Monday, August 16, 2010

Live Like You Mean It Pt 2!

Last week I wrote a little about this, inspired by my time in a Surf Museum. Below, are a couple of paragraphs I'd like to bring to your remembrance.
DO What YOU Love
Something about the raw passion of the people who had surfed those boards infiltrated my soul. The old boards murmured to me of days gone by-of laughter, sun, personal challenge, edgy lifestyles and the dream...I saw 'flashbacks' and felt the purity of passion based adrenalin rushes and the exhilaration of truly LIVING LIFE--for the sheer joy of it!
I want to reunite people with this immense sense of connection and oneness...through their passions. We really DO touch God through the intense pleasure we know when we are living passionately. They, our passionate desires, are our key to ALL we could ever want to know, have or experience. My heart ached with longing not only to sing my own song, but to see others release their own. To not die with their song unsung and their vision still in their bellies like a still born child. I felt a sense of urgency to make this my priority.
The words “Do what you love! Do what you love! Do...” kept rolling over and over as I felt the energy in that room of people that had done just that!
This wasn’t something just for me to “tell” others. It was a resonating admonition to LIVE it before others in order that they may be empowered and encouraged to do so themselves. It was a strong reminder to me to document my journey, taking others with me, allowing them to see HOW I do it.
Two Degrees off Truth
How much of your time is spent doing what you love doing?
How often do you find yourself groaning over what you feel you MUST do?
Or are you one of those people who has begun to make those changes and have created a niche marketing some version of your passion but it doesn’t quite “hit the mark” for you?
I have always felt I would, could and should write books and be a successful author. I also believed I could be famous as a singer. I am a firm believer that if you have a strong desire for something, then you have within you the means to release some version of that desire that fulfils you AND sustains you-financially as well. We are MEANT to be happy in our vocations.
Yes, I want to write. I am a chronic journaler. I don’t just WANT to write. I HAVE to in order to make sense of my world and balance all the day’s activities in an orderly way. And I feel I have so MUCH to say, but whenever I “try” to write a conventional non-fiction book, the gears just seem to seize up.
I think I’ve finally realised that the love I have for “making” books is where I need to place my efforts. I LOVE making books-out of the weirdest things! I love surprising people with a snippet from my life that falls out of an “Eclipse” mints tin, or reads through round pages stored in a CD case. I love making books out of boxes and boxes out of books and I love adding texture, sound, scent.
Now, when it comes to writing fiction...that’s a different story entirely. And I think it’s because it is a STORY. I am a storyteller, and I like sharing the stories from my own life immensely. I dubbed myself the Family Scribe- “The Maker and Keeper of Memory”. I want all my children and their children and their children to know me and about my adventures. Just teh same way I wish I knew such things about those in my history.
I want the chance to love and be loved by them.
I am an artistic and experiential storyteller who wants to share the tales of her life for the inspirational benefit of others. To try and write a conventional self help book is to be TWO DEGREES off my mark. It doesn’t flow.
It would never give me the joy, satisfaction or fulfilment that making my own book will. So I have asked myself the question for years and argued about the value of such books for any other than my family. But it is not the BOOKS that I need to market. IT IS THE PROCESS.
Understanding how you can find something inside the perfect version of doing what you love is the key. But you will never find it by stepping sideways into a lesser likeness of it.
Think unconventionally. Give your most fiery passion and deepest delight your time and energy. Think about WHY you love what you do and how can you use it to help others experience that feeling. Please live your BEST life!
Live Like You Mean It!
I think people start thinking somewhere along the line that “it’s too late” for some reason. Either there isn’t enough time left for them to reach some level of success with their passion, or they are too deeply invested in an alternate reality.
This just isn’t true. Yes, I know it can look like it but you really don’t have to bulldoze the whole mountain to begin to feel the fire of having reached its summit. You can make the tiniest turns toward your true core and begin to experience the magic of living in that place of fulfilment.
I guarantee that when a person is truly ready to sell out to bringing passion back to the centre of their lives, colourful ways to traverse the lack lustre landscape will appear. It’s never too soon to believe in an impossible dream and it’s never too late to go for it. You're never too young or too old.
I once heard someone say something like “if you’re dream is easily attainable you’re aiming too low”. You are the Creator of you own Experience. The spinner of your own story, the writer of your own script, the painter of your own extravagant!
It’s time to “Live like you mean it!!”

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