Friday, December 4, 2009

Hang onto Your hat!

hee hee..this is so fun to share!
There's a couple of instalments missing on Deisner Calendar Progress missing from this blog. I may get to catch those up... :-), if you've been paying attention You'll know that this a photo of my 'Desired Relationship" It includes my desire to travel with my Lover/bestfriend...spend time together in the Garden, attend glamourous events and various "moments".

At present, when I look at this work, there are a couple of elements that I have been aware of 'noticing'..resonant connection. primarily the Text Start a New Love Affair-right here RIGHT NOW..relationship:life changing friendship develops and the top right hand corner, of the Hot air balloon and the silhouetted couple against it.

RED hot air balloons have been a significant part of my personal symbolism for a few years, and In my collages for that long. They represent my 'soaring' through my life carried by the fire/heat of my passions, depicted by the hot air and the red! Flying represents freedom and is expanded in my song Time To Fly ( -see audio list) This particular hot air balloon has "Virgin" on it, and I had been pondering that afternoon how that word would work in-this is funny!

.....have you guessed yet??? ON THE PATH OF ALIGNMENT

I have felt SO aligned, I care not about changes to my plans and schedules, knowing that "all is written by the same hand", and that it's ALL GOOD. Due to those gig cancellations, and being available, I worked at the Crowne. I confess...I feel SO excited and so close to all I desire. Actually I feel ONE with all I i feel the materializing of it all CLOSE.

I spent a little time adding Cat's and Marcie's images to my Calendar (New photo soon), and some other stuff with my relationship one. I sense so much happening! ;-)

I knew, on the way to work, that I would " someone tonight". I didn't know if it'd simply be someone to give me a delightful NOW, or someone that may be recurring-and I didn't care, coz I would just enjoy it! But I was very curious.


I had been there barely minutes, when this guy comes up and starts chatting about being a drummer, and learning Piano...and he seems very nice. He had a residency winery gig in Melbourne but had lost his singer. I didn't know how it'd work, but gave him my card, coz what I do is very suited to such venues-and I want to travel, as my collage s all show. He was with a group who were going elsewhere to dine, but he wanted to make sure I'd still be there on his return. He was staying in the hotel.

He returned a little bit later,and when I took my first break, we chatted...and found out more about each other. A lot about each other! Man! we clicked like we'd known each other 10 years!

It was about then, that I found out he is
...a pilot for Virgin Airlines!!!

Now, if you're not haven't seen the specificity and the joke in it! I didn't see it till a couple of hours later, when I had a 'flash' of the image from my collage, with that text. He's opening his own Flying School today! He's written a couple of books on flying and IT, but he draws, plays and longs to get more creativity happening in his life. He was fascinated with CTT. He was fascinated with me! :-)

And his spontaneous expression of what he was thinking/seeing/feeling almost made me giddy.
Definitely left me speechless! I had spent time in the last week, describing aspects of how my lover/best friend would value me, and show it. It's not common...and not about flattery, but about having a certain type of appreciation. He was doing it. And he gave a little speech before he left me that just left me stunned!


He flew out early for Sydney, then Launceston ( Tazzie-Tasmania), and back to Sydney. He's getting a jet back to his school (on 40 acres) in Melbourne, only if he really needs to be there. What next??? I don't know, but it'll be exciting, no matter what it is-of that much I am absolutely SURE! lol

Can you imagine...have you any incredibly excited I am about seeing these things?...the possibilities themselves are wonderfully groovy, but the process is SOoooo fascinating! To be able to so intentionally design and create your life this way is JUST SO COOL!!! with ANYThing.


But something extra sweet 'fell into place' for me this morning. And this moves me to tears. All my life I've documented my journey. I've recorded all that I see, feel, experience,and related back to my understanding. I've been a Chronic journaller. I call myself the Family Scribe and Storyteller-the maker and Keeper of Memory. I have decades of material, and would have even more, had a boyfriend not burnt it when I was 20.

It includes my art, my music, my life is my documentation...even my body-remember? I always felt I was recording for the benefit of others, so they could see the journey I made and be encouraged. I've been transparent and personal, presenting myself more and more without judgment, so the picture could be clear.

I have been COMPELLED to do this and I have often wondered why the intensity of it is as it is...and at the same time, it didn't matter why, I just knew I had to do it. I had to 'document the journey' tell the story...'show'n'tell"

But now, as I record all of this...especially since BLC started, I see why. There's immense power for others in this. And for me!

The enthusiasm of you guys feeds me and my faith abundantly. Not to mention bringing me ENORMOUS joy.

I understand what I'm doing, and what's happening, and even tho I've understood the principles for many MANY years-my intentional consistent results had been scattered.
It's a whole new ballgame to be experiencing consistent desired outcomes across the board of life-especially in those areas I had not been able to get past a certain point in. Understanding my own compellings all these years, and seeing in myself the passion and determination to give all to know this Truth-is what brought tears. I'm so grateful for it. For all of it.

I feel like I've finally empirically proven what I've always believed for as long as I can recall, but am now equipped to be able offer the evidence to others-unequivocally.

This is a MOST signifcant moment. You are a sharing a NOW that I've long awaited, and sometimes almost despaired of finding. WOW!

Gotta go groovers...another day and another gig await! lol love you all LOTS! :-) I FEEL LIKE I JUST STEPPED INTO MYSELF!

1 comment:

  1. And yourself is such a wonderful place to be.

    Enjoy Lisa - and may your inspirations play out in so many different ways.

    All the best to the pilot too :)
