Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Live Like You Mean IT!

just SO love how we are guided from the Inside out!!

The Passion Coach.

Next week, on my radio show, I have a guest called Katey Shaw. Katey did coaching sessions with me, after which she dubbed me the Passion Coach, which I REALLY like! :-)
She did this because she felt that I helped her through a refining process of defining what she wanted to a much greater place of clarity.

The reason I mentioned this is because last night when I attended the networking event, it was hosted by the "Surf Museum". Walking through this space of boards, press releases, photos and smiling faces had an instant and profound impact upon me impressing deeply upon me a clarity of purpose. It's not like it's anything new, but to have these moments of weighty significance when you are reminded what really matters to you are priceless.

Something about the raw passion of the people who had surfed those boards infiltrated my soul. The old boards murmured to me of days gone by-of laughter, sun, personal challenge, edgy lifestyles and travel...living the dream...I saw 'flashbacks' and felt the purity of passion based adrenalin rushes and the exhilaration of truly LIVING LIFE--for the sheer joy of it!

I want to reunite people with this immense sense of connection and oneness...through their passions.We really DO touch God through the intense pleasure we know when we are living passionately. They, our passionate desires, are our key to ALL we could ever want to know, have or experience. My heart ached with longing not only to sing my own song, but to see others release their own. To not die with their song unsung and their vision still in their bellies like a still born child. I felt a sense of urgency to make this my priority.

And I know that I'll do it through selling out to my own.
My desire to sing and play my way around the globe will open the way to others to follow their dreams whatever they are.

Pass It On

As soon as I emerged into the main room from the museum two men began speaking to me and all I could talk about was living passionately and how they were , or could be, doing that. Something had shifted in that space/time.BIG TIME. Back in church days, we'd say something like "a new mantle" or a "fresh anointing" had fallen upon me. However, you want to say it, that is what happened.

I went home and immediately captured and posted a video on Facebook. This week's content "Live Like You Mean it!"
I had a message form someone who watched and was emotionally touched. They shared their dream and how they felt they'd been skirting around it and how that video spoke directly to them.


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