Monday, March 7, 2011

My Life My Design

One Decision Can Slowly Save Your Life

A very little over a year ago, I made a seemingly small, but rather significant decision. I love the beach. I love it in all kinds of weather and for all kinds of reasons. It is just one of those places where I find it so easy to feel connected to God. Rainforests, trees, gardens, wildlife, singing, writing, drawing, sitting on a sun soaked deck in winter, or listening to the song of the wind play in the leaves-all of these are joy for me this way. February 2010, I decided I wouldn’t wait to move beach front before I enjoy the beach daily. My decision was to be down there, walking its length and back every day. I wanted to create the state of feeling like I already lived there. I live 6 kms west of our incredible Ozzie Gold Coast.

Over the last year, I built Burleigh into my psyche as the place I want to be permanently and I made a powerfully resonant connection.

Alignment brings Freedom

The first and immediate advantage was that I was getting a 4km (50 min) walk every day and some nice colour. It didn’t take long for me to feel like Burleigh was My beach. I wanted Burleigh beach front and I was there faithfully. Sometimes I swam, and other times I lay in the sun. Even though I’ve always felt this way about the beach, and lived close by for the 15 years before that, I hadn’t done any of these things since I was a kid. I had suffered from eating disorders and body image issues and so had deprived myself of decades of pure pleasure. How tragic that we humans do such things. But one choice aligned to your inner Truth can change it all.

I felt SO good even on that first day, that I felt inspired to do a video ( for my Utube channel) and call it Designer Alignment which became the first of a year-long DIY Designer Living Series. I also birthed a Blog Talk Radio radio show and blog series by the same name.

Do What You Love

The point is this one decision was so aligned to my authentic nature and things I desire and am passionate about, that the next year has brought wave after wave of new freedoms that have rippled directly out from that one intentional act. I knew I was wanting to create in myself the state of being harmonious to living at the beach, but the “across the board” shifts this brought to every area of my life has left me breathless with joy.

Firstly, the exercise which provoked better eating, and all that productivity and creativity (photography/writing) sprang from it. But also, I felt so much better about everything and about myself and so much more at home on the sand that I even began to lie in a bikini when sunning. This was a HUGE step. The beach feels “safe” to me. These new levels of freedom just grew stronger and stronger to the point where I can genuinely say I so love my body (called Rosita lol) exactly as she is and this confidence has an impact on everything, not least of all my performances. I am a professional musician/singer and looking and feeling your best counts for a lot!

Fears Fall, Love Reigns and Life is Lived to the Full.

The personal expansion and growth I’ve been experienced continues to amaze and delight me. A year ago I couldn’t see how I could have a place on the beach at Burleigh. I just believed I could and would manifest it at some point. Now, a year later, both of my remaining offspring ( I have five) moved out within 8 days of each other and I find myself in a position to find my new dream place. I am applying for one tomorrow that is perfect!

Another lovely realisation I’ve had this last week, is that I’ve started to “play” in the waves and body surf again. I find myself laughing, tumbling and enjoying the activity amid flashbacks to my 12 yr old days in Avalon ( Sydney’s Northern beaches) which would have been the last time I did that. I had become so self conscious about my body after that, and fearful of the waves that I couldn’t enjoy these things any more.

Both of these barriers to living my life fully and completely and joyfully, have crumbled under the power of this one aligned and whole hearted decision, which led to consistent action that broke through to create this new state of being.

These days I’m down there morning and night-closing the distance to my brand new life as a single, dependentless individual and transitioning fully into the life I began to consciously create a year ago.

What this Means to You

Figure out, if you don’t know already, what it is that you deeply desire. Choose one thing and think about what you can begin to do NOW and in an ongoing way, to begin to generate that state for you. A simple example could be that you want to grow your own food. A vegie garden and chook pen could be too much but some potted tomato vines, sprout tubs and small herb planters are easily undertaken. BEGIN! Don’t wait till you finally have that larger lot. Begin and watch what happens inside you as you continue along the path that is authentically you.

1 comment:

  1. My application has since been approved and I move into my beach front abode in 10 days!! You can create your dream life too. Maybe I can help.

