Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wake Up To Your Dreams!

Your [Conscious and Unconscious] Dreams and the Law of Attraction

I have been fascinated by my sleep time and dreams for as long as I can remember. They have always been a very significant part of my consciousness. In fact, sometimes, the line between waking and sleeping has been so blurred I almost feel the sense of walking in a watery space between these states. And the insights such a state has brought have been profound.

Carl Jung had a lot to say about dreams:
 The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.
                                                             CARL JUNG, The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man

 The general function of dreams is to try to restore our psychological balance by producing dream material that re-establishes, in a subtle way, the total psychic equilibrium.
CARL JUNG, Man and His Symbols
Lisa Shah  Journey Of Colours
A Visual representation of my life as a Journey of Seven x Seven Year Cycles, each depicted by certain colour themes and motifs that reflected my life and state. Since turning 50...the rainbow, I believe has passed through a prism and reverted to white light. I think everyone's journey is about coming back into the light. :) Click image for Related Poem
Jung understood the content of our dreams as being deeply connected to the universal language of Myth. For every variation of symbolic meaning found from culture to culture and throughout history, there are multitudes more common motifs, themes and characters. Like laughter and tears, joy and horror, the human race shares a collective grasp across the board of life experience.

Storytelling,  Ritual and The Arts-the  Offspring of Dreams

From this basis, it only makes sense that storytelling became the earliest and singularly strongest mode for imparting understanding. Oral traditions were  theatre’s infancy of story-telling and ritual and these practises, though not fully appreciated by the average modern westerner, are still phenomenally active in all societies and woven most deeply into every aspect of our consciousness-especially our sub conscious, impacting us in a far more penetrating way than commonly aware.

All the Arts are so interconnected with this world, that to incorporate a more active engagement with creativity through the Arts will also increase one’s awareness and understanding of it. I know they have been a massive part of my developing ability to communicate effectively this way. I don’t sing, play, draw and speak my messages just to make it more entertaining, I am effectively widening my language net to meet everyone on some deeper level of connection. The images I draw are from the universal mind of collective consciousness, mixed with my historic and cultural influences. The music I play, the jargon, the lyrics, they are all TOOLS designed to bring people back into this place of CONSCIOUS CONNECTION.

Law Of Attraction-Servant to our Dreams

This language is rich in meaning and value for the health of our personal  development and individual fulfilment and holds the key to the great unfolding of human evolution. It is a gift. A remnant connection to the part of us that is ONE with All That Is, as primal as procreating and giving birth, and as such has access to all the answers we could ever need to live the fullest lives of our waking dreams, well beyond our logical minds ability to grapple with.

The whole of creation is being formed and steered  through this shadowy world of metaphor and can be interpreted via these principles.  Better yet, the individual life can be actively shaped by understanding how to perceive, interpret and apply this knowledge. This is where dreams and their meaning offer enormous potential for manifesting our highest hopes and bringing our greatest desires to fruition. They reveal where our hearts lie.
“As a man think in his heart, so is he”  Pr 23:7
“Above all else, guard your heart-for out of it flow the issues of life. Pr 4:23

Ongoing, Unfolding Revelation 

What I present here is merely the “tippy top” of the tip of the ice berg of how your sleeping dreams and the personal symbolism they can reveal to you can empower you to leave fear far behind as you walk in a greater freedom equipped with the knowing that you are always connected to all you need through the Creator that lives and breathes in you.  Through your growing awareness, your discernment of what the core issues are and even how to address them will astound you.

Actually, the analogy of the ice berg is a perfect representation of the human psyche’s consciousness. To access the other 90% of our abilities that we are purported as not using can come via these concepts.

The Greatest News
And here is the best bit!!! You don’t have to be academic. You don’t have to be especially smart. You don’t need any special talents, or any great skills beyond your capacity to develop. Everybody dreams.
This information is for EVERYONE. It can be understood by children and progressively mastered by adults.
There are formal and academic versions, but I want to make it so much more integrated to daily life, because this is the arena in which it belongs-with the regular person.

It’s time to wake up people! Wake up to Your Dreams

Recommended  reference material Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Giving Thanks-Document the Dream

There is nothing greater than seeing people happy in their lives and to know that you are a part of that happiness. Loving somebody that loves you back is SOOO wonderful. Thank you to all these people and the many more, I've yet to post about for making my trip so amazing! here's a little bit of a video blog  ( or vlog) This is also an original song Forgotten How to Live Without You Chorus And it seems like I've forgotten how to live without you Forgotten whatit is to breathe when I'm not breathing with you Waking sleeping, everything in between I'm lost and found in you  my dream All I am's with you it seems. I've forgotten how to live without you. Verse It's taken decades to get me here, to bring out all the best in me It's taken trauma, triumph, trial and tear, to wrestle out the less of me All in readiness for you, my dear, to connect and find the rest of me So, we can share, year after year, living out our destiny! Chorus Verse 2 And you've travelled your road as well, twists and turns through which you've come So you can meet with me and gel our hearts into a single drum We've become what we desired, all our lives for which we've longed To be "Home" in each other's fire, to be Here where we belong Chorus BRIDGE And I can't say exactly how this feels And I just can't tell you what it means to have this real But I'm Oh, so glad we never quit believing, never relinquished our hopes. Coz now, we've found each other, never yielded to deceiving. Fused as one together, we ain't ever leaving Chorus And it seems like I've forgotten how to live without you Forgotten whatit is to breathe when I'm not breathing with you Waking sleeping, everything in between I'm lost and found in you  my dream All I am's with you it seems. I've forgotten how to live without you.