Friday, January 22, 2010

DIY Designer Living

Today's thought, as you can see, looks at the idea of "doing it yourself" in the area of creating your own lifestyle.

Your Part in being Free

As a creative creature (humans are), I have the capacity to conceive HOW I would like my life to look. As far as your life are the resident and only true expert, coz you know what makes you feel GOOD.

Happily, you are the only one who can do anything about it. J

Lots of people spout off about wanting to be free to live their lives as they choose. But freedom isn’t about abdicating responsibility. It is entirely the opposite. It is about accepting FULL ACCOUNTABILITY.

You still wanna be free??

You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility.

Zig Ziglar

In deciding to get DYI Freedom, I have taken on that commitment to myself to accept responsibility for all that’s in my life. Trust me, it WILL take that level of honest grit. That resolve will suck every little self deceiving strategy out of you, so you can address it, and be truly free.

Our part is to work with the process of recreating ourselves as we desire to be-beginning with how it ‘looks’ to be that person. How it feels, and why it feels so good. Give it REAL thought. Your motives will become clear, and they need be very clear.

Who could you dare to be???? Why? What’s your legacy going to look like?

And are you prepared to carry that kind of responsibility, or at least willing to grow into the greatness of someone who can?

Obepro’s part-inspire and empower

I’ve heard Jason talk a lot lately about ‘changing the world’. It starts with what’s inside.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Ghandi

One thing about having five kids is that it takes no time at all to see which behaviours are acceptable in them and which are not. Simply multiply the outcome!! It’s also a mirror back on us, and reveals what really is acceptable and what isn’t-if we want to leave a legacy of greatness.

We want our businesses duplicatable, but are we prepared for all that we are to be mimicked? When we look at ourselves, would our behaviours and attitudes serve others well if they took them on? How accountable are we really prepared to be?

Jason has such an enormous drive and vision for Obepro. I know his heart for seeing it work to bring benefits to people in ways too vast to measure easily. He wants to change the way the world ‘sees’ home based business and make it open to all! Win:win:win

I feel likewise about changing how people look at Creative Thinking, so they can discover the limitless power made available to us through it. We live for these things. We give all for these truths we want to share.

We are determined to BE the change we wish to see.

You have absolute control over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.” – Napoleon Hill

Don't be a prisoner of your own mind.

FORGET controlling anything external. It’s not necessary.

Who you are begins in your thinking...conscious, but moreso, the subconscious. Creative processes help you locate and shape those sub psyche thoughts ON PURPOSE.

How do you want You to look in life?

How do you want Obepro to fit into that version of you?

How much real freedom are you willing to know?

It will depend on the level of your control over your thoughts!

Stay tuned for some good tips on “HOW”!! J LOVE you groovers!

Lisa in Oz

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Draw up your Blueprint

Hey everyone!

How exciting to be here and be able to share some thoughts with you all this way!

For those of you who don't know, my field of expertise is CREATIVITY.
The two things I love MOST about being creative are
a) the FUN FEELS so damned GOOD! It fascinates people too!
b) it makes fulfilling my dreams entirely possible.

What's not to like? lol WHY does it feel good??

Because you are designed to CREATE!
"Life begets life." If a cell isn't expanding into two, it's 'dead' (changes form). We're growing or dying.
Creating is the energy and outcome of growth. It causes new life to come forth and is the ability to deliver and sustain such life and growth.
The body is constantly regenerating itself cell by cell-COMPLETELY.

Whether by default or by design...we ARE creating our lives-every tiny element in every moment.
It feels so GOOD to be alive when we are experiences NEW adventures and experiences BECAUSE they are expanding us with data that sends our senses soaring and gives us even more to fashion our dreams around.

Living a creative life brings an enormous sense of fulfillment.
Living the life of YOUR CREATIVE CHOICE is truly living.

And how does being creative make our dreams do-able?

Ideas are the expansion cells of our minds. They have the power to 'take us anywhere!
Ideas excite us. They build passion and enable us to shape our purpose into a sharply focussed objective and a finely tuned machine...just like ObePro. ( or CTT! lol)

As a creator, you are limitless, and the more your realise how powerful a creator you are, the more you see how attainable your dreams are FOR YOU. they even start getting bigger! :-)

Through practising Creative Thinking Technology processes (which ANYone can do), you can develop the conviction that YOU can devise whatever is required to do whatever you want whenever you need to.
Stephen Covey Snr says "You don't need money to make money, you need Creativity"

If creativity can be used to make money, what else can it do?

Once you start believing you CAN have your dreams, you'll start knowing the courage it takes to give all for them. There is no Plan B. There is no contingency plan. You want your BEST life!
I heard Will Smith say "Know what you believe and be willing to die for it"

I KNOW ObePro is BUILT on this philosophy. I know I am. It's the stuff of lasting legacies.

It may seem like a big leap from being creative to this-but this is where "awakening, arousing and animating the creator within you" will take you.

And you'll just love the 'rush' ! lol

Take Action

Hopefully this has tweaked your desire a little, and I've awakened and aroused you even just a tiny bit! Now animate yourself and take some action!

Seriously, with pen in hand write down whatever comes to mind with this question.

How do I want my life to look?
What do I see myself doing/having/sharing?
Who is in my life? In my circle of friends and business associates and family?
Where do I live..and so on?

Draw diagrams, describe how it feels. Just give yourself half an hour to lose yourself in this creative play.

An architect/builder needs a blueprint to give substance to his dream of a home. This is the beginning of your blueprint.

You can also check out my Facebook albums, "My Designer Calendar" to see how I use this process to INTENTIONALLY create all kinds of great outcomes.

Have an awesome day!
You guys and gals are so much more AMAZING than you yet know!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Creative New Year

Hello all you groovers and groovettes!

Welcome, welcome, welcome to 2010!!

I am VERY happy to be here, and to be living my life and enjoying all the wonderful experiences that make up each moment.
And yeah...I actually mean that! :-)


So, what I thought I'd do is share a little about CTT-Creative Thinking Technology. I never want to be starchy and formal-just wouldn't be me. Creative and colourful are more my way, and dangerously transparent. I believe in integrity and excellence, but this blog will likely be quite personal in content at times, so be warned.

In the same way, that I am my favourite guinea pig, and I test all my theories out on myself, so I also use a lot of illustration from my own life. This is what gives me authentic power to speak about the content I share. I live it! And where I've not perfected the practice of it, I will be always committed to doing that.

I'll make mistakes, like everyone does, but I will learn from them, and I'll make an example of myself that way too. So...please, be gracious. :-)


As the video states, creativity and artistic are not the same, although these two terms are commonly used almost interchangeably. Most dictionaries agree that for something to be creative it should be "novel and of value in meeting a situational need". I can think of lots of artistic things that are not 'novel' in the sense of innovative, nor considered all that valuable.

In fact, the value of an artwork is VERY subjective. Value in anything for that matter is all about perception-but I'm getting ahead of myself!

I LOVE the Arts, practice in several different fields of the Arts, and even love blurring the boundaries between in very clever ways ( a conceptual artist), but it is true that a painting can be done mechanically, with little to no creativity, just like a piano recital can be dry and unmoving.

It is the same of any discipline. Science, mathematics, literature, music, dance...all of them. The discipline is for helping us to understand the principals of the subject, master the tools needed, and learn to wield all with skill, but having done that, it's time to EXPLORE EXPRESSION. We learn our 'ABCs', in hope that we will learn to communicate and comprehend through words-express our ideas, and enjoy being stimulated by the thoughts and ideas of others.

My point: any subject can be dull and boring, and any subject can be fascinating and adventurous! A creative outlook will turn everything into an epic journey of joyful discovery.


Desire ignites us with a wondrous sense of invigorating energy. We are aroused. We feel ALIVE.
Creativity uses ideas to awaken passion, and passion is our life blood, spurring us on to be animated and take action toward our dreams.


When creative exploration and expression are stilted or squelched, so much of the psyche gets buried. Sometimes, never to productively surface again in that life. This breaks my heart.

We so NEED our dreams. We need to know we can attain them, or at least be free to pursue them. They are our freedom.

A person on fire with the passion of their desire for authentic freedom is irresistably beautiful and attractive. Such healthy pursuits will draw out our best from core, stretch us in every way, and expand us into who we truly are...powerful and heroic co-creators.

The practice of creativity keeps our hearts and minds open to these possibilities, gives us courage in the face of fear, and will even show us how to be intentional Master Designers of our lives.

Come, journey with me awhile, and I'll remind you of your greatness, and show you how to reconnect with it on purpose. Creative Thinking Technology ( CTT) is for those who want to TRULY live abundantly.

Get ready for the ride of your life!