Saturday, September 19, 2009

Glenn's Song

Some months ago, I started to focus heavily on building an online presence and widening my network of connections.
My intention was to be able to build my business of singing/speaking/writing/composing....all of what I do (lol). As I joined several networks,I was also journeying into local business netwroks as well,wnting to get the ball rolling more in my ACTUAL as well as VIRTual world.
The hope was/is that ingetting the local things moving, I would get some income and notoriety generated here and now, whilst planning to move into something much more virtual-interactive, passive and residual. Not INSTEAD of the face-to-face but as another facet that builds on it and really capitalises on what it makes available.

Anyway, I joined Boundless Living ( NING),Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (3 xs! couldn't delete disused one) regular and Music, Perfect networker, blogspot, UTube, as well as my own sites, on Sonicbids, Portraits and Escape ...and , would you believe, even more since! It's pretty easy to find me-even amongst all the other "Lisa Shah"s.

At some point, A few months back, someone did find me on Twitter. His name is Glenn K Garnes (RMC BLog Talk Radio ), and something about that held a 'good' energy for us both, so we connected, shared Skype calls and found out bit more about each other. He knew nothing of me, except what he found on Twitter, and the draw he felt to know more.

Glenn has his finger in SOOO many pies, and now, a retired attorney, all his work is based around Social Media and Building relationships as the foundational basis for all healthy and prosperous marketing. He is the greatest Connector and even won a recent reward through the Small Business to prove it!

After a call or two, he found out about my singing ( he'd only known about the Creative Thinking Side) and mentioned using a song as an intro for a radio interview or something. He has a weekly cable TV show too, and so, one day recently, when I sat at my piano, and thought about how our association was becoming such a vast instrument of good, this song came out.

The content reflected my own personal experience through Social Media (SM) marketing, and meeting Glenn the SM Guru, and was also a very appropriate 'fit' as a theme song for his shows...both in his personal tastes musically, and lyric content for shows.
This song flowed out so effortlessly and impacted me so well,that I felt a resurgence of creative connection to Source, that I'd not felt compositionally for some time...and that meant SO much to me.

As a result, for me, this song MEANS something. It's real for me. It's not a jingle for an ad. it's a testimony that validates the very thing Glenn is all about- the power of connecting.

And it is my ENORMOUS pleasure to present it here, as a 'thank you' to him. :-)


Song Lyrics following:
I found out what
I’ve been missing
All this time been thinking I had to
Go it alone

Then I saw you and a
Kind of reminiscing
Filled my heart with knowing that I
had you here
all along

That’s when I saw you as my family
Found you as my friends
Strength through our community never ends
We are connected, your win is my gain
I’ll never feel this loneliness again
Verse 2
Time after time, after
Being last in line
I thought I had to find, a way to
Rely on myself

But I reached out and found
There’s oh so many around
And to my heart they bound, to be there
Whenever I call.........for Help
That’s when I found you as family
Found you as my friends
Strength in our community never ends
We are connected, your win is my gain
I’ll never feel this loneliness again

One tribe, one in unity
What could ever break these bonds we know?
One heart, a heart that can’t be broken
Coz we are family
We are true friends
Strength through our community never ends....
Never ends. (key change)

One voice, one in energy
What could ever break these bonds we know?
One heart, a heart that can’t be broken
Coz we are family
And we are true friends
Strength through our community never ends
We are connected, your win is my gain
I’ll never feel that loneliness again.

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