Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Designer Routines

New Designer Routines
Whether you feel you wanted change or not, there is a deeper part of you that will initiate it for your growth and expansion. I like to deliberately work with mine and believe myself to be the instigator, guided by the Source of life. Viewing any and all change from this proactive and positive perspective will make transition MUCH easier.

Managing Change in Your Life of Transition.

As a child I was moved around a lot. Not only were my geographical situations changing often, so were my circle of friends and even my family members. I had to deal with a lot of quite traumatic adjustments from very early on. As difficult as this was, I grew up as something of an expert on change. I focussed on the excitement of the new more than the passing of the old. This doesn’t mean I didn’t feel the emotional impact, but it did strengthen me to grow beyond fearing change and helped me to see that waves of “change” will always come and I can choose to be overwhelmed by them or ride with their power.

One major key, I believe, in maintaining some level some of equilibrium in a sea of flux is to have personal anchors.

Anchors and Cornerstones

At 21 and a young single mum of two children only 13months apart, I continued to move around a lot, but one thing that never changed was the routine I set for my babies. This meant that no matter where we were, we ate and slept and held to certain daily “rituals” and I was always the one there looking after them. The core of our life was stable and so the souls of our little family were peaceful and “safe”.

In each of our lives we can begin with the fundamentals basics of daily living that will immediately release a lot of stress and begin to set up a harmonious flow for us, from which we can grow and expand, adapt and absorb the other ripples new circumstances and relationships of all kinds can bring.

I heard of a woman once had MANY children ( more than my five), but she taught them that when she sat with a scarf or large handkerchief over her face, they were to leave her alone. That was her space. It doesn’t take much to begin to create an anchor for yourself but you do need to know what nurtures your soul.

Daily routines are, in my opinion, the absolute BEST place to start.

Ebbs and Flows

With changes to circumstance, some major things stay the same but elementary changes occur. For example, in moving to the beach, I still go for my walk each morning, but something as simple as entering the beach from the south as opposed to the north disrupted other patterns I had constructed around that element. Now, instead of going to the Surf club for a coffee and writing, I can come home and do so from my deck. But this led to other ripple effects of change that would no longer occur, such as being at the club and being given “rewards” for frequenting that I had enjoyed.

I consider these types of changes very fluid. The foundational practice of walking is preserved, but the subsidiary practices undergo a new flow. Now, I go there on my evening walk, which had only just begun, but now is more permanent. Allowing the fluidity of these ripples to help me form NEW practices is part of the excitement, and sometimes challenge, of change.

When patterns are disrupted it is as if all elements are thrown into a swirl around us and if we are patient and trust the process, they will fall into new places and slot comfortably back in with a freshness that is stimulating to our creative force. What doesn’t fit back in will fall easily aside, ending a cycle for now. You can afford to let them go. 

Breaking Out

This is the challenging aspect to adjusting in a new life of some sort. And form of transition requires a strengthening that comes THROUGH THE PROCESS OF CHANGE. A tiny chick in a shell has a certain amount of food , oxygen and stamina as available resources to get out of that dark place and emerge into the light. It looks, and indeed is, such hard work for a fragile new life, but utterly essential if that chick is to survive the life beyond and flourish.

The same with the butterfly, locked in a deep sleep within a chrysalis.

As with the chick, as with the butterfly, so it is with us. In The Alchemist, the notion of “beginner’s luck” is mentioned as one embarks upon their journey to their new life. But it seems that once launched with Universal blessing, the rug is pulled out from under our feet! In truth, it is so that we develop completely into the person who having arrived at this new life, can now sustain it. the book says it is important to complete the process, so we can understand all things pertaining to it.

The odds haven’t suddenly been stacked against you, nor the blessing removed. It’s not bad luck or misfortune but ALL part and parcel of the very same path. Persevere. Remain consistent and do what you need to stay in that place of confidence and peace, trusting the process and holding to your anchors.

Once delivered, adjusting to the “light” takes a little while, but is not so hard for there are many pleasures on this side of the mountain and you were “born for it”!

Emergence into Full Flight

Now you are ready and fully equipped for this new phase of life. Greater heights of freedom, deeper and more profound joys are yours. Enjoy!

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