Sunday, February 14, 2010

Designer Alignment

Hello All! :-)

Hope you all enjoyed wonderful Valentine moments.

I made a very poor quality recording (on my phone) of myself at my gig singing “My Funny Valentine” and sent it to someone very special. Gotta say I love how technology affords such fantastic ‘connectivity’. I LOVE telling people when I think of them, what I feel for them, and somehow sharing a unique NOW with them-involving them in my life in a very present way. It’s an awesome gift!

So…this week I wanted to look at how we can align to, define and refine our Designer Life and how important it is to keep on our ‘energy toes’ with where our focus is going. A practice of taking time to “align” ourselves with what we want in our lives helps to keep our goals clear. Once that’s done, we can refine any NOW actions that can be taken to begin to align ourselves with the ultimate Design of our lives.

There is, I guarantee it, a lot more of your dreams accessible to you right now then you may even have realised.

My Definition of Alignment

To align oneself, according to me, is to be in harmony with, to agree, to flow with. In alignment there is no sense of resistance, only freedom since all that you are is merged with All-That-is. This may sound rather ethereal, but I’m sure you can tell when you feel ‘out of sync’ with yourself, or your natural rhythms. For example, when an opportunity looks good but something doesn’t feel right=out of alignment. Or when you’re looking into the face of your laughing baby and everything feels utterly perfect=aligned. It’s not really that hard to know the state of ‘alignment’. It FEELS GOOD, in all the healthiest ways. Fear, guilt, frustration=out of alignment and they DON’T feel good.

As we become increasingly familiar with what helps us to ‘connect’ to All-That-Is, we become more adept at staying in that state. Like anything, it takes practice and the creating of new habits-‘habituate to habitate’, but it DOES get easier, and so does intentionally creating your life from that place. When you create from this position, you will LOVE what unfolds.”Always reach for the thought that FEELS better”-Abe-Hicks

How To Go With the Flow

Your talents, gifts and passions are a fantastic ‘door’ into this elusive ‘secret garden’. PLEEEEEASE don’t relegate these things to your retirement, or render them unimportant or inconsequential. Given the ease of connection they offer, and the enormous capacity for personal satisfaction, they become of the utmost importance. They CAN become the very tools by which you SPECIFICALLY fashion your life into being. Mine are. Making time to work on a project or ‘just play’ is NOT NEGOTIABLE. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to complete a work/piece, as long as you have some measurable progress points. It only matters that you really engage with your inner fire.

The other infallible way to ‘align’ is gratitude and appreciation. There’s not a lot around that leverages energy in your favour the way these do. Be genuine. As with ‘playing with your passions’, it’s not what you physically produce that matters , so much as you fully and actively engage in the process. And the longer you do this and the more frequent, the better off you’ll be. Being appreciative of something’s value in your life costs nothing but some thinking. Rather than just listing what you’d miss, if you DIDN”t have something…think intently about what it really means TO have something. EG you know life would be tough without hands, right? But rather than stay in the place of imagining life without them, allow yourself to be fascinated by the life they GIVE YOU. Stop and look at them, look at how they’re made, what it takes for them to function-without your conscious thought. This is the type of DECONSTRUCTION I’ve mentioned before.

Rather than look AT something/someone…look INTO them. You’ll find such rich treasures.

Defining your Desires

When you’re in this state, you have a great sense of needing nothing. You enter into the knowing of “all things are mine” and all it takes to manifest any one of them is the confident acknowledgment that this is so. When you ‘live’ here, and you are on the path of “Zero Resistance”, you receive things swiftly, coz there is nothing in the way.

From this vantage point of Conscious Connection, you get a clear view of what you really want your life to look like. You know what really matters. AT other times, logic may want to come and tell you otherwise, but “Here”, you know. It’s so relieving, and so revealing. So medicinal. If I could physically give anybody anything, it would be to touch them with this feeling and the outlook it brings. Once you’ve tasted it, you’ll be addicted and never settle for less. Your soul knows its Home.

It is knowing WHO YOU ARE and how you fit: what your deepest passions are and what you want to leave as a legacy through them. Here, you will find a way to ‘carve your organic niche’ and leave a major mark on your world.

Refining the Package

I actually devised a CTT workshop for Home Business Operators and Online Business Entrepreneurs called “Carving Your Organic Niche” and it walks people through this process of Aligning and defining and refining their business goals, so that ALL they do is working WITH all that they are! If you’d like to have some interactive webinars like this, let me know . When there is no resistance, things ‘fall’ into place. Synchronicities you could NEVER have imagined, let alone orchestrated, take place all around you. And the REALLY fun part is when you can see how you played an active co-creator role in the specific and intentional masterpiece that is your life.

Living this way is a high like no other. Sure, the times when you’d like to blame someone, or something, else for what’s happening come along. But in accepting that everything is simply a mirror, looking for the insight it carries, being deeply thankful and adjusting our thoughts/energy, then like Simba from the Lion King, we can take our place as powerful participants in the Circle of Life-Creating our dreams and leading the way to show others how they can too-Making this a better place for all.

Why are you here?

A final exhortation just to encourage you to take some time to identify WHY you are in Obepro-or any business. And not just “to make money”, because it ISN’T just money. It’s what you think having money will do for you…in short, how it will make you feel. Imagine I was going to give you a cheque to cover whatever desires you could list in detail with approximate costs. Now…make/draw/collage/write your list in glorious detail. Send a copy to me if you can. :-) have a great Valentine’s Day week…savour it.


Creator CTT Creative Thinking Technology
E.S.C.A.P.E. Outta the Box

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