of doing something with the things I'd bought occurred to me. That way, I'd fill the part of my calendar that was about family time, and put ADDED value to the experience of having something new to play with. i went to the store, bought vegs and chicken, came home, and cut and pared and planned. All the time soooooooo feeling GOOOOOD!

here's the 'floral salad" i made. I figured, as my kids were out and I had a rare time to 'play' and that we hardly ever get a nice 'sit down together' dinner any more, coz I'm working, it was a good time to do something special, and different and surprising.I spent the whole day knowing I would document it, and I had a BALL! From the moment I said I was gonna go to a garage sale and since...I've been narrating my life to and for anyone that wants to share it...coz I just have to share it!
So we had our Dinner:Garage Sale Style ...and if you go to my Facebook, you can get all the details... as I documented, I realised how much of all we were using had been acquired at previous garage sales!!This added even more to the moment for me!Seriously, the pleasure I gleaned from the day made it worth a year in my
"thru wisdom a house is built,by understanding it is establishedby knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures...." yeah. :-)
but just to get you started...

ANd's time fo rme to get started on SUNDAY! YAY!Play with my BIG version of my calendarhave an AWESOME day!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weighty Matters

This was taken at Binna Burra-atop a neighbouring mountain, where I sang last week.
Just thought I'd share that, and this,

It was at this point, when Rachel and I got caught up in looking into the hollow "big Foot", where we were left behind...lost the guide and teh whole group that were walking with us! But Boy did we have fun!

My Daughter Rachel has a very special gift. She makes you laugh. Even when you're angry, and grumpy, and don't wanna will. It is a VERY spiritually special gift!

More on Rachel another time...

So! Weight...and Body Image Issues.
Now, not everyone reading this will have body image issues the way that I have had, but if you have a weight condition that you're not happy with, somewhere, I suggest, you may find a lurking "SELF" image issue...adn they're not that different.


ALL my life I've had two ways of viewing myself. Through the eyes of God/Source( as I understandhim/it),and through the eyes of MEN(as I understood themto be).
And I don't mean humanity-I mean MEN.
These views are about as different as contrary in their focus as they could be, in almost everyway.
Funnily enough both are concerned with
but where the first acknowledges all these from the eternal perspective of Love
the latter measured them from the transient view of superficial and physical layers.

EARLY INDOCTRINATING-setting the context

Early incidents helped me to learn these 'ways of seeing'. And I gues you could say the contrast provided for me, in my younger days created an INTENSE hunger in me to know the full and true versions of these more base experiences.

I found, in my conscious coonnection with God, all that I desired to find in an intimate relationship encounter with a man. I KNEW God adored me, coz I knew He saw the real me,and was always with me, in conscious connection for as far back as I remember. And I didn't need to change a thing to be perfect for him. IN feeling understood perfectly, I fetl LOVED utterly.

There was NO OTHER person, who came into my life, that stayed there. Everyone I loved was taken away from me, or I from them, at one point or another from the time I was 3. The only reason I mention these things, is coz I can see how they've contributed to my stepping into new levels of wanting to find a partner...and what has surfaced as a result.


I mentioned once before, that I don't believe I am held back any more, by anything in my history. I still beleive this. I don't believe anything canstop me from fulfilling my intention, but in entering into "virgin" territory, things come up...they are not crippling, or fatal, but they do require addressing.

I see this year, as the first year of moving beyond my history. Beyond the level playing field that it took this long for me to get to. That's the GOLD-lesson complete. but in stepping on new ground, there's a TON of opportunities that present that give me the perfect platform to try out all my new healthy being!! :-)


When I committed to this-several 'ideals' popped up for review almost instantly, in the form of having to take decisive action. These ideals were largely concerned with the 'judgment' and 'opinion' of others...or more,accurately, what I expected to encounter as those.

Basically, it came down i wanna stay where I am, acceptable and approved in mixing with those I feel would judge me for choosing success, or do I want something different in my life?
I want something different.I committed COMPLETELY to something different.
From that point on, old viewpoints just came up and bowed out! That simply!!

Now, it might not look like I'm talking weight and body issues here, but for me these things are all tied into the same pivotal LIFE IMPACTING events i refer to earlier. So as one is addressed, the other reflects the same-they run parallel for me.

That's why in CHallenge #3, the Universe was able to address personal success through 'inspired INaction' on the body/weight issues. This time, it's been the other way round.

The outcome of the Success eventually leads to abundance in the form of material gain, the outcome of the other eventually leads to abundance in the form of deep lasting love with a partner. I already have extremely fantastic relationships of every other kind in my personal circle, but I've not managed to ever create my desire with a partner...saving the best for last...the icing for the cake! ;-)


So...with recent online and local network expansion I have grasped a far BETTER way of understanding my two viewpoints. Because of the increasing profile, I've started to experience, in larger amounts, the differetn types of attention both views bring...and this has brought UNSPEAKABLE FREEDOM, BLISSFUL JOY, AND INSIGHT INTO MUCH BETTER HANDLING.

Althought everything about me wanted to attract a partner/soul mate who'd love me like God does, I was still assessing myself from the view of MEN. I was still trying to be OUTWARDLY on their terms, what I knew was inside.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not slutty or immodest, or any such thing, but I was measuring my acceptability as a partner for the kind of man I DIDN'T WANT!

This was in the EXACT SAME WAY that I had been trying to be successful, by staying acceptable to what I thought the unsuccessful wanted.


God! this short phrase has enormous ache in it for me, but also knew it held a great key. I could feel the pain and comfort of rubbing a healing wound in these words from Murray's quote. I kept oscillating from one view to the other, attracting all the attention that I wanted, only for it leave, wordlessly, like people in my childhood...I could be so easily discarded and forgotten...( always conscious of getting exactly according to my vibration)
All the EFT I had started doing in getting into success, because I was so frustrated brought up and cleared the remaining stuff of the moment. I had one BIG BAD day, and from then, it's been GREAT.
But EFT on this latest experience just kept bringing up-anger, frustration, deep disappoinment...and then just plain HURT. When I hit the hurt phase, I was pretty shocked. I knew this wasn't about specific people in my life now...they were simply helping to unearth the way to change my vibration.

Once the hurt came up, and with it the intention to NEVER do this to myself again, so too, did the glorious insights that led me to understand why I had been and didn't need to any more. I an almost perfectly mirrored process to the 'success' in business situation, previous perspectives and choices came up, and fell away.

ALL THE TIME I KNOW AND COMPLETELY ACCEPT THAT ALL THAT IS IN MY LIFE IS THERE BY MY INVITATION. This gut opening conviction is the most wonderful, all empowering, heart swelling gift in my life.
If i could give anything to anyone it wold be this! If I have given anything to my is this.

If I don't want it, it is as simple as withdrawing the invitation.
And all that takes is a COMMITTED decision to invite that which I DO want.

That decision will bring up ALL that has been in your way, in terms of vibrational discord.



So, as you may know, my weight has been slowly decreasing. Nothing miraculous, other than the fact, it has involved NO diets/regimes etc-merely intentional, conscious, vibrational alignment....and that journey has been fascinating.

BUT the joy that has come now is this: I have completely 'let go' of the conflicting view that was forever tethering me back to the place of LACK , in money and love.
I have seen that, in holding onto those desires for acceptance with those I didn't want, I was sacrficing the richness of what I really DID want.
I felt that I could 'lead' people out of one and into another...but it has to be done from BEING THERE. Leading by example...not by doing the same. I can't help anybody be or do anything, other than love completely and unconditionally, whilst stayong TRUE to my own authenticity. My fears made good use of this 'piouty'! lol

What is SOOOO good is reflected in this small blessing that comes when I get dressed in the morning, or pass a mirror, or a window. The sheer burden of constantly feeling that you must 'look' a certain way, that has been with my all my days, has lifted, I now I can float, knowing that the ones who 'care' about how I 'look' don't matter at all-COZ THEY'RE NOT THE ONES I WANT TO ATTRACT. The ones who I felt judged me by their own sabotaging perceptions don't matter-COZ THEY'RE NOT THE ONES I WANT IN MY WORLD EITHER.

I've spent my life trying to get the acclaim and attention of the ones I don't want!
NOT ONLY THAT...and here's the clincher!!! I GOT IT!-but it led to misery. COZ IT WASN'T THE TYPE OF ATTENTION I WANTED. IT was the type I thought I had to have in order to be happy, acceptable, desirable and valued. but it did the opposite, coz it wasn't based on who I AM.


Over the years, I've degrees of freedom, and being more comfortable wiht myself and my body. I loved and appreciated it's health and youthful vitality. But have been so harsh on myself about it from that perspective. This conflict is no more. I so love my I love God. I so cherish it as the magnificent masterpiece that it is, and I only care to attract others who think likewise...and that is from within, not without.

Due to the depth of contrast in my life, I have come to a place of extreme and deep acceptance. I understand the two views now, as one that comes with the "public profile" and the one that is the "private person". They're not 'good' or 'bad', but fit in different places of appropriate priority for me. I had them all mixed up together, and was doling priority to the 'public' that should only ever be given to the private, whose regard for me, is love, not gain.
This gives me one harmonious, integrated view

I have found the blissful place of NOT CARING-in the healthiest possible way.
It's been a dream of mine to go to the beach and not have a single thought of what anyone would think of how I look...good or bad. I know now, that even when what I hear is 'good', it is still entrapment for me. I've had years of being told the 'good' and still felt BAD. In wanting to hear the 'good' I was asking to for the quality of attention I DIDN"T things external.

I remember the freedom I felt, when fell in love with God afresh, and realised for the first time, that I had gone 20 WHOLE MINUTES without thinking of food! I called that conscious connection my "healthiest preoccupation".
The warning bells of obsession that sound loudly and EARLY in my being whenever I find myself not able to CONTROL my thinking, are the outcome of having lived through addictions and nervous breakdowns and baldness and so many fears.

Degrees of freedom are wonderful, each layer an entry into heaven itself...but on going depth of freedom in to ever increasing glory is not to missed!

I have never been MISERABLE through out all of this. I am FASCINATED by it all! I'm highlighting the points that mark contrast, and bring the upheaval of matters. And I do this, so you, the reader, can appreciate the level of liberty that can be known. The more bound I've been, the more phenomenally FREE I am become!

If you have EVER felt SO bound, constricted, name it-then the level of the contrast sets the experience of the greater's Time To Fly.
I used to have nightmares of being pregnant in a cave and not being to get out due to the swelling belly. As years went by, the dreams started to change and I coud give brith,and then get out, with my baby...if I had to...
Or i'd find a way out, and I'd be free.

"The greatest tragedy of my life, was the idea that I would leave this planet with my song unsung and my vision still in my belly...buried alive." THIS HAS SPURRED ME ON THRU EVERYTHING. I once said "Im' not waiting for someone else to discover me! I'm gonna dig myself up!" and that's what I've been doing.

Having come out of the cave, the only thing I want to do is LIVE, and breathe fire on that same intention for anyone else who doesn't want to be buried alive, but wants to live in the light.


I am no longer vibrating on the frequency that will attract lovers of a superficial nature. I know I will encounter people of the "public perspective', more and more as my dreams come to fuller fruition, and I know how to filter that attention appropriately and not have any attachment to it-keeping that frequency where I want it.

Now, I know and expect the kind of attention I really want, and that will be fulfilment for me AND my partner, and joy to my family, especially my babies, who have longed to see me content in a partnership.

I hope this brings even a fraction of my great pleasure in it, to you.
be Severely BLESSED!
