Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make the fault the feature

Make the Fault the Feature.
The Only Certainty in Life is Uncertainty.
CHANGE is the one ongoing constant.
So how is it possible to ever FEEL secure? IS it possible?
It is indeed!

Controlling Chaos
Creativity is about being able to flow with change in a productive, even proactive, way. Rather than being a ‘victim’ of uncertainty, it is entirely possible, and I believe even intended, that we become INSTIGATORS of our own evolution.
When a person has practiced approaching life from the creative perspective, change becomes an adventure, simply because it becomes an opportunity to explore new frontiers, whether in relationships, family or business.
The fascinating ‘game’ of exploration and discovery takes hold of our minds.
Earl Nightingale says “...our part is to look with new eyes, the eyes of creation...and become ‘Collaborators in Creation’...”

When you are a conscious contributor in being the agent of change, you will immediately feel more positively toward it. Being willing and open to accept that responsibility is the first step.
But how does creativity bring us to this place of confidence in crisis?

Everything is Ever Evolving & the "Picasso Principle"

Since everything is energy and life is ever growing, the greatest resistance anyone can have to a fulfilling life or business, is to want to stay as they are! We cannot stop the flow of change. NEVER! What we can do is learn how to ride the tides...and this, my friend, we can master!

The skills that ‘playing with creativity’ hones and develops are those that embrace and initiate change. Learning how to objectively see a situation or ‘problem’ from multiple perspectives will allow several, even countless , potential solutions to emerge in your thinking.( I refer to this practice as the “Picasso Principle”, because Pablo Picasso, in his early Cubism work, presented flat versions of 3D images through multi facetted pieces placed adjacent to each other.)

Our friend Earl Nightingale, calls this perspective “Intelligent Objectivity”, and I also call it ‘Detached Observation’. It is about removing yourself from the centre of something and viewing it from without, turning it around and considering all the elements from various viewpoints.

In DECONSTRUCTING something this way, we become aware of ‘hidden information’, and this stimulates new ideas-especially when rearranged into new positions.

Make the Fault the Feature

When crisis dictates change, it helps to view the closing cycles as being transformed, rather than ‘ending’ or ‘dying’. When loss is our focus, it’s hard to see the present, let alone potential, gains...and there are ALWAYS gains. Change doesn’t have to come through calamity, either. New life brings about as much ‘shaking’. Just ask anyone who has had their first baby!

And this is a valid point: personally, I have taken the practice of viewing the cycles of life from this positive perspective that even when something I have so thoroughly enjoyed begins to ebb, I have no fear or regret. I know I have exploited as much opportunity to experience it and grow as I could. I am FULL of gratitude for it, and even if I may miss that old ‘way’ or ‘form’, I am SO excited at what is coming forth, that no sense of diminishing dampens my outlook.

I have literally trained myself to see ‘ends’ as beginnings. What could have been considered a ‘bad’ thing...or a fault (because I didn’t want to ‘let it go’), has become the shining feature, whose benefit brings excitement , adventure and more fulfilment. Through this attitude, I’ve entered joyfully into the flow of change, and this entry came as a result of being able to view things differently, through the “eyes of Creation”.

Habituate to Habitate-the Cure for Instability

I have been practicing Creative Thinking Technology (CTT) long before I ever packaged it and gave it that name. These thinking processes and practices are well and truly part of my wiring, and I know they are responsible for all the GOOD is see everywhere in my life-because I choose HOW I see.

From birth, one trauma after another, one enormous shift after another, one environment after another and even one tragedy after another, created the perfect place for me to learn and master these skills. I feel like an expert in transition. A shape shifter. Now, I’d go as far as saying I’m addicted to the rush of growing through change. Stagnation is something I heard of once, and no more!

Things like CTT can be used in one-off situations with purposeful intent to generate results, but it’s no substitute to a life of Intentional Design. Obepro provides a perfect ‘playing field’ to get creative, with its innovative approach to home business. To make the most of such a cutting edge opportunity, hone those cutting edge skills to wield this fantastic tool. The staples of good business building are in your hands, but the way you build can be as fresh as each sunrise. Being Creative will help you ‘think on feet’ in any contingency and bring you to a whole new depth of personal assurance. AND its FUN!!

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For other videos that accompany this blog go to or http:/


  1. I was hoping you'd have me another video to listen to! Aaaaah!

  2. Stay tuned groover...there's a lot more coming. you'll be begging me to stop in no time!
