Monday, November 16, 2009

Perfect Even in Imperfection

"By Wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations
By understanding he set the heavens in place
By his knowledge the deeps were divided
and the clouds let drop their dew."

A friend mentioned to me the other day that each day is about 24 hours and 33 minutes long.
I love this!

Our calendar has to compensate for this by 'adding' a day every four years.

Balance versus Symmetry

For me, it is an eternal reminder that what man likes to call precision and perfection are not the same as what is found in Creation. Or even in me.

I've read that we generally perceive a face as beautiful due to its symmetry. But when you LOVE someone, there's a different beauty. The person's essence mixed with their however asymmetric features become so endeared to us. Aren't you glad?!

Balance and symmetry are not the same. The Universe, and as far as I can see, even exploring the tiniest aspects under great magnification, is not symmetrical, but rather 'perfectly unbalanced'.

It makes me smile just to think about it.

A Perfectionist
Like many, I have thought that I had to be perfect at something before I could dare to 'put it out there'. Admittedly, I let this thinking go in many areas of my life fairly early and easily. In fact, easily or not, I determined I would cast caution to the wind and DARE to fly in the face of fear, but in some aspects of myself, it tormented me for the longest time.

A previous sufferer of eating disorders and plagued with body image issues, there was no way I could ever 'win' some things, and be 'perfect'. It's really sad how such a thought, in any arena of life, can rob of us of so much every day pleasure and growth-not to mention our deepest dreams and highest hopes.

Playing with Clay

Just as the Potter throws and molds the lump of clay, I decided to do explore ceramics.
The most beautiful thing I discovered was that in having no experience with the medium, nor how heat causes it to shrink-at different rates, and heightens the subtle variations in the thickness. I didn't know how the colours would change. I didn't really know anything about the process, so I had NO idea what to expect. Consequently, I played with great abandon.

When I went to collect my precious cargo, the kiln man tried to prepare me, expecting I would disappointed with the results, but quite the contrary, I was overjoyed. He held up an uneven oval plate ( still a favourite!), and said dubiously, "I think this is your best piece". And it probably was, from one perspective, but from where I stood, they were all wonderful, and they all showed me things I hadn't before seen.

There was no concept of failure. I'd had no "good/bad", "right or wrong" judgments overlaying anything. No expectations, so no disappointment. Just discovery. Sheer, joyous discovery.
And I love all the human 'imperfection' in the uniqueness of each work. The elements of unevenness added character rather than detracted from the form. I learnt so much through the process, which added to future intention, but for some reason...with clay , I never became bogged down it in 'having to be'. I even made novel, if simple, ceramic jigsaw puzzles. I learnt that chimes work better (as in sound prettier) if they have an arc in them, and made some of the funniest platters I've ever seen! they still make me laugh with their wonkiness!

In Love with the Imperfections

The friend I mentioned earlier was showing me this 'horrific' scar up the front of his entire lower right leg. A motor bike accident. If he flexed it right, a large bulge, his muscle I believe, protruded oddly forward. A running theme through our lengthy dialogues is how "we love our imperfections!" It comes up now, in the areas it's not so easy for us to accept and 'forgive' those things in ourselves, but the Truth of it is washing through all of me in wondrous waves of red hot love.

I find myself falling in love with my own imperfections, just as I could look at his scars and love him no less. Just as I used to imagine the scars of Jesus, and see only beauty and eternal love for me in the 'ugliness'. I behold my own physical form and feel great compassion for this vessel that has served me so well, even though I've 'beaten on it' for being 'less than perfect' all these years. Five childbirths, and in good shape, if not a model. And as I approach 50 (47), I see it as another form of documentation of my life and journey...and it's all perfect. And anyone that loves me, will know how to read between the lines! lol

I am perfect, ever growing unto perfection...even in the midst of my perceived imperfections.

A Perfect Life
Today, that idea went even that bit further, and with fresh depth I saw the perfection of my life, and accepted its perfect imperfections in a loving embrace of thanksgiving so satisfying that it probably sounds corny, but it doesn't feel corny. It feels ALIVE. It feels GOOD.

I began this blog with a proverb Proverbs 3:19-20
But further along, we can read,

"by wisdom a house is built
through understanding it is established
through knowledge it's rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures" Prov 24:3-4

We build the same way.

I like to say
"like Father Like Daughter"
Who am I to argue with the Potter who knows what to do with clay?
And in the spirit of all that's been done, in wisdom, understanding and knowledge, I celebrate with the Universe, in all the so called flaws of being human and rejoice in the truth of their creative beauty.
YAY! :-)


  1. ..deep!

    I love the way you express yourself. You're a thinker, I like thinkers!

  2. Thanks dude. I appreciate you reading it! :-)
