Monday, November 9, 2009

Who Said I Didn't Care!

Hmmm...perhaps it's not such a wise thing to do, but today, I just feel like saying a couple of things that, ordinarily, I'd just let go.

I wanted to point out WHY I choose Love over Fear, Love over Guilt, Love over Worry.
Not Love, the gooshy, mooshy sickly stuff. But LOVE the pwer of wholeness and completion.
The hardest work a person will EVER do is choose to believe the best in the face of the worst. (Labour to enter rest)
It's not putting your 'head in the sand'.
It's not 'not caring'.
It isn't about 'denial through positive thinking'.

It is KNOWING there is a BIGGER, BETTER Truth, than this relative, finite thing we call 'life in the flesh'. It is being convinced of our own innate CREATIVE and eternal power.

It is focussing on the sky far beyond the towering giants, and knowing that you can reach it.


I don't need to see cruelty to know it has some presence on the globe. And I FLAT REFUSE to add to its energy, but giving it any of mine. I don't need, let alone want, the dreadful feelings that swamp my heart and eclipse the beauty of all that's good in my life, due to filling my eyes with hatred, hunger and abuse.

It benefits no one for me to want to kill myself through depression over such things.

From the time I was VERY young, I had to face things that didn't feel good. Life, and the 6 o'clock News, gave me nightmares. The way I learnt to deal with that, even way back then, was to find the things I loved and give them All my attention.

I HATE feeling bad. I made the choice not to. I still make that choice.


But I found something VERY important through all this too. Feeling Bad serves NOBODY! Getting angry, frustrated, fear-filled and bitterly wound up destroys me. Not only can I do no good for anyone else, I can do no good for myself. I can't function in these states.

My hair falls out, my nerves fry, my life turns to total POO! I become someone I neither know, or like. And I have no capacity to trust, love, create or laugh-and I so love ALL these things. From there, it simply perpetuates-more fear, more anger, more hatred, more worry, more poorly chosen action.

When I live from that place of Fear, I'm actually empowering those things to continue! I'm not helping anyone by 'caring' in the form of Worry.

This is basically what it comes down to.
I can choose Fear, see everything from the perspective of what I most dread, living my life trying to barricade it from all that, giving it all my energy, feeding it, fighting it, attracting it.

Or I can choose Love. From love , my actions will produce after their own kind...they feed love in my life, I don't need to fight anything. I don't need to fear that the worst will happen. I don't need to shut everything out of my life coz it might hurt me...or shoot someone else before they can shoot me.

I choose to put my energy where it best serves ALL, including me. I choose Love, nurturing a climate that makes it easier for those things to change. And the more people that do that, instead of FIGHTING them (and breeding more fighting), the lighter and brighter the energy becomes and tip the scales.

Examine these principles in your own life, if you dare, and see that it is so. See where love and faith, compared to Fear and panic, make a difference.
Action taken from Fear breeds death
Action taken from Love brings Life.

Having this view...I choose Life. I choose Love.
Some, most, may not understand this, and accuse me of not 'caring', not 'being responsible', not 'being aware'. I make no apologies for being happy. Nor will I feel guilty for it.
It certainly isn't because life has been easy.

It's because I like who I am when I'm happy. I like how I see and treat people when I feel IN LOVE. I like how they feel good around me. How can this be wrong??
I like being peaceful, and helping others find a place of rest. I love feeling connected, saturated and ONE with Love. With God.

I am convinced this is who I am, and it's definitely who I aim to be. MORE and more and more.

"Finally, friends, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things...and the God of Peace will be with you."

What more could I want, than to be aligned with All-That-Is-LOVE?

1 comment:

  1. "All you need is Love..La La La la la la" -John Lennon

    I feel peace when I'm swinging in a hammock. And I'm in awe of God whenever I look in the mirror... ;)
